19 Captivating Flowers That Grow In Dark (Night-Blooming Flowers) - Petals And Hedges

19 Captivating Flowers That Grow in Dark (Night-Blooming Flowers)

There’s something captivating about flowers that grow in the dark. It’s like they break free of the stereotype that all plants need light to grow. They don’t wait for the sunlight to bloom; instead, you wake up to see they’ve already bloomed during the night.

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Flowers that grow in the dark include devil’s trumpet, moonflower, four o’ clock, lotus, tuberose, and night gladioulus.

If you want to wake up every day to a new flower that bloomed through the night, here’s a list of 19 night-blooming flowers.

1.  Night Gladiolus

Night Gladiolus is an exquisitely beautiful flower that only night owls get to see.

It flaunts a visually-appealing light yellow color and emits a spicy fragrance. But don’t let its beauty lure you in; the night Gladiolus is a poisonous flower that kids should never touch.

This flower’s blooming season ranges from late spring to summer, and it can reach a height of up to four feet. However, it doesn’t tolerate drought.

So if you choose to grow it, you’ll need to irrigate it regularly. It also likes sunny conditions and well-drained soil during its growth phase.

2.  Devil’s Trumpet

The devil’s trumpet, also known as Datura, has ruinous beauty that can kill if handled without care. The trumpet-shaped flower flaunts many attractive colors, like purple, white, pink, and yellow.

It only blooms at night and is highly toxic with many deleterious health effects.

For instance, it can cause hallucinations, headaches, coma, and even death in extreme cases when ingested. So if you decide to plant it, you should be careful and keep it away from children and pets.

3.  Evening Primrose

Evening primrose originates from North America, being one of the most popular flowers for its medicinal uses.

The flower produces oil that contains GLA, or gamma-linolenic acid. It’s used both orally and topically to treat plenty of conditions, like menopause symptoms, some types of eczema, and premenstrual syndrome.

The flower only blooms at night. It starts blooming in May and stops in July.

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4.  Night-Blooming Jasmine

Despite its name, the night-blooming jasmine doesn’t belong to the Jasminum species. Instead, it’s Cestrum nocturnum.

It’s a tiny white flower that blooms out of bright green leaves, displaying a mesmerizing beauty that brightens even the dullest of gardens.

Night-blooming jasmines don’t show their beauty till the night rolls in, and they emit attractive scents in the summer. Accordingly, they’re famous for being patio flowers.

5.  Nottingham Catchfly

The Nottingham catchfly flower has a backstory that’s as royal as its angelic appearance.

It was named after the Nottingham palace, where it used to grow wildly before the devastating renovation that destroyed its beautiful blooms. Its white petals curl elegantly at night and produce attractive smells.

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You can still find it around the palace, but it grows much less than it used to.

6.  Moonflower

Moonflower is deceitfully beautiful. You’d think it’d be nice to touch it, but it’s actually poisonous to humans and animals alike. You can’t even get away with touching the petals; all the flower’s parts are toxic.

Aside from the toxicity, moonflowers are fragrant, which is why many people decide to grow them. They only bloom under the moon’s light, unfurling into white umbrella-like petals, which explains their name.

7.  Angel’s Trumpet

Owing to its name, this flower looks like a trumpet and sports an angelic white color that ends with a pink haze. It blooms during summer nights and emits a smell as lively as the hot season and as attractive as its nights.

Despite its dramatic aesthetic, the angel’s trumpet is highly poisonous when ingested and should be kept out of children’s reach.

8.  Foamflower

You may know foamflowers by their other name, tiarella cordifolia. These flowers look a bit like lavender, growing in tall, erect stalks. Their most popular use is on walking paths and as ground cover in shady areas.

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Foamflowers are relatively low-maintenance. They can’t handle the sunlight, so you should only keep them in partial or full shade. In addition to that, they bloom during the night from April to July.

9.  Gardenia Augusta

Gardenia Augusta is a favorite among brides because of its angelic white color and elegant petals. It puts on a show for observers on summer nights when it blooms and shows off its flowers.

Interestingly, Gardenia Augusta belongs to the coffee family. It’s ideal as a houseplant since it’s easy to grow and care for.

