City Breaks & Short Breaks from Β£171 |
On the Beach Limited

City Break Holidays

City break holidays

Our hottest city break deals

When it comes to the perfect city hotel, you probably don't really care about finding a hotel that does it all. You don't need a super-fancy spa or an animation team getting you involved in pool games or five different kids' clubs packed with activities. (Or maybe you do, you do you). What you really care about is the location, if the breakfast is a gooden and if the beds are proper comfy so you get a decent kip after a long day of exploring.

So, we've done the leg work and picked three of our fave spots in the city, offering bangin' deals. Just ask Matthew - he works in our Data Team. Matthew just spent four days exploring Barcelona and staying in the Acta Atrium Palace. Not only was breakfast "very good" (a man of many words, our Matthew) but the hotel even provided adapters, had "the best blackout blinds" and even offered complimentary cava. We'll say 'cheers' to that!

Oh, you thought we were a one-beach pony? That's cute. And false. Not that we blame you. Kind of put our foot in it with that one, but On the Beach has a much better ring to it than On the Beach (and sometimes in the city), don't ya think? Everyone knows we've got a soft spot for the sand and sea action, but that doesn't mean we can't swap our flip-flops for walking boots once in a while. Whether you fancy living out your Chandler and Monica fantasies in New York, eating spaghetti for brekkie in Rome, or soaking up some culture (and a cheeky Thai massage) in Bangkok - we've got you. Even if you're just itching to jet off ASAP on a last-minute city break (we feel that). And no, before you get any ideas - there's no internal rivalry between our city stays and beach jollies. It's all love here ❀️

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Holidays to Paris

Pack your beret and prepare to say bonjour to the city of lights. Swing by in summer when it's all open-air cinemas and picnics with baguettes and brie, or dash off in winter for all the festive feels, with cosy Christmas markets and snowy walks along the Seine for some of the cutest scenery you've ever...well, Seine. (We had to, give us a break.) The good news is, whether you're off with the fam or it's just you and boo for some quality couple time, Paris holidays always bring the sparkle (especially if you catch the Eiffel Tower at just the right moment). Also, you'll never be more than 10 feet from a flaky croissant. It's a 'oui' from us πŸ₯

Holidays to Rome

Go big or go home? We'd rather go to Rome. If, like us, you fancy swapping beaches for bruschetta, just make sure you pack your comfiest Crocs, because you're gonna want to see, do and taste everything. Trust us. An Italy holiday like this is all gelato stops, authentic Carbonara (all egg, no cream) and Trevi Fountain wishes. Hop over in summer for film festivals and jazz vibes, or wrap up in winter for Christmas market season - there's never a bad time to visit Roma.

Holidays to Amsterdam

Amsterdam's kind of like the adult version of Disneyland. Instead of Mickey Mouse you've got Van Gogh, instead of pretzels shaped like cartoons you've got stroopwafels, and instead of a theme park you've got sex museums and quirky coffee shops. And if you want to feel like a true local? On your bike. No, really - that's how most people get around over here. It's like the Tour de France but with more canals and less spandex. Whether you're coming for the history, the food or the...should we say... *interesting* culture, there's one thing for sure - you're gonna be in for a 'Dam good time 🚲

Holidays to New York

Sadly Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey aren't included with these holidays - but you can catch sight of the exterior apartment block if you pivot over to 90 Bedford Street, so it's not all bad. And if you don't have a clue about anything we just said, then 1) do yourself a favour and watch an episode of Friends, and 2) there's plenty more to New York than that. Like Broadway shows, pizza slices bigger than your face, and viewpoints that'll bring you close to spewing up your American breakfast. And don't even get us STARTED on all the Christmas decs during winter season. It's like stepping straight into a Hallmark movie, cheesy ice skating included. So, you in? We'll NYC you there ⛸️

Holidays to Bangkok

Any city that does the weekly shop by boat instead of car is always gonna be a star in our eyes. Come on, that's way more fun than driving to the local Aldi. And yes - you might not have a beach here - but you will have a buzzing city centre to get lost in, loads of pretty landmarks to slap on your Insta story, and an endless supply of streetside Pad Thai to slurp on. Bangkok's the kind of place where markets are floating on water, temples are covered in gold and rooftop bars are so high they come with a side of vertigo. These hotels are just a few of many, so if you've got your eye on a holiday to Thailand, quit hanging about and tuk-tuk in.

