BIO | BachmanCummings
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Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings have written some of the greatest songs of the last 50 years. Together theirs is undoubtedly the Great Canadian Songbook.

These Eyes,  Laughing,  Undun,  No Time,  American Woman,  No Sugar Tonight,  Hand Me Down World,  Share The Land,  Albert Flasher,  Follow Your Daughter Home,  Glamour Boy,  Star Baby,  Clap For The Wolfman,  Let It Ride,  Takin’ Care Of Business,  You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet,  Hey You,  Looking Out For #1,  Stand Tall,  I’m Scared,  My Own Way To Rock,  Break It To Them Gently,  Fine State of Affairs,  You Saved My Soul – and that’s only some of the dozens of gold and platinum hits between them.

Members of the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, Canadian Broadcasters Hall of Fame, the Canadian Walk of Fame, the first ever inductees into the Prairie Music Hall of Fame, recipients of the Order of Canada, the Order of Manitoba, the Governor-General’s Performance Arts Award and several Broadcast Music Industry awards for over 1 million airplays, Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings made Canadian music international paving the way for every Canadian artist who followed.

After the phenomenal success of the much-heralded four-year Guess Who reunion, Bachman – Cummings decided in 2005 that the time was right to finally go out under their own names. “We’re the two guys who wrote and sang these songs and I think people know that and want to hear the real thing,” insists Burton Cummings. “Bachman – Cummings are out there delivering that. Not all artists are lucky enough to have that kind of staying power. As Bachman – Cummings, Randy and I are able to touch Guess Who, BTO and Cummings solo stuff. The response from audiences was even more than we could ever have hoped for.”

Bachman – Cummings starred in their own top-rated CBC television concert special First Time Around (later released on DVD) and followed that with the platinum-selling album The Bachman Cummings Songbook in 2006 marking the first ever pairing of their Guess Who, BTO and Cummings solo hits on one package. In 2007 Jukebox found the two digging through their own record collections to affectionately cover their personal favourite songs from bygone years.


“We are having more fun now,” states Randy. “There is a lot of love and respect for each other. Working together with Burton again musically is like riding a bike, easy and fun, but with everyone clapping along as we do it.”

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