10.  Tuberose

Like Casablanca lily, tuberose is widely popular for its use in perfumes. It has a heavenly scent that smells like a mix of musk and lily of the valley, and both men and women can wear it.

One of the most famous tuberose perfumes is Bloom Eau De Parfum by Gucci.

Aside from its uses in the perfume industry, tuberose is also sometimes used as chocolate flavoring.

The flower is native to Mexico. So it prefers a warm climate. However, it can grow in cooler weather as well, provided that you give it all its essential requirements.

11.  Casablanca Lily

Casablanca lily is one of the most fragrant flowers, especially at night. For that reason, it goes into the making of many perfumes. It’s also a popular choice for bridal bouquets because of its pure white color.

Although Casablanca lilies grow at night, they still need full sun exposure during the day to grow. They might do well under partial shade as well.

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12. Night-Blooming Cereus

What gives night-blooming Cereus its impeccable charm is the stunning short-lived bloom that you get to see for a few fleeting hours.

It blooms after five years of age, and it never shows its petals in the morning light. Instead, you’ll have to wait for the dark to enjoy the aesthetically-appealing sight.

Night-blooming Cereus sports an elegant white look and emits a sweet, flowery smell. When pollinated, the flower grows into an edible fruit.

13.  Chaenomeles

Chaenomeles flower is native to Asia, and it belongs to the rose family. Perhaps the unique aspect of this flower is its alluring pink color, followed closely by its dark-induced blooms.

It’s hard to miss with its bright petals and elegant stance, even at night, when it’s most beautiful.

Chaenomeles grows best in fall and winter, and it’s hardy enough to withstand the harsh weather conditions.

14.  Nicotiana

Despite Nicotiana’s morbid association with smoking, it’s a glamorous flower that can have red, white, or pink petals. It’s also known as flowering tobacco because, once dried, it can be smoked in cigarettes.

Nicotiana is ideal for growing in moon gardens, but it attracts hummingbird moths with its fragrant smell.

15.  Four O’Clock

Four o’clock isn’t a common name for a flower, so you may know it better by the name Mirabilis Jalapa.

In many cultures, these flowers symbolize hope for a new day because they grow during the night without fuss.

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They’re often used as ornamental flowers due to their bright colors. On top of that, they’re perennials, so they should keep returning if you’re mindful of their living requirements.

Their blooms start appearing in midsummer, and they stop blooming after the first frost.

16.  Lotus

Lotus flowers are among the most beautiful flowers that bloom at night. Back in the day, their charming night rebirth lead the ancient Egyptians to associate them with resurrection.

These fellows basically worshiped the flower, and you can see it drawn everywhere in their tombs.

In addition to the magic that the name carries, lotus flowers also emit a wonderful scent that you can smell a mile away. They come in red, pink, and purple colors.

17.  Night Phlox

Night phlox is known for its small white blooms that only show their magical beauty at night. It’s a perennial that often goes by midnight candy as a nod to its excessively sweet smell.

Although not particularly hardy, you can grow night phlox in your garden without an issue and move it to a non-frosting place during the colder seasons.

More so, night phlox attracts birds and bees because of its smell, and it needs sunlight to grow.

18. Evening Bloom Water Lilies

Having a little pond in your garden calls for growing evening bloom water lilies. They’re aesthetically-appealing flowers that bloom at dusk and flaunt their petals till the early morning.

What makes them even more special is their appealing scents that vary according to their color.

Some have citrusy smells, while some emit sweet fragrant smells. Overall, they’re a superb addition to gardens.

19. Dutchman’s Pipe Cactus

The charm of the dutchman’s pipe cactus lies in its fleeting bloom that you might miss if you fall asleep. It might bloom for three nights, but it also might stay for only one, leaving you regretful for an entire year till it shows again.

Its diva temperament gained it its unique name: the queen of the night.

While its growth and care require patience, the flower will make it up to you with its rare, magnificent bloom.

It can grow to ten inches in height, and it emits a delightful scent that’ll make your summer night more bearable.


Flowers that grow at night have an irresistible charm that makes them a favorite for many people. Whether you decide to grow angel’s trumpet, night Phlox, or lotus flowers, you’re in for a stunning night show and sweet smells that’ll put you in a good mood.