for the sake of - 英中 – Linguee词典


The delegation indicated that the Government had shown
[...] political will by accepting all the recommendations for the sake of the improvement of human rights for its people.
代表 团表示,柬埔寨政府接受了所有建议,表明政府有改善人民人权状况的政治意 愿。
We put ourselves in the design concept for the sake of users, so that our products meet a high ease of use, simple click of the mouse input to complete the mall [...]
我们的设身处地为用户着想的设计理念使我们的产品达到了极高的易用性,只需轻点鼠标+简单录入即可完成商城 管理。
For the sake of impartiality, she would like to see questions of [...]
accountability addressed in all situations where serious
conflicts were ongoing and civilians were in danger.
公平起见,她希望问责制应该在 种正 发生的严重冲突以及公民在危险之中的情况下加以 讨论。
(b) Although from a drafting point of view, it was feasible to introduce provisions to limit the defaulting employer's retrospective liability to employer mandatory
contributions only for the period before
[...] the enactment of the Bill, for the sake of consistency, [...]
some members considered that the
employer's liability for both employer and employee mandatory contributions should apply in both past and future non-enrolment cases.
(b) 雖然從草擬角度看來,引入條文把拖欠供款的 僱主須追溯承擔的法律責任僅限於條例草案制
[...] 定成為法例前的一段期間的僱主強制性供款屬 可行做法,但為求一致,部分委員 為, 僱主 須同時就僱主及僱員強制性供款承擔的法律責 [...]
任,應同樣適用於過去及未來沒有為僱員登記 參加強積金計劃的個案。
In view of the above, Abkhazia once again appeals to the United Nations to allow the representative of the Republic of Abkhazia to speak during the debate on the conflict between Abkhazia and Georgia so that
members of the United Nations may listen to both sides and make the
[...] right decision for the sake of the people concerned.
[...] 于阿布哈兹和格鲁吉亚之间冲突的辩论期间发言,以便联合国会员国兼听则明 为有关人民做出正确决
Municipal and poviat self-governments are obligated to develop local programmes
[...] [...] of counteracting domestic violence and to set up interdisciplinary teams to ensure that steps taken for the sake of victims of domestic violence are more effective.
市和县的自治政府也必须制订本地反对家庭暴力的方 案,并成立跨部门工作队,确保更有效地采取支助家暴受害者的步骤。
But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in
society and to sacrifice their own
[...] development potential for the sake of others, in particular [...]
their husbands, their sons or their brothers.
[...] 指出,利他主義往往成為壓迫婦女的假真理,要婦女在這個社會發展過程㆗,心甘情願處 於輔助性的㆞位為他㆟,尤其 為丈 夫、 兒子或兄弟犧牲自己的發展潛能。
For the sake of our children, our nations and our common future, we must drain the swamps of hate and lawlessness that spawn terror — and hold all those accountable who support it.
了我 们的后代,我们的国家和我们的共同未 来,我们必须铲除滋生恐怖行为、制造仇恨和目无法 律现象的温床并将恐怖主义的所有支持者绳之以法。
While it is understandable that, for the sake of efficiency of military operations, the United Nations insists on claiming exclusive command and control over peacekeeping forces, attribution of conduct should [...] [...]
also in this regard be based on a factual criterion.
虽然为了军事行动的效率,联合国坚持要求对维持和平部队的唯一指 挥和控制,这是可以理解的,但在这个方面,行为的归属也应该以实际标准为依 据。
For the sake of the people, let us change and come together to chart the future of a new Malaysia.
为了我们所有人,为了人民;现在,就让我们一起改朝换代,打造马来 西亚未来愿景。
The TEC could consider establishing a
[...] [...] permanent or issue-based interface with relevant organizations with expertise on climate technologies for the sake of efficiency and effectiveness.
