against the grain

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against the grain

1. In the opposite way or perpendicular to the direction of the fibers of a piece of wood (or meat), i.e. its "grain." Don't cut that wood against the grain, or it will be rough around the edges. For most cuts of steak, cookbooks recommend cutting against the grain. Hey, stop cutting that wood against the grain!
2. By extension, in opposition or contrary to what is generally understood, assumed, practiced, or accepted. The artist always tried to go against the grain, ignoring the artistic trends of her day. It's funny to see my brother, who nearly dropped out of high school and spent so many years going against the grain, embrace college life all of a sudden. I don't understand why you always have to go against the grain instead of making things a little easier on yourself!
See also: grain
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*against the grain

1. Lit. across the alignment of the fibers of a piece of wood. (*Typically: be ~; Cut ~; go ~; run ~; saw ~.) You sawed it wrong. You sawed against the grain when you should have cut with grain. You went against the grain and made a mess of your sanding.
2. Fig. running counter to one's feelings or ideas. (*Typically: be ~; go ~.) The idea of my actually taking something that is not mine goes against the grain.
See also: grain
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

against the grain

Opposed to one's inclination or preference, as in We followed the new supervisor's advice, though it went against the grain. This metaphor refers to the natural direction of the fibers in a piece of wood, called its grain; when sawed obliquely, or "against the grain," the wood will tend to splinter. [c. 1600] For a synonym, see rub the wrong way.
See also: grain
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

against the grain

contrary to the natural inclination or feeling of someone or something.
This phrase alludes to the fact that wood is easier to cut along the line of the grain than across or against it.
See also: grain
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

against the grain

Contrary to custom, one's inclination, or good sense.
See also: grain
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Isabel's philosophy always went against the grain. She shied away from the usual fashion runways to present in museums.
It goes against the grain that Kenyan leaders can afford foreign benchmarking trips and leave county workers unpaid.
Chester-based theatre company Against The Grain staged award-winning writer Jan Bengree's Worldly Women at the Garret Theatre at Storyhouse as part of Storyhouse Women, a weekend-long themed festival of events including talks, music, comedy, dance and drama celebrating women and girls which also provided a platform to discuss a variety of topics which impact on every day life, from a female perspective.
Actress Marian Newman as Jess in "Morning has broken" from Jan Bengree's "Worldly Women", produced by theatre company Against The Grain as part of Storyhouse-Women
He said the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) claimed to champion democratic value but the assault went against the grain of the same values which enshrine freedom of expression and peaceful protest as a right.
Toronto's Against the Grain Theatre has a hit on its hands with this recording of Argentinian-born composer Osvaldo Golijov's genrebending song cycle Ayre, which fuses elements from Arabic, Hebrew, Sardinian and Sephardic folk melodies and texts.
Yields are marginally lower at the front-end and higher at the long, leading to curve steepening against the grain. The 2s-30s spread backed up 3.8 bp to +44.7 bp.
He said he is experiencing "remorse" because the findings go "against the grain of who I am".
As always, however, thee are the so-called mavericks who love to go against the grain, so to speak.
I don't like bullying, so I always go against the grain. At the end of the day it was the right thing to do" Paul Hollywood, the only one of the original Great British Bake-Off presenters to stay with the show on its move to Channel 4 "Our performance was absolutely disastrous" Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger after the team's 4-0 thrashing by Liverpool
I don't like bullying, so I always go against the grain. At the end of the day it was the right thing for me to do" Paul Hollywood, the only one of the original Great British Bake-Off presenters to stay with the show on its move to Channel 4 "Our performance was absolutely disastrous" Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger after the team's 4-0 thrashing by Liverpool
Against the Grain Pet Food voluntarily recalled one of its products Tuesday for a possible contamination with a barbituate that's used to euthanize animals.
Critique: A model of an exceptionally well researched and written military biography from beginning to end, "Against the Grain: Colonel Henry M.