Discover Krujë - Albania
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Krujë, with its old bazaar, castle, and ties to Skanderbeg, takes visitors back to Albania’s medieval era.

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Why Visit

Take an enchanting journey into Albania’s past within the medieval cobblestone lanes of Krujë. This historical place lets you experience the 15th-century battles with the Ottomans through the castle. Here, Albanian national hero Skanderbeg made his legendary last stand until finally falling to the Ottoman army in 1478.

Visit Krujë’s old bazaar to buy traditional silver jewelry and carved shepherd’s flutes. Visit the Ethnographic Museum to learn about the everyday lives of Albanians long ago. The surrounding national park invites rejuvenating hikes among springs and waterfalls. From the cultural to the natural, Krujë enthralls visitors with Albania’s enduring legacy.

Experience Albania’s Living History

Krujë offers a window into Albania’s rich culture and turbulent history. Walking through its winding lanes feels like time travel to the 15th-century principality of Krujë, the first Albanian capital.

Skanderbeg’s Krujë Castle is an iconic symbol of resistance against the Ottoman Empire. The excellent Skanderbeg Museum chronicles his military resistance.

The Old Bazaar’s cobblestone alleyways evoke Krujë’s Ottoman merchant era. Discover handicrafts and antiques among stalls that have remained unchanged for centuries. Nearby, the Ethnographic Museum provides insight into ancient lifestyles.

Top Attractions and Activities

  • Tour the ruins of picturesque Krujë Castle, Albania’s most famous fortress.
  • Learn about national hero Skanderbeg at the Skanderbeg Museum within the castle grounds.
  • Shop for handicrafts, carpets, and souvenirs in the historic 17th-century Old Bazaar.
  • Explore the exhibits on traditional life at the Ethnographic Museum.
  • Hike in the peaceful National Park of Krujë with its waterfalls and springs.
  • Discover spiritual Sari Salltik Cave or relax at the Sufi Teqeja e Dollmës lodge.
  • Savor hearty Albanian specialties like tavë kosi lamb casserole with a glass of raki.

Planning Your Visit

You can reach Krujë by bus or car from Tirana in about an hour. Guided day tours from Tirana are also available. The small town center is easily walkable. Stay right in medieval Krujë Castle or choose hotels in town. Visit in spring or fall for pleasant weather and explore Krujë’s living history.


Viator's top-rated tours offer insider access and storytelling, bringing Kruja's rich past to life. Whether joining a small group or booking a private guide, visitors of all interests will surely be captivated by this medieval gem just 20km from Tirana.

  • Tour the mammoth Kruja Castle and Skanderbeg Museum
  • Wander the 15th-century Ottoman-style Old Bazaar
  • See traditional craftspeople at work
  • Sample hearty Albanian cuisine
  • Marvel at panoramic views from Mount Kruja
Although I was born in Albania, I've spent my adult life traveling there as a tourist. Being a native who visits frequently, I can give you an insider's view of Europe's best-kept secret.
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