Boston Latin School - Lohnt es sich? Aktuell für 2024 (Mit fotos)
Boston Latin School
Boston Latin School
Das sagen Reisende
Delightful sidewalk hop-scotch mosaic marks the spot for Boston's first public school
4,0 von fünf PunktenSept. 2019
Die Markierung für Bostons erste Schule befindet sich auf dem Bürgersteig neben dem Alten Rathaus. Umgeben von einem roten Backsteinrahmen erinnerte mich dieser Marker an den Hop - Scotch eines Kindes, mit der Ausnahme, dass auf den Quadraten auf einem Schulgelände Kinder abgebildet waren sowie die üblichen Zahlen und Buchstaben um das gesamte Bild herum. Oben auf dem "Hop - scotch" stand ein Bild der Schule, die einst an dieser Stelle stand. Das Skript im Hop - Scotch gab die Dimensionen der 1635 erbauten Schule als 40 Fuß lang und 20 Fuß breit an und besaß 2 Fensterebenen - 8 im Erdgeschoss und 4 auf dem Dach. Den Schülern wurde Lesen, Schreiben, Mathematik und Latein beigebracht, wobei die lateinischen Inschriften auf dem Bild und das Wort in seinem Namen berücksichtigt wurden. Gezeigt wurden auch die Namen berühmter Ehemaliger wie Sam Adams, John Hancock, Ben Franklin und RW Emerson. An einer Wand über dem Bürgersteigsdenkmal der ersten öffentlichen Schule Bostons befand sich ein gerahmtes Plakat, das weitere Informationen über die Schule enthielt - das Gründungsdatum, die Benennung der Schulstraße und das Datum, an dem 1745 indische Schüler angenommen wurden und nicht bezahlen mussten. Unser Führer auf dem Freedom Trail hat uns auf diese Seite hingewiesen. sonst hätten wir es verpassen können, als hätten wir ein rotes Backstein - Schulgebäude gesucht.

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4,0 von fünf Punkten45 Bewertungen
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Guilherme P
Brasilia, DF369 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Sept. 2022
Primeira escola pública gratuita dos Estados Unidos. Entre os alunos Benjamin Franklin- cientista, editor, jornalista e diplomata. Foi o primeiro embaixador dos USA na França. Um dos pais fundadores do país. Detalhe os índios também poderiam estudar gratuitamente em 1645.
Verfasst am 10. September 2022
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New York City, NY3.259 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Nov. 2021
I visited the site of the original Boston Latin School in November 2021 as part of doing the Freedom Trail. This is the oldest public school in the United States. I was reading my Freedom Trail guide book when I realized that I had walked past it and had to backtrack. Right next to the King's Chapel, there is a mosaic in the sidewalk which marks the spot of the Old Boston Latin School. The mosaic is beautiful and worth a photo (I had to wait until people cleared out so I could take a photo). The building near the mosaic is the Old City Hall. There is a statue of Benjamin Franklin in front.
Verfasst am 1. Dezember 2021
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Vancouver, Kanada1.836 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Sept. 2019
The marker for Boston's first school is on the sidewalk adjacent to the Old City Hall. Surrounded by a red brick frame, this marker reminded me of a child's hop-scotch, except that it had images of children playing on a school ground in the squares as well as the usual numbers and alphabet letters around the whole image. At the top of the "hop-scotch" was an image of the school that once stood at this location. The script in the hop-scotch gave the dimensions of the school, built in 1635, as 40 feet long x 20 feet wide and that it had 2 levels of windows - 8 on the ground floor and 4 in the roof. The students were taught reading, writing, mathematics and Latin judging by the Latin inscriptions on the image and the word in its name. Also shown were the names of famous alumni like Sam Adams, John Hancock, Ben Franklin, and RW Emerson. On a wall above the sidewalk memorial to Boston's first public school was a framed poster providing more information about the school - its founding date, the naming of School Street, and that by 1745 Indian students were accepted and didn't have to pay. Our guide on the Freedom Trail walk pointed out this site to us; otherwise we could have missed it as we would have been looking for a red-brick school building.
Verfasst am 29. Oktober 2019
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orietta b
Genua, Italien7.178 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Sept. 2019
La prima scuola pubblica per ricchi e poveri, solo maschietti, ovviamente: Franklin fu un allievo. Un mosiaico ricorda il luogo dove si trovava l'edificio. All'entrata dell'attuale palazzo simpatico asinello e varie targhe ricordano come è nato l' asino come simbolo dei Democratici e l'elefante per i Repubblicani
Verfasst am 20. Oktober 2019
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Tucson18.350 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Sept. 2019
Puritans stressed education as it was necessary to be able to read the bible. This Boston Latin School (boy's school) was established in 1635 but you'll not be able to tour it unless you are a Bostonian and have a child being considered for admission. Today, 2,400 pupils attend this prestigious school.

It is still a very imposing landmark along the Freedom Trail and sits behind the King's Church Burial Ground.
Verfasst am 8. Oktober 2019
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Kim G
Pacific Grove, Kalifornien3.187 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Sept. 2018
Along The Freedom Trail and worthy of inspection lies an interesting, unique and somewhat complex, colorful mosaic representing the original site of the 1635 Boston Latin School, the oldest public school in America. Whether rich or poor, the school was open to all. The original Boston Latin School was torn down for expansion of King's Chapel; however, the school is still in existence having relocated to other locals. In 1972 Boston Latin School started its acceptance of female students as well. Five of the signers of the Declaration of Independence attended Boston Latin School: Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Robert Treat Paine, William Hooper and Benjamin Franklin, who unbelievably was the only one of the five who did not graduate. Here stands the statue of Benjamin Franklin which should be viewed from four directions, representing differing aspects of his famous life.
Verfasst am 25. August 2019
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Augusta, GA1.493 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Sept. 2018
The Latin School is a credit to American Capitalism. An old school building, is credited as being the first restoration and re-purposing of a historic public building into commercial space. Today it is a Ruth's Criss Steakhouse.
Verfasst am 18. August 2019
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Palatine, IL601 Beiträge
3,0 von fünf Punkten
Juni 2019 • Allein/Single
This is just a Placque in the sidewalk as a memorial. Do not go out of your way to find this. It is along the Freedom Trail so just incorporate it into your walk.
Verfasst am 12. Juli 2019
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Galesburg, IL891 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Apr. 2019 • Paare
We bought an app for walking downtown Boston's Freedom Trail and used it several times before making our trip to Boston. So it was fun when we got to see the sites we read about and put it all into perspective. Benjamin Franklin was a dropout from this school. So it was fun to see where it is and what it looks like.
Verfasst am 15. Mai 2019
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Gabriele A
Verona, Italien14.039 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
März 2019 • Allein/Single
Era la prima scuola pubblica di Boston, completamente gratuita.
Solo per ragazzo fino al 1972. Tra i suoi studenti ricordiamo Franklin.
Un mosaico ricorda il posto in cui la scuola stava.
Verfasst am 20. März 2019
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Boston Latin School - Lohnt es sich? Aktuell für 2024 (Mit fotos)

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