set up - English-Spanish Dictionary -

set up

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
set [sth] up,
set up [sth]
vtr + adv
(establish)instalar vtr
  establecer vtr
  poner vtr
 They set the new store up on Maple Street.
 Instalaron una nueva tienda en la calle Maple.
set [sth] up,
set up [sth]
vtr + adv
(assemble)montar vtr
  armar vtr
 I bought my son a swing set and had to set it up in the yard yesterday.
 Le compré a mi hijo un columpio para el jardín y tuve que montarlo ayer.
set [sb] up,
set up [sb]
vtr phrasal sep
informal (incriminate falsely)tender una trampa a loc verb
 He's really paranoid and always thinks people are trying to set him up.
 Es un paranoico que piensa que la gente siempre está tratando de tenderle una trampa.
  (ES, vulgar)dejar con el culo al aire a expr
 Es un paranoico que piensa que la gente siempre está tratando de dejarlo con el culo al aire.
  (AR, coloquial)hacerle una cama a expr
 Es un paranoico que piensa que la gente siempre está tratando de hacerle una cama.
set [sth] up,
set up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(arrange)poner vtr
  acomodar vtr
 Helen set up the chairs in a semi-circle.
set [sth] up,
set up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(organize)organizar vtr
  (informal)arreglar, armar vtr
 Can we set up a meeting for 8 November?
set [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (two people: get together)arreglarle una cita a loc verb
  poner en contacto a loc verb
 George and Lisa met when mutual friends set them up.
 George y Lisa se encontraron cuando amigos en común les arreglaron una cita.
set [sb] up with [sb],
set up [sb] with [sb]
v expr
(get [sb] together with [sb])arreglarle una cita a alguien con loc verb
  poner en contacto a alguien con loc verb
 Ed's sister tried to set him up with one of her friends, but they didn't hit it off.
 La hermana de Ed intentó arreglarle una cita con una de sus amigas, pero no tuvieron química.
set [sb] up with [sth] v expr mainly US, informal (pay for drinks) (de bebidas)pagar la ronda a loc verb
  pagarle los tragos a loc verb
 That generous woman set us all up with drinks last night.
 Aquella generosa mujer nos pagó la ronda a todos anoche.
  (informal)ponerse con los tragos loc verb
  pagar los copetes a loc verb
set [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (computing: configure)configurar vtr
 The Tech Support engineer set up my new computer.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
also UK: set-up
(arrangement)arreglo nm
  espacio nm
 You've got a great setup here for working from home.
 Tienes un gran arreglo aquí para trabajar desde tu casa.
also UK: set-up
(gathered equipment)equipo nm
 We left our setup on stage for tomorrow night's concert.
 Dejamos los equipos en el escenario para el concierto de mañana.
also UK: set-up
informal (hoax, trap)trampa nf
  ardid nm
 They invited you there as a set-up to rob your house.
 Te invitaron allá como una trampa para robar tu casa.
also UK: set-up
(computing: installation)configuración nf
 Double-click on the icon to start the setup.
 Haz doble clic en el icono para comenzar la configuración.
also UK: set-up
(art: arrangement of objects)disposición nf
  organización nf
 I'm going to paint a simple still life set-up with a vase of flowers and a table cloth.
 Voy a realizar una pintura con la disposición de un bodegón, con un jarrón de flores y un mantel.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Compound Forms:
set up | setup
set up camp v expr (establish campsite)acampar vtr
  armar campamento, montar campamento loc verb
set up shop v expr (open a business)abrir un negocio loc verb
 Linda's set up shop doing sewing repairs and dressmaking.
 Linda abrió un negocio haciendo arreglos y confección de ropa.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

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