Prince Harry's revelations in his memoir Spare and Oprah TV interview may be used against him

Prince Harry’s revelations in his memoir Spare and Oprah TV interview may be used against him

Daily Mail publisher denies phone-hacking and bugging high-profile celebrities

Oprah Winfrey interviews the Duke and Duchess of Susse
Oprah Winfrey interviews the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Credit: REUTERS

The Duke of Sussex’s “most intimate and private” revelations made in his memoir and his Oprah Winfrey interview may be used against him in court, it has emerged.

Prince Harry is among a group of high-profile figures including Sir Elton John, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon, Sadie Frost and Liz Hurley who have brought legal action against Associated Newspapers, publisher of the Daily Mail.

The allegations include the hiring of private investigators to place listening devices inside cars, blagging private records, and accessing and recording private phone conversations.

In the publisher’s written defence, made public on Wednesday, Andrew Caldecott KC and Adrian Beltrami KC said the Duke’s case was “without foundation and is an affront to the hard-working professional journalists whose reputations and integrity, as well as that of Associated itself, are wrongly traduced”.

They noted that during the relevant time period, the Duke “provided the media with private information about himself”, adding: “The claimant also revealed the most intimate and private matters about himself (as well as his wife and his wider family) in his autobiography, Spare, published in 2023 and, similarly, in interviews given to Tom Bradby and Oprah Winfrey in October 2019, March 2021 and January 2023.

“Associated reserves the right to refer to further such examples following disclosure.”

The publisher argued that the case had been “brought opportunistically” following the Duke’s previous legal claims against Mirror Group Newspapers and News Group Newspapers.

Duke of Sussex leaves the High Court in London
Duke of Sussex leaves the High Court in London Credit: TOBY MELVILLE/REUTERS

It suggested that the Duke intended to present his claims against Associated “as if they are just another instance of that unrelated litigation”.

In the documents setting out the Duke’s claim, some 70 current or former journalists are named in relation to their time at Associated Newspaper titles.

The Duke’s barrister, David Sherborne, said he would argue that information obtained by private investigators on behalf of Associated and its journalists was “unlawfully or illegally obtained”.

However, the publisher said the Duke’s case was “replete with sweeping allegations of serious criminal conduct which lack even the most basic of particulars”.

It continued: “It is denied that Associated’s journalists widely and habitually carried out, or commissioned the carrying out of, illegal or unlawful information gathering activities.”

No findings have been yet made and the legal claims are in the preliminary stages.

Prince Harry and David Sherborne, his lead lawyer
Prince Harry and David Sherborne, his lead lawyer Credit: FRANK AUGSTEIN/AP

An Associated Newspapers spokesperson said it had filed “a trenchant defence of its journalism” against claims of phone-hacking brought by Prince Harry, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Sir Simon Hughes and a number of showbusiness celebrities.

It said in a statement: “In papers submitted to the High Court, the publisher of the Daily Mail and The Mail On Sunday denied under oath that its journalists had commissioned or obtained information derived from phone hacking, phone tapping, bugging, computer or email hacking, or burglary to order.

“Associated also denied claims made by Prince Harry and Baroness Lawrence that it commissioned private investigators Gavin Burrows and Jonathan Rees, as well as claims by Sir Simon Hughes that it commissioned convicted phone hacker Glenn Mulcaire.

“Indeed, it is highly significant that Gavin Burrows has retracted a statement he allegedly gave to the claimants, on which their case appears to be based.

“The publisher stands by its previous statements that the claims are preposterous and without foundation, and says in its defence submission that the case brought by the prince and others is ‘an affront to the hard-working journalists whose reputations and integrity, as well as those of Associated itself, are wrongly traduced’.

“It says that the stories concerned, many of which were published 20 or more years ago, and not subject to any complaint at the time, were the product of responsible journalism based on legitimate sources.”

Spokesmen on behalf of The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times declined to comment.

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