为工作效率和效果的目的,技术执行委员会可考虑与具备气候 技术专长的相关组织建立长期或基于问题的联系。
Great will be the suffering the Messiah of the tribe of Ephraim has to undergo for seven years at the hand of the nations, who lay iron beams upon him to
crush him so that his
[...] cries reach heaven; but he willingly submits for the sake of his people, not only those living, but also [...]
the dead, for all
those who died since Adam; and God places the four beasts of the heavenly throne-chariot at his disposal to bring about the great work of resurrection and regeneration against all the celestial antagonists" (Pesiḥ. R. 36).
伟大的将是在国家,谁在他身上打下铁梁,粉碎他,使他的呼声达到上天的手痛苦的以法莲支派弥赛 过七 年, 但他愿意为成全提交他的人民,不仅是生活,而且还死了所有这些谁是亚当死亡;和神地的天上的宝座,他的战车在四活物的处置带来的复活和再生对所有天体的伟大工程拮抗剂“(pesiḥ .传译36)。
It is appropriate in timing to revisit the topic for the sake of sustaining the development of Hong Kong in the new Internet era.
故此,我認為現在是適 當時機再度組成跨 部門工作小組進行全面的研究,俾使香港在新的數碼時代可以持續發展。
Even saying that the State should ensure that all
[...] [...] public media operated in an independent manner could cause the Government to engage in censorship for the sake of balance or access.
即使说一国应确保一切公共媒体 以独立方式运作,也可能会为平 衡或 接触促使政 府参与审查。
The  Government  should  also  consider  changing  the 
[...] [...] permitted  land  use  as  stipulated in the Outline Zoning Plan in the New  Territories on a limited bas is ,   for   the  sake of pro moting economic vibrancy and creating job opportu nities, so as to foster a  “win win” situation for the metro core areas and  the New Territories as a whole.
特區政府宜有限度改變新界地區《分區計劃大綱圖》所規限的土地用途, 開拓商機以促進新界地區的經濟活力及創造就業,從而為市區和新界締造「雙 贏」的局面。
Dwelling on the many positive aspects would certainly provide a fuller and more balanced
picture, particularly in the programmatic
[...] dimension, but for the sake of conciseness, [...]
this section deliberately focuses primarily
on that which is in need of attention, building on evaluations and audits as a guide for future improvements.
[...] 全面、更平衡,特别是在与计划有关的方面, 为了言简意 赅, 这部分有意侧重了需要引起 注意的问题,将评估和审核的意见作为今后改进工作的指南。
While there are exceptions within
[...] [...] and distinctions between many of these measures, including for humanitarian aid and basic development cooperation, this briefing applies the generic term “sanctions” to them for the sake of simplicity, but also because this is how Zimbabwean and southern African political dialogue commonly addresses the concept.
诸多制裁 措施中,尽管出于人道主义援助和开展基础发展合 作等目的存在有例外情况,且这些措施也互有区 别,但是简单 起见,本简报以术语“制裁”通称 之,这也因为津巴布韦和南部非洲的政治对话中通 常也如此处理这一概念。
For the sake of the valuation, we have assigned no commercial value to [...]
the property.
It represented, moreover, the first time in human history that
[...] [...] the nations of the world had chosen to pool their military personnel for the sake of a common peace rather than for war.
它代表着人类历史上,世界 各国首次为了共同的和平而不是战争,选择集结其 军事人员。
Inasmuch as there is no reference to “Firearms and Other
[...] [...] Weapons”, Canada is of the view that the words “Wilful and forbidden Acts (Property)” should be deleted from the matrix for the sake of consistency within item 8 as well as the remainder of the matrix where other Code references are not accompanied by a reference [...]
to the relevant part title.
由于未提及“火器和其他武器”,因此加拿大认为,为在项目 8 内实现统一,应删除汇总表中“任意和禁止行为(财产)”等字以及汇总表中余下 的与《刑法》有关但却未提及相关部分题目的内容。
But again and
[...] again Rome had to impose her dogmas on Byzantium -- 519, 680, and 786 are famous dates, when the whole Eastern Church had to accept a papal document for the sake of reunion, and the intervals between these dates supply lesser instances.
