35 Facts about the movie The Night of the Hunter - Facts.net
Colline Heiser

Written by Colline Heiser

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: American Film Institute

The Night of the Hunter is a classic film that has captivated audiences since its release in 1955. Directed by Charles Laughton, this psychological thriller has become a beloved and influential piece of cinema history. From its haunting visuals to its gripping storyline, there is no shortage of reasons why this film continues to leave a lasting impression on viewers. In this article, we will delve into 35 fascinating facts about The Night of the Hunter, shedding light on the making of the film, behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and the impact it has had on the world of cinema. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or new to the film, get ready to dive deep into the captivating world of The Night of the Hunter.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Night of the Hunter is a classic thriller film with a haunting performance by Robert Mitchum. Its unique visuals and timeless themes make it a must-watch for any movie lover.
  • The film explores the dark side of human nature and the consequences of blindly following charismatic leaders. Its influence on filmmakers and enduring impact continue to captivate audiences.
Table of Contents

The Night of the Hunter is a critically acclaimed thriller film released in 1955.

The film, directed by Charles Laughton, is based on the novel of the same name by Davis Grubb.

It stars Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters in the lead roles.

Mitchum delivers a haunting and chilling performance as the charismatic yet dangerous Reverend Harry Powell.

The movie was a box office failure upon its initial release.

However, it has since gained a cult following and is regarded as a cinematic masterpiece.

The Night of the Hunter was Charles Laughton’s only directorial effort.

Despite the film’s initial reception, it has been hailed for its unique visual style and storytelling.

The film is known for its distinctive use of shadows and light.

Laughton worked closely with cinematographer Stanley Cortez to create a visually striking and atmospheric film.

The Night of the Hunter explores themes of good vs. evil and the corrupting influence of power.

It delves into the dark side of human nature and the consequences of a charismatic manipulator.

The character of Reverend Harry Powell is inspired by real-life serial killer Harry Powers.

Powers was convicted of murders in West Virginia in the 1930s.

The film’s haunting and iconic imagery has influenced numerous filmmakers.

Directors such as Martin Scorsese and David Lynch have acknowledged its impact on their work.

The Night of the Hunter was added to the National Film Registry in 1992.

It is recognized as a culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant film.

Robert Mitchum plays one of his most memorable and versatile characters in the film.

He brings a perfect balance of charm, menace, and vulnerability to his role as Reverend Harry Powell.

The film’s screenplay was written by James Agee.

Agee had previously won an Academy Award for his screenplay adaptation of “The African Queen.

Lillian Gish, a legendary actress of the silent film era, plays a key role in the movie.

Her presence adds a touch of nostalgia and depth to the film.

The Night of the Hunter was not initially well-received by critics.

However, it has since been reevaluated and is now considered a classic of American cinema.

The film features a hauntingly beautiful musical score composed by Walter Schumann.

The score adds to the suspense and atmosphere of the film.

The Night of the Hunter is known for its unforgettable line, “Would you like me to tell you the little story of right-hand/left-hand?”

This line is often quoted and referenced in popular culture.

The film’s production design expertly captures the atmosphere of rural America in the 1930s.

From the small town settings to the foreboding landscape, the visuals contribute to the film’s overall impact.

The Night of the Hunter was not a success at the Academy Awards.

Despite its critical acclaim, the film was largely overlooked at the Oscars.

The film’s themes and storytelling techniques have influenced subsequent psychological thrillers.

Its narrative structure and intense performances have left a lasting impact on the genre.

The Night of the Hunter is considered a prime example of film noir.

It encompasses the dark and brooding atmosphere often associated with the genre.

The film’s title refers to the menacing character of Reverend Harry Powell.

He is described as a “hunter” of souls, preying on the vulnerable.

The Night of the Hunter was a financial disappointment for the studio.

Its lackluster box office performance led to Charles Laughton’s retirement from directing.

The film’s eerie and suspenseful moments have become iconic in cinematic history.

Scenes like the underwater sequences and the climactic chase are etched in the minds of audiences.

The Night of the Hunter showcases the power of storytelling and the impact of visual storytelling in particular.

It effectively conveys emotions and tension through its use of images and minimal dialogue.

The film’s themes of religious hypocrisy and the misuse of religion are still relevant today.

It raises questions about the nature of faith and the dangers of blindly following charismatic leaders.

The Night of the Hunter has been praised for its strong female characters.

Shelley Winters and Lillian Gish both deliver compelling performances as women who refuse to be victimized.

The film’s cinematography is often compared to the work of German expressionist filmmakers.

Its use of light and shadow creates a sense of unease and adds depth to the story.

The Night of the Hunter is a masterclass in creating tension and suspense.

It keeps audiences on the edge of their seats throughout its runtime.

The film’s legacy continues to grow with each passing year.

It is celebrated for its bold and innovative approach to storytelling.

The Night of the Hunter showcases the power of a single performer to captivate an audience.

Robert Mitchum’s chilling portrayal of Reverend Harry Powell is unforgettable.

The film’s themes of childhood innocence and the loss thereof resonate with audiences.

It explores the dark reality that can lurk behind a seemingly idyllic facade.

The Night of the Hunter has been referenced and homaged in various forms of media.

From music to literature, its influence can be felt across the artistic landscape.

The film’s black and white cinematography adds to its timeless quality.

It lends an air of nostalgia and enhances the film’s atmospheric tone.

The Night of the Hunter offers a unique blend of horror, suspense, and psychological drama.

It defies traditional genre categorization and stands as a singular piece of cinema.

The Night of the Hunter is a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition.

It raises questions about morality, the nature of evil, and the darkness that can reside within us all.

The Night of the Hunter remains a must-watch for any lover of cinema.

Its enduring impact and timeless themes continue to captivate audiences to this day.


The Night of the Hunter is a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences with its haunting story and masterful filmmaking. From the mesmerizing performance of Robert Mitchum as the chilling Reverend Harry Powell to Charles Laughton’s directorial debut, this film has secured its place in cinematic history. Its dark themes, stunning cinematography, and suspenseful plot make it a must-watch for any movie lover.


Q: Who directed The Night of the Hunter?

A: The Night of the Hunter was directed by Charles Laughton. It was his only film as a director, but it remains a standout in the genre.

Q: When was The Night of the Hunter released?

A: The Night of the Hunter was released in 1955.

Q: What is the plot of the movie?

A: The Night of the Hunter follows the story of a sinister preacher, Reverend Harry Powell, who manipulates a widow and her children in search of stolen money. It is a suspenseful and chilling tale of good versus evil.

Q: Who stars in The Night of the Hunter?

A: The movie stars Robert Mitchum, Shelley Winters, and Lillian Gish, among others. Robert Mitchum’s portrayal of Reverend Harry Powell is particularly memorable.

Q: Is The Night of the Hunter based on a true story?

A: While the movie is not based on a true story, it was inspired by real-life serial killer Harry Powers, who lured his victims through mail-order bride advertisements in the 1930s.

Q: Was The Night of the Hunter successful at the box office?

A: Unfortunately, The Night of the Hunter was not a commercial success upon its release. However, it has since gained a cult following and is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made.

Q: What makes The Night of the Hunter a significant film?

A: The Night of the Hunter is celebrated for its unique visual style, powerful performances, and its exploration of religious hypocrisy and the dark depths of human nature. It is often praised for its artistic and cinematic achievements.

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