Is "Wonderfalls" worth watching? : r/television Skip to main content

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Is "Wonderfalls" worth watching?

Was recommended to me on a previous post I made, and I'm thinking it might be worth checking out :) Looks like it only got 13 episodes, the classic Firefly treatment. So worried it'll break my heart when it's over if it's good.

Shows I like: Veronica Mars, Firefly, Buffy, Lost, Community, Hannibal (same creator)

Worth it? :)

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u/nonliteral avatar

There's really nothing Fuller has done that isn't worth watching (including his un-picked-up Munster's reboot pilot, "Mockingbird Lane").

Mockingbird Lane is wonderfully insane.

So Mockingbird Lane was good? I had such high hopes because I always enjoyed the Munsters (it was pretty subversive in its own sweet little mid-60s TV way).

u/nonliteral avatar

Very good. It was exactly what you'd expect to get if you told Fuller to do a Munsters reboot -- which is I'm sure why it didn't get picked up.

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Yes. Wonderfalls is, well, wonderful. Caroline Dhavernas, who plays Dr. Bloom in Hannibal, is the main character and she is fantastic. I totally have a crush on her character. And yes. Its only 13 episodes. But the way the final episode ends... it works as an ending. A very hopeful ending. Its funny. Its heartwarming. Its a Bryan Fuller show.

u/vanker avatar


u/apocalypsenowandthen avatar

The shows you mentioned are all in my top 10 of all time. I absolutely loved Wonderfalls. The characters are fantastic and it feels very Bryan Fuller. It's a little sad that we didn't get any more but being a little sad afterwards is better than not watching it at all. Also, if you haven't already you should watch Bryan Fuller's other masterpiece Pushing Daisies.

u/Dohi64 avatar

it is. it took me a few episodes to get into it, way back when I didn't stop everything after 20 minutes if I didn't like it. you might also want to check out pushing daisies and dead like me, I didn't like either, but they're all from bryan fuller. hannibal as well, but that's a bit different.

But skip the Dead Like Me movie, it was awful. I'm pretty sure Bryan was not involved in it cause the tone was all off

u/Dohi64 avatar

there was a movie? oh, I see, direct-to-dvd. those are always worthwhile time investments. except if they're animal horrors and such, those can be entertaining.

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u/SawRub avatar

I loved it! Since it's a bit old it might take a couple of episodes to get into it, but it's very nice!

It's a bit lighter than the shows you mentioned, but it's a lot of fun, definitely check it out.

There's a subreddit r/Wonderfalls too, but there's nothing in it yet since I got hold of it only somewhat recently.


Oh dear lord yes.

u/redder23 avatar

Agreee with what most of the people have said, it took me a while to get into but overall it's fantastic because Fuller and his co creator of the show planned to end as if they expected it to be cancelled and it worked GREAT.. so don't expected to be too heart broken.The last string 3 or 4 i think episodes were a lot of fun and still concluded things well (shame they didn't air).

Great show..still second to 'Pushing Daisies' for me but It's worth checking out!

u/Guarded avatar

Most definitely. Buffy and Veronica Mars are my all-time favorite shows and I enjoyed Wonderfalls. It is case-of-the-week, but it's so quirky that you don't really mind. I definitely wish there were more episodes, but alas.

u/SporadicPanic avatar

I liked it ok, but the Bryan Fuller I really liked was Dead Like Me. That just hit home.

Also I'd put Pushing Daisies above Wonderfalls; it's more stylized and stilted but that's what I like about it.

u/DMPunk avatar

It's one of my favourite shows, and in terms of Fox shows that got a bullet in the head before their time, I miss it way more than Firefly. It's quirky without being smug about it, and the characters are fleshed out and real. Plus it manages to tell a fairly contained story in its thirteen episodes

Wonderfalls is good--if you like Veronica Mars you'll probably like it. It's quite whimsical (sort of in the same way Northern Exposure was).

It has its charms. Jewel Staite pops up late in the run...

u/supermanmtg25 avatar

Sir. We only got 7 episodes of "Firefly." :(

u/mellifluous500 avatar

Not following, are you talking about Firefly or Wonderfalls ^ ^ Cause Firefly had 14 episodes.

u/supermanmtg25 avatar

No it didn't... And wonderfalls is good. Just Terranova. Sadly one season for both. Stupid Fox.

u/mellifluous500 avatar

Okay sorry again, is there something I'm not following? :P Firefly got 14 episodes and a movie.

u/supermanmtg25 avatar

I could of sworn it for 7 and a movie.

u/supermanmtg25 avatar

Ok I was wrong. It was 11 and you were more right than me. Sorry OP!

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u/insurgentsloth avatar


u/mellifluous500 avatar

How did you possibly discover this 7-year old post and then leave a comment xD

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