Dilip Shukla Das murder: Panchayat head of BJP-ruled Tripura village arrested | Agartala News - Times of India
This story is from February 20, 2023

CPM leader Dilip Shukla Das's murder: Panchayat head of BJP-ruled Tripura village arrested

CPM leader Dilip Shukla Das's murder: Panchayat head of BJP-ruled Tripura village arrested
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AGARTALA: The panchayat head of BJP-ruled Dwarikapur village was arrested on Sunday night on the charge of hacking to death his neighbour Dilip Shukla Das (50), a CPM leader, on Saturday night.
Tripura police in a statement on Monday said that the prime accused Krishna Kamal Das (48) was arrested after a preliminary investigation and search has been launched to detain others involved in the crime and stated, “Prima facia revealed the incident was related to personal enmity.”
Police said Dilip had stormed into the house of Krishna accusing him of depriving Dilip of the PMAY house, and other government benefits on the political ground. The scuffle began at around 11.30pm when the accused and the victim argued on the return of BJP to power in just concluded assembly elections and accused each other of ongoing post-poll violence.
At one stage, Krishna and his driver Tapas Das attacked Dilip with sticks and assaulted him badly. His son and other neighbours when had come to recuse Dilip they also received injuries. Krishna hit his head with an iron rod in front of others and Dilip fell unconscious. Immediately, he was shifted to Khowai district hospital and thereafter referred to Agartala Govt Medical College in critical condition where he died on Sunday.
Police initially detained Krishna Kamal and arrested him later and he admitted the crime. However, his driver was absconding. The incident triggered tension in the district following strong warnings to each other by the senior leaders of both parties. A large number of paramilitary forces have been deployed in the sensitive locations of the district and the administration called a peace meeting with the parties to cease the tension.

Meanwhile, CPM state secretary Jitendra Chaudhury alleged that Dilip was killed by BJP miscreants led by the village head Krishna Kamal Das for working for CPM during the elections. The accused had reportedly several times warned Dilip and other opposition party workers of dare consequences unless they leave CPM. He accused the police of working for the ruling BJP and failing to protect the life and property of the common people rather than working overtime to please the ruling party leaders. He alleged CPM workers tried to take the body to the party office, but police stopped them near Heritage Park in the city and didn’t allow them to pay homage to the departed soul properly.
The CPM and Congress workers blocked the VIP following which police allowed keeping the body at Gandhi’s statue for offering a floral tribute, Choudhury said and added, “Barbaric attacks and atrocities on CPM and Congress have continued across the state despite peaceful elections. BJP has established a reign of brutality in the entire state itself and police become inactive.”
Meanwhile, BJP state president Rajib Bhattacharjee denied the charge of CPM and the claim of the murder as political. He argued that Dilip, a habitual drunkard, intruded into the house of Krishna Kamal at late night in an inebriated condition. During the scuffle, he was hit on the head and died.
He added that it was not a murder but an accident -- no link to politics.
“The CPM attempted to stage a political drama with the dead in the city on a procession, but police didn’t allow it considering the law and order issue. However, the main accused was arrested and brought under investigation. The CPM and Congress are instigating post-poll violence just to malign BJP,” Bhattacharjee added.
After the assembly elections in Tripura on February 16, as many as 20 major incidents of post-poll violence were reported from different constituencies of the state where more than 134 people were injured and several party offices of BJP, CPM, and Congress have been ransacked. However, CEO Kiran Gitte appealed to the parties to maintain peace and stay away from violence.