Holidays to Madrid

Spain's sunny capital brings the sass all year round. Madrid is the place where sangria flows like water, and siestas are basically part of the religion. And trust us, you'll need it, because early nights don't exist here. Dinner at 10PM? Totally normal 'round these parts. Book a jolly to this hotspot, and you're in for airy art museums, more landmarks than you can shake a selfie stick at, and endless flamenco - which is basically just Zumba, but with more flair and better outfits πŸ’ƒ

Holidays to Las Vegas

Yep, Las Vegas is a city. We checked. And then double-checked. In fact, it's so into the city vibes, that it's even got a bunch of hotels themed around some of the most iconic cities around - from New York New York with its big ol' Statue of Liberty out front, to PARIS LAS VEGAS with a fake Eiffel Tower outside. It's not quite as big as the real thing, but you still won't miss it. Vegas isn't all about glitzy hotels, Elvis elopements and hitting the slots, though. You've also got museums to explore, canyons to climb and BIG portions of American grub to get your mitts on. It's giving...balance. We think you've hit the jackpot there 🎰

Holidays to Dubai

OK, maybe we're cheating a bit now. But Dubai is a city - Google it if you don't believe us! Or just take a look at those skyscrapers. It's got city written all over it. It's also technically an emirate, which means...well, no one really knows what it means. We've included this one specifically for you lot who are physically and emotionally incapable of being more than a hop, skip and a bellyflop away from the beach - because we get it. So you can get your big city vibes here and plonk down on a private beach if you feel like it. Get you a destination that does both.

Best city break destinations

What is the cheapest city break?

Prices can change all the time, so it's always handy to keep your eyes peeled for bargains (thankfully we've got a lot of 'em!), but we're not gonna gatekeep, don't worry. Lisbon has officially been labelled the most affordable city break destination for 2023, thanks to its dreamy combo of cheap flights, cheap transport and (most importantly) cheap food. Krakow in Poland is another budget-friendly city, with affordable accommodation, street food and beers.

What month is cheapest for a city break?

Any of them, when you book with us 😎 We're kidding. Sort of. We don't joke about bargains. But finding the 'cheapest month' kind of depends on which city you're heading off to, and when their 'peak' season is. For example, some destinations are at their peak in summer, while places like New York get especially busy around Christmas time. But, on average, January is actually the cheapest month to jet off on a city break, thanks to its combo of affordable flights and hotels. What a way to kick off the new year!

Where is good to go on a city break?

Depends what your jam is! If you're looking for those classic city vibes like something out of a rom-com or an episode of Gossip Girl (with skyscrapers so tall you'll spend half your time with your chin in the air) then New York, Dubai and Bangkok should be at the top of your list. If you're jetting off out of season but looking for that summer heat, then Marrakech and Vegas will deliver. Or, if you're just looking for somewhere cute and quiet where you can kick back with a coffee and a pasty while you watch the world go by, then Paris and Rome will be right up your street.

What should I pack for a city break?

Typically, city breaks are a bit shorter than your standard beach jolly, which means you can travel with hand luggage only and avoid those pesky check-in queues at the airport. What to pack depends on where you're going (for example, you'll need shades and suncream for Vegas and Marrakech 😎), but your safest bet is to pack comfy shoes and a bag that can tag along with you while you're out and about.

How long should a city break be?

Your trip, your rules! Generally speaking, city breaks range from 2 to 4 nights because it's more about diving in and exploring than clocking up beach hours. But if you wanna head to Rome for a fortnight, we're not gonna stop you πŸ‘€


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