EXTREME Singer's THE WHO Tribute Band Schedules Massachusetts Concert - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

EXTREME Singer's THE WHO Tribute Band Schedules Massachusetts Concert

April 9, 2008

SLIP KID, a THE WHO tribute band featuring EXTREME vocalist Gary Cherone (VAN HALEN, EXTREME) and his brother Mark Cherone (guitar, vocals),will play at the Regent Theatre in Arlington, Massachusetts on Friday, April 25.

According to the group's official bio, SLIP KID was born from a common bond that has influenced brothers Cherone from the very beginning and continues to inspire today.

The band consists of veterans of the Boston music scene, with Gary's former bandmate, singer, songwriter Paul Mangone on bass, and the manic antics of Keith Moon handled by Dana Spellman on drums. Rounding out the sound on keyboards and programming is Jeff Calder.

For more information on SLIP KID, visit the group's MySpace page.

Gary Cherone previously took part in another tribute to THE WHO called AMAZING JOURNEY in which he was joined by drummer Mike Portnoy (DREAM THEATER),guitarist Paul Gilbert (MR. BIG, RACER X) and bassist Billy Sheehan (MR. BIG, DAVID LEE ROTH, TALAS). The group played three very special shows in May 2006 Whittier, CA; Chicago, IL; and New York, NY and released a DVD and CD of its May 31, 2006 concert at the B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in New York City.

Video footage of Portnoy and Gilbert destroying their instruments at the conclusion of the debut performance by AMAZING JOURNEY on May 27, 2006 at The Center Theater Stage in Whittier, California can be viewed below. The clip also includes Cherone's already-legendary full-body dive into Portnoy's obliterated custom-made drum set, which resulted in Gary busting the back of his head open and bleeding all over the drums.

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