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IN HIS OWN WRITE (edición en inglés)

CANONGATE PRESS LTD. - 9781782115403

Sinopsis de IN HIS OWN WRITE

This is introduced by Paul McCartney About the Awful. I was bored on the 9th of Octover 1940 when, I believe, the Nasties were still booming us led by Madalf Heatlump (Who only had one). Anyway they didn't get me. I attended to varicous schools in Liddypol. And still didn't pass-much to my Aunties supplies. As a member of the most publified Beatles my and (P, G, and R's) records might seem funnier to some than this book, but as far as I'm conceived this correction of short witty is the most wonderful loaf I've ever ready. In His Own Write is John Lennon's literary debut, a book of stories, drawings and poems that was first published in 1964 to great critical acclaim and became a phenomenon, selling over 600,000 copies in the UK alone and revealing a hitherto unseen side to Lennon's artistic output and talent.
Ficha técnica
Idioma: INGLÉS
Encuadernación: Tapa dura
ISBN: 9781782115403
Año de edición: 2014
Plaza de edición: REINO UNIDO
Fecha de lanzamiento: 01/12/2014
Escrito por...

John Lennon

John Lennon fue cantante, compositor, activista de la paz y los derechos humanos, escritor, pintor y sigue siendo una inspiración en todo el mundo. Nacido en 1940 en Liverpool, saltó a la fama con su banda, Los Beatles, en la década de 1960 y consiguió una aclamada carrera en solitario hasta su muerte en 1980. El matrimonio y la colaboración de Lennon con la artista Yoko Ono inspiraron su icónico himno de paz «Imagine». Entre los libros de Lennon, que son recopilaciones de sus cuentos y dibujos, se encuentran: In His Own Write, A Spaniard in the Works, Skywriting by Word of Mouth, AI - Japan Through John Lennon’s Eyes, y Real Love- the Drawings for Sean.
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