I’ve changed my phone number. How can I access my subscription?
I’ve changed my phone number. How can I access my subscription?

Users do not have the option to edit their phone number used for the subscription.

If you have lost your mobile number or are planning to change the number, we can transfer your subscription from the old mobile number to the new one.

If you have already subscribed but don’t remember the phone number on which the subscription was purchased, please click here and send us the requested information so that we can help you with your subscription status.

If you wish to change the phone number on your Disney+ Hotstar subscription, please ensure that you have the following information ready:

  1. Your current mobile number

  2. Your new mobile number (Please register on Disney+ Hotstar by logging in with the number and OTP)

  3. Reason to change the mobile number

  4. Please confirm if you still have access to the existing subscribed mobile number.

  5. Proof of payment*

*Please know that the proof required is from the actual financial instrument used to purchase the subscription.


Payment Mode

Proof of Purchase

Debit Card / Netbanking

Bank statement


UPI transaction screenshot


Paytm transaction screenshot


iTunes invoice

UPI payment via Phonepe

Phonepe transaction screenshot

Credit Card

Credit Card Statement

Once you have all the details, please create a ticket by clicking on this link: https://help.hotstar.com/in/en/support/tickets/new​​​

Our Customer Support team will check the details and reply to you within 24 to 48 hours.  

Please note: Users who have Disney+ Hotstar subscription as a part of their Phone recharges from various telecom service providers or coupons availed from promo-partners can reach out to their service/coupon provider for any Phone number change requests.