Term Dates - Dragon School Oxford

Term Dates

Term Dates 2023-24

Summer Term 2024

Boarders return: Wednesday 17th April (evening)
Term begins: Thursday 18th April
Exeat: Friday 3rd May (lunchtime) to evening of Monday 6th May (including
May Bank Holiday)
Half-Term: Friday 24th May (lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 2nd June (including Spring Bank Holiday)
Exeat: Friday 14th June (lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 16th June
Term ends: Saturday 6th July (after Sports Day)

Autumn Term 2024

Boarders return: Wednesday 4th September
Term begins: Thursday 5th September
Exeat: Friday 27th September (lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 29th September
Half-Term: Friday 18th October (Lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 3rd November
Exeat: Friday 22nd November (Lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 24th November
Term ends: Saturday 14th December (after Dragon Sale)

Spring Term 2025

Boarders return: Wednesday 8th January (evening)
Term begins: Thursday 9th January
Exeat: Friday 24th January (Lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 26 January
Half-Term: Friday 14th February (lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 23rd February
Exeat: Friday 14 March (lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 16 March
Term ends: Friday 28th March

Summer Term 2025

Boarders return: Wednesday 23rdApril (evening)
Term begins: Thursday 24th April
Exeat: Friday 2nd May to evening of Monday 5th May (including
May Bank Holiday)
Half-Term: Friday 23rd May (lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 1st June (including Spring Bank Holiday)
Exeat: Friday 13th June (lunchtime) to evening of Sunday 15th June
Term ends: Saturday 5th July (after Sports Day)

Discover the Dragon

Book an Open Morning

There's only one way to properly experience the Dragon and that is to come and see us in action. We hold Open Mornings every term at both the Pre-Prep and the Prep.

Book now

How to apply

When it comes to education, one size doesn’t fit all. Finding the right school is a highly personal, two-way process and our Admissions team are on hand to answer any questions you have.

Call us on +44 (0)1865 315 405 / 413.

Email Admissions

Discover Quest

Join us for our Saturday Dragon Quest: a thrilling enrichment programme where children learn new skills and try out new things. Some of the activities have direct academic benefits; others are focused on building friendships and life skills. 

Discover more
