Law & Order S6 E8 "Angel" / Recap - TV Tropes

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Recap / Law & Order S6 E8 "Angel"

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Directed by Arthur W. Forney

Written by Michael S Chernuchin & Janis Diamond

A young mother named Leah Coleman attends confession with a priest but, when she leaves, finds that her baby daughter Rachel has been snatched from outside. The detectives must now trace a Puerto Rican man whom Leah insists was waiting around in the church when she went to confession. Curtis suggests they re-visit everywhere Leah went to on the day Rachel disappeared; back at the church, he and Leah bond over their shared Catholic faith. Leah tearfully admits that she herself smothered Rachel and then cremated the body. Ross Fineman, an inexperienced public defender, is assigned to defend Leah in her trial for murder. He fails to get her confession to Curtis excluded as evidence, and the case proceeds to trial.

Fineman initially tries to give the defence that God told Leah to kill her child; then requests an insanity defence but without giving the appropriate notice. When the judge tells him that this isn't allowed, he then reveals his objective to get Leah acquitted by appearing to be so incompetent that the jury will be biased in her favor. The priest testifies that Leah had been very upset by a news case of a mother killing her own child, and he told her that it must be what God thought best. On the stand Leah says that the priest's words led her to conclude that God therefore wanted her to kill her child rather than let Rachel grow up in an unjust world. When McCoy questions Leah's assertion that this would be the will of a loving God, she snaps and admits she knows it was her own idea. She is convicted of murder.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Downer Ending: Leah's husband is clearly devastated by the truth behind their daughter's death, and Leah herself gets the maximum sentence for murder since there are no real mitigating factors.
  • Married Too Young: The Colemans and their priest consider this the reason for their marital problems.
  • Patched Together from the Headlines: Was inspired by both the Susan Smith case and the John List case.
  • Police Lineup: The detectives hold one based on the description Mrs. Coleman gave a sketch artist, although it turns out to be none of the suspects.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: Inspired by the Susan Smith case, which is referenced during the episode.
  • Scary Minority Suspect: Leah invokes this by claiming that her baby was snatched by a Puerto Rican man.
