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Neverwhere Copertina flessibile – 18 marzo 2021

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'Prose that dances and dazzles . . . Gaiman describes the indescribable'

'It's virtually impossible to read more than ten words by Neil Gaiman and not wish he would tell you the rest of the story'

'Much too clever to be caught in the net of a single interpretation'


'I love doors. Anything that leads to possibilities'


Under the streets of London lies a world most people could never dream of.

When Richard Mayhew stops to help a girl he finds bleeding in the street, his unremarkable life changes in an instant.

This act of kindness leads him to a place filled with murderers and angels, pale girls in black velvet, a Beast in a labyrinth and an Earl who holds Court in a tube train. It is strangely familiar yet utterly bizarre.

Here is London Below, the city of people who have fallen between the cracks. And for Richard Mayhew, it's just the beginning.



**Includes an introduction to the author's preferred text, How the Marquis Got His Coat Back short story, reading-group discussion questions, an 'Altogether Different Prologue' and an interview with Neil Gaiman**

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Descrizione prodotto


A very fine and imaginative writer ― The Times

'Gaiman has a rich imagination...and an ability to tackle large themes' ―
Philip Pullman

Descrizione del libro

The extraordinary first novel by the master of storytelling.

Dettagli prodotto

  • Editore ‏ : ‎ Headline; 1° edizione (18 marzo 2021)
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • Copertina flessibile ‏ : ‎ 448 pagine
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 147228335X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1472283351
  • Peso articolo ‏ : ‎ 240 g
  • Dimensioni ‏ : ‎ 11 x 3.2 x 17.8 cm
  • Recensioni dei clienti:

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Neil Gaiman
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Recensioni clienti

4,5 su 5 stelle
4,5 su 5
30.478 valutazioni globali

Recensioni migliori da Italia

Recensito in Italia il 8 ottobre 2022
Magnifico, la copertina rigida lo rende robusto, e le pagine sono piacevoli anche solo da guardare, da piacere anche solo maneggiarlo, davvero super consigliato soprattutto agli amanti dei libri cartacei
Una persona l'ha trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 7 ottobre 2015
'Neverwhere' è un romanzo interessante, con un'ambientazione estremamente curata e particolare, indubbiamente originale. Inoltre, la prosa di Gaiman è sempre piacevole: spigliata, ironica e divertente.
Ricorda un po' una fiaba, 'Neverwhere', con una serie di personaggi strani ( nobili, angeli, uomini in grado di parlare con i topi, sicari, vagabondi, cacciatrici e quant'altro), tutti abitanti degli oscuri sotterranei della grande metropoli britannica (Londra Sopra). E poi c'è l'Eroe, un timido e impacciato giovane londinese, che suo malgrado si trova invischiato in una pericolosa quest.
E' vero, l'archetipo dell'eroe che intraprende un viaggio alla ricerca di un artefatto magico non è cosa nuova, in letteratura, ma credo che Gaiman lo usi solo per costruire attorno a Richard tutto quello che vive, si agita e brulica nella Londra Sotto, in cui gli emarginati della Londra di sopra scivolano e si perdono. Un pretesto insomma.
Naturalmente non si tratta di un romanzo privo di difetti (alcuni anche gravi, a mio parere): la trama risulta prevedibile, non tutti i personaggi sono caratterizzati a dovere, di molte situazioni non si capisce il perché, nulla ci viene spiegato riguardo alle baronie e ai feudi, molte azioni dei personaggi principali rimangono lì, senza che ci sia chiaro perché essi si comportano in questa maniera, il finale è abbastanza scontato etc'
Ma in 'Neverwhere' ci sono anche il Marquis de Carabas. E Mr. Croup e Mr. Vandemar.
Ecco, leggete 'Neverwhere' per Mr. Croup e Mr. Vandemar. E' il miglior consiglio che posso darvi.

Per tutti coloro che cercano una storia fuori dall'ordinario.

'Richard wrote a diary entry in his head.
Dear Diary, he began. On Friday I had a job, a fiancée, a home, and a life that made sense. (Well, as much as any life makes sense). Then I found an injured girl bleeding on the pavement, and I tried to be a Good Samaritan. Now I've got no fiancée, no home, no job, and I'm walking around a couple of hundred feet under the streets of London with the projected life expectancy of a suicidal fruitfly.'
Una persona l'ha trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 27 settembre 2013
Nonostante il mio inglese non sia eccellente, ho letto il libro d'un fiato. La storia è sorprendente, delirante, immaginifica, meravigliosa.
Mi è sempre piaciuto Neil Gaiman e devo dire che, dopo aver finito questo libro, lo amo ancora di più.
I personaggi sono fantastici, ci si affeziona persino ai due più crudeli, persino ai più fragili.
Un'avventura che fa venir voglia di scoprire se c'è davvero, o no, un "Underworld" sotto la nostra città.

Even if my english is not so well, i read the book without taking a breathe. The plot is intriguing, surprising, delirant, magic, wonderful.
I Always liked Gaiman, and after this book, now I love him.
Characters are Amazing, you will love also the most violent two of them, even the most fragile.
This is an adventure that makes you wish if there is an underworld even in our city.
Recensito in Italia il 3 settembre 2020
Fairly short, but may be a good thing when many writers go way too long talking about nothing or repeating themselves.
Personally, I found it to be the best "urban fantasy" around, despite (or because) the protagonist doesn't really go around fighting magical things around each corner as a pastime activity.
Recensito in Italia il 7 ottobre 2019
Grande storia di una Londra sconosciuta. Lettura serale o fine settimana leggera, appassionante e piena di personaggi interessanti. Da leggere assolutamente
Recensito in Italia il 14 gennaio 2019
It's one of the most visionary tales of Neil Gaiman, and it's really easy to identify with Richard. A must read!
Recensito in Italia il 22 ottobre 2020
Gaiman si conferma un autore in altalena, almeno per me. Ci sono libri come stardust e Coraline che sono geniali, brillanti e coinvolgenti, ed altri come questo e American Gods che sembrano trascinarsi e non finire mai. L'ho piantato lì a metà, vinto dalla noiosa baraonda di eventi che non suscitano il minimo interesse. E' un po' come trovarsi in una piazza affollata bendati: non si può certo dire che non succeda niente, ma di certo non è divertente!
Recensito in Italia il 24 ottobre 2017
This book is one of my favourite! I bought it three times, one in my native language, one in comic version and this one. I'm so happy for this
Una persona l'ha trovato utile

