AIRS Crossword Clue - 4-10 letters

AIRS Crossword Clue

The most common solutions for the crossword clue "AIRS" are ISON with 4 letters, AURAE with 5 letters, TUNES with 5 letters, SONGS with 5 letters, LILTS with 5 letters.
We know 14 solutions for: AIRS
Crossword Puzzle Infos
The term AIRS is composed of thirteen words, each with a different number of letters. ARROGANCE is a nine-letter word that describes an attitude of superiority or haughtiness. POSE is a four-letter word that means to assume a particular posture or attitude. SHOW is also a four-letter word that means to make something visible or to display something. VOICES is a six-letter word that refers to the sound made by speaking or singing. Ison is a four-letter word that means a musical note or tone. Lilts is a five-letter word that describes a rising and falling musical sound. Miens is a five-letter word that means a person's outward appearance or manner. Songs is a five-letter word that refers to a musical composition with words. Tunes is a five-letter word that means a melody or air. DITTIES is a seven-letter word that means a short, simple song. HAUTEUR is a seven-letter word that means haughtiness or ARROGANCE. TELECASTS is a nine-letter word that means to broadcast a television program. TRANSMITS is a nine-letter word that means to send out or communicate. PRETENSION is a ten-letter word that means an attitude of superiority or false claims of importance.