但一次又一次不得不罗马拜占庭她的教条强加于 - 519,680,和786是著名的日期,当整个东方教会不得不接受一个团圆的缘故教皇的文件,这些日期之间 的间隔较小的情况 供应
UNESCO has launched a series of studies for the sake of a better understanding of the evolution of phenomena of racism, discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in the various societies.
教科文组织为更好地了解有关各个社会的种族主义和种族歧视、排外和不宽容的演化 情况,发起展一 系列研究,主要目的是提出制订反歧视政策的设计框架。
For the sake of clarity and readability [...]
it has therefore opted for the creation of an UNIMARC owner field for local use
for data about the expression, even without, for now, the creation of another uniform heading in the authority file: the heading is already controlled at the level of the uniform title of the work and there are cross-reference forms associated to the expression.
为清晰可读 起见,我们选择为有关“作品” 和“内容表达”的数据创造一个本地使用的 [...]
UNIMARC 自由字段,尽管现在这个字段在规 范文件中还没有一个统一标目:不过,这个标目已经在作品统一题名的层次被控制了,因此 也有与“内容表达”相连的相关参照。
UNOPS supported local economic development and
improved access to social
[...] services across all environments in 2010, but for the sake of clarity in reporting, this section will only look [...]
at projects in areas
that have not been recently affected by a conflict (see Goal One) or a natural disaster (see Goal Two).
2010 年,项目厅在所有环境中支持地方经济发展,改善获得社会服务的机会, 但为了清楚明白起 见,本节将只汇报最近没有受冲突影响(见目标一)或受自然灾 害影响(见目标二)的地方。
Regarding better scaling of local initiatives, some evaluations note UNDP should for the sake of greater efficiency and impact, make a systematic attempt to convert the pilot initiatives into larger-scale activities and seek out partners through [...] [...]
whom the scaling up can be achieved” [4].
在更好扩大地方举措规模 方面,有一些评价指出,开发署应当“为提高效 率和扩大影响,有系统地努力将试点举措转变为更大规模的活动并寻求可以实现 规模拓展的合作伙伴”[4]。
In this regard, and on behalf of my Government, let me reiterate our gratitude to the men and women of the United Nations and our
international friends,
[...] who work in Afghanistan under very difficult circumstances for the sake of the Afghan people and in the pursuit of international peace [...]
and security.
在这方面,请允许我代表我国政府重申我们对联合国 男女工作人员及我们的国际友人的感激之 们为 阿富汗人民并且为了寻求国际和平与安全,在阿富 汗十分艰难的条展工作。
Magnet wire is made up of copper and various paints whose main ingredient contains “organic solvent.” For the sake of employees and the environment, we took the lead in adopting a “catalyst” to burn off “organic solvent,” which decomposes into water and carbon dioxide and has no additional side effects on employee [...]
health or the environment.
漆包線原料除了銅線,還包含各式塗料,塗料主要成份包含「有機溶劑」, 了員 工健康 與不破壞環境,我們在生產過程中率先同業採用「觸媒」將有機溶劑以高溫燃燒,使其成為 水和二氧化碳,不對員工身體產生影響,也不危害環境。
Several Members
[...] expressed their support for the HPMP cost model prepared by the Secretariat and agreed with the Secretariat’s recommendation that, for the sake of equity, no additional funding should be given for countries in which several agencies were working together.
若干成员表示支持秘书处编制的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划费用模式,并赞同秘书处的建 议,即为了公平起见,对于在其国内有几个机构一起开展工作的国家,不应该向这些国家 提供额外的资金。
Play becomes time–space for ‘everyday, momentary forms of hopefulness’ (Kraftl 2008: 88) in which the joy and pleasure of playing – of doing things for the sake of them, rather than performing obligations to adults – enable children to maintain an openness to the world, to create and take advantage of environmental resources [...] [...]
to simply ‘go on’ with their lives.
游戏为“日常的、短暂的充满希望的形式”提供了时间-空间(Kraftl 2008: 88),其中游 戏时的愉悦和快乐——只为了做而做事情,而不是为了完成成人任务——使儿童能对世界保 持开放,使儿童只是为了“继续”他们的生活而制造和利用环境资源。