Le recensioni migliori da altri paesi

5,0 su 5 stelle Quirky and deep, the illustrations are perfection
Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 13 luglio 2021
Gaiman has always been hit or miss for me. Some of his books I love, some I don’t care for, so I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about Neverwhere, outside of the fact that there’s something deeply satisfying about holding the illustrated version—something about thick little hardcovers is just the best feeling. Anyway, Neverwhere is a not subtle in its message: the homeless are invisible to those who want to pretend the “problem” doesn’t exist—but make it magic that has a very Tim Burton feel, because this is Gaiman, after all. When Richard sees one of those who have fallen through the cracks—a citizen of London Below—and proceeds to help her, it sets off a chain of events that plunges him into London Below and makes him just as invisible to London Above, and his old life, as the rest of the characters in this novel. In which there a lot, all of which are unique and magical and so beautifully distinct from each other. I even loved Mr Vandemar and Mr Croup who are unequivocally terrible people, but they are written in such a creative way that I couldn’t help but love them just as much as Richard and our heroine Door, with her opal-colored eyes.

I loved the prose of Neverwhere, it read almost like it was meant for children when it’s so clearly not. There’s this whimsy to it, alongside Gaiman’s love of a metaphor and simile, which made the whole style just as magical as London Below. Speaking of, I loved the characters that populated this secret place. Gaiman was able to weave in a complex mystery and twists and turns into something that should have been an otherwise very straight forward plot: find out why/who is after Door and killed her family, and get Richard back to London Above. Gaimain, in this particular book anyway, is able to make you love and care for a character so, so deeply and then cut you to the core by taking them away all in one chapter. He’s also able to play with your mind about what is truly reality for Richard, and who should our main characters trust in a way that really added to the twists at the end. It was masterfully done!

I will say that I read A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab before reading Neverwhere, and after reading Gaiman’s book, it’s really easy to see where Schwab got a lot of inspiration for that series: everything from the different types of Londons that only one person really seems to be able to move between, and even a certain magical coat. I’m not mad about this at all! It’s clear that Schwab idolizes Gaiman, and her writing is an homage to that without being a rip off. Its just something to keep in mind if you read this and things start sounding… familiar.

All in all, this was a perfectly satisfying read—from just holding the book, to the perfect illustrations, the magical whimsy of the writing, and the cast of incredible characters that inhabit London Below. The story is dark, but with moments of tenderness and humor so I never felt bogged down to the point where I could no longer appreciate the imagery. Gaiman’s fantasy is always a reflection of reality with fantastic elements, so the ugly parts of our world are still present, but made magic so when you read you don’t necessarily feel preached to. But I can definitely understand why this style may not be for everyone—Gaiman doesn’t describe anything in a straightforward manner, instead almost tricking the reader into visualizing these delightful things. Which I loved, personally! This book was quirky and deep, fantastic and the kind of realistic urban fantasy I didn’t know I was missing until now, which is why this gets an easy 5 stars from me!
54 persone l'hanno trovato utile
5,0 su 5 stelle The best of Neil Gaiman
Recensito in Spagna il 26 marzo 2024
Just perfect.
5,0 su 5 stelle Schöne Ausgabe
Recensito in Germania il 3 marzo 2024
Schönes Buch mit hübschen Illustrationen, Story mag ich auch, sollte im Original gelesen werden, auch wenn die Übersetzungen über die Jahre besser geworden sind.
5,0 su 5 stelle Awesome!
Recensito in India il 19 dicembre 2023
Amazing quality... And seems like a good read... Neil Gaiman's best.. this one and Coraline. Nice artwork btw. Beautiful.
5,0 su 5 stelle Opens the door that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Spellbinding...
Recensito nel Regno Unito il 1 novembre 2023
As another reviewer - Sarah Wibrow - said; "Perhaps there's no such thing as ordinary. All we need is that catalyst to find the extraordinary within us." I think this is a perfect description of the reluctant, but amiable protagonist, and part of what makes this novel so insightful and thought-provoking despite it being fantasy. Richard Mayhew is typically 'English' and in this era where white males from a country with a colonial past are rarely portrayed positively in popular culture any more, it reminded me of all there is to celebrate in our unassuming, polite, yet quietly principled young men. There was much that resonated with me in the story too - not only Narnia but Alice in Wonderland and many English gothic novels. This notion of what lies beneath - both people and places - is profound and intriguing. My son is a policeman in London and his stories of the city's underside also remind me of this parallel, alternative world we barely glimpse. Of course there are no angels or mythological beasts but this novel makes you believe there could be. I loved the interplay between the familiar topography of London on the surface and the dreamlike dimension Richard comes to inhabit. In fact there are many dreamlike sequences (especially the extraordinarily powerful chapter on the ordeal) which blend the banal and familiar with the extraordinary and strange. Gaiman's novel reminded me that the mind and the imagination are what makes human beings truly miraculous. It is a mistake to think that only children can inhabit this domain. Perhaps it is preferable to the plane where most of our existence is lived out.
5 persone l'hanno trovato utile