Rabbit Chinese Zodiac Personality & Element

Rabbit Chinese Zodiac Personality & Element

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Year of the rabbit five elements, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese year 2023 is the year of the Rabbit , which begin on January 22, 2023 and last until February 9, 2024 . It is a year of the Water Rabbit .

Years of the Rabbit: People born in 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023...

What is My Rabbit Element?

In the fascinating realm of the Chinese Zodiac, the Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, elegance, kindness, and sensitivity. It's not just the year of your birth that's significant, however. Each Zodiac sign is also associated with one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, or Water.

If you are a Rabbit, your element is determined by the last digit of your birth year. Those born in years ending in 5 or 6 are Wood Rabbits, 7 or 8 are Fire Rabbits, ending with 9 or 0 are Earth Rabbits, 1 or 2 are Metal Rabbits, and those born in years ending in 3 or 4 are Water Rabbits.

Each Rabbit element carries its unique characteristics. Wood Rabbits are known for their decisive yet compassionate nature, Fire Rabbits for their dynamic enthusiasm, Earth Rabbits for their reliability, Metal Rabbits for their resilience, and Water Rabbits for their adaptability and insightful intuition. Understanding your Rabbit Element can offer insightful perspectives into your traits and potential. So, do you know what your Rabbit Element is.

Here are the exact dates and their associated elements - Calendar of the Years of the Rabbit:

The YearBirth DateElement of Rabbit
1939From February 19, 1939 to February 7, 1941Earth Rabbit
1951From February 6, 1951 to January 26, 1952Metal Rabbit
1963From January 25, 1963 to February 12, 1964Water Rabbit
1975From February 11, 1975 to January 30, 1976Wood Rabbit
1987From January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988Fire Rabbit
1999From February 16, 1999 to February 4, 2000Earth Rabbit
2011From February 3, 2011 to January 22, 2012Metal Rabbit
2023From January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024Water Rabbit
Type of RabbitFeatures
Wood RabbitClever, quick-witted, selfish, quick-witted in appearance, but shrewd at heart
Fire RabbitOpen-minded, intelligent and flexible, with unique views
Earth RabbitFrank, direct, ambitious, hard-working, but a little reserved
Metal RabbitKind, conservative, lively and enthusiastic
Water RabbitGentle, friendly, able to adapt easily to different conditions, but with weak mindset and principles

Meaning of the Chinese Zodiac Sign Rabbit

The Rabbit ranks at the fourth position in the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac , and it corresponds to "卯" in the 12 Earthly Branches, being the fourth, referring to the period 5h-7h. In China, the Rabbit not only has a deep cultural connotation, but also has a close relationship with Chinese politics and mythology. This is an auspicious sign .

The symbolic cultural meanings of the Rabbit sign are closely related to the rabbit's lifestyle habits, including vigilance, wit, caution, skill ..., due to the fact that the rabbit is always ready to detect its environment with its hypersensitive ears and eyes. Just as an old Chinese saying goes, "kept like a virgin, quick like a rabbit escaping", the rabbit will stand still when the wind blows and the grass bends, and it will run as fast as lightning. if there is a real danger. Accordingly, the rabbit was used by the ancient Chinese to symbolize high alertness and skill.

Additionally, the Rabbit sign is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture , due to its prolific reproductive performance, always ready to mate in any season.

Love Compatibility with Rabbit: is he (or is she) Compatible with you?

Best Match with Rabbit: the Goat, the Snake and the Pig.
Better Avoid with Rabbit: the Rat, the Dragon, the Rooster and the Horse.

According to traditional Chinese beliefs, one zodiac sign can benefit another but oppose another, which also applies to marriage and romantic relationship. Only people who have certain similarities could be ideal partners for each other.

If two people whose zodiac signs oppose each other marry, it is unfortunate. For example, people born in the Year of the Horse and people born in the Year of the Ox, and people born in the Year of the Rooster and those born in the Year of the Monkey.

However, it is very lucky for two people whose zodiac signs benefit each other to get married. For example, people born in the Year of the Snake and people born in the Year of the Rabbit.

In Chinese culture, the snake is believed to be good at accumulating wealth, and the rabbit is adept at keeping wealth. The "Snake Coiling a Rabbit" motif is widely used in paper-cuts for window decorations, colorful paintings, and even screens in China. As a result, people born in the Year of the Snake and those born in the Year of the Rabbit make a great couple, and it is believed that they will have a happy life together if they get married.

By consulting, below, the compatibility of the snake with the other animals of the zodiac, you will be able to find out if your sign is (or not) compatible with that of the rabbit.

Character of the Chinese zodiac sign Rabbit: calm, sympathetic, patient...

The natives of the Rabbit sign are calm, friendly, elegant, vigilant, kind and patient people. They are also distinguished by their sense of responsibility. In general, people of the Rabbit sign have a pleasant character.

Men born in the year of the Rabbit are always courteous and smiling with others, so they are often considered sincere and trustworthy. When they face a problem, they know how to solve it by going about it in a methodical way.

Women born in the year of the Rabbit are pretty, reserved and have a pure heart. They always behave kindly towards those around them. Skillful with their hands, they are good at drawing and painting, as well as sewing and cooking. The gentleness of their temperament allows them to manage all kinds of situations in accordance with the wishes of others.

Men born in the year of the Rabbit do not like to confide in others, preferring to keep their thoughts to themselves, and tend to flee reality. They are cautious and conservative, which sometimes leads them to miss interesting opportunities. But in the event of a hard blow, they never get discouraged, and look for ways to get out of it without panicking, so that in the end, they often see their businesses crowned with success.

Lucky elements for people born in a year of the Rabbit

  • Lucky colors: red, pink, purple, blue
  • Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 9
  • Lucky flower: cyclamen, hosta, fittonia
  • Years of birth: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Health of the "Rabbits"

In general, people born under the sign of the Rabbit enjoy average health. In order to preserve their health, it is recommended that they play sports throughout the winter and until the end of spring, as well as to ensure that they follow a balanced diet on a daily basis: this will allow them to avoid colds and other infectious diseases. When the weather is dry, they need to drink more water than usual to stay in shape and take care of their skin in order to avoid any skin problems. Finally, there is nothing like regularly practicing a few exercises at home to manage stress and tension.

Careers of the "Rabbits"

Rabbits are generous by nature, so they are often very appreciated by those around them. When they have benefited from a good education, they can access interesting positions during their career and reap the rewards financially. However, the natives of this sign must always keep in mind that they must never give up on the way when pursuing the goals they have set for themselves.
The natives of the rabbit sign can succeed in fields as diverse as agriculture, breeding, education, religion, health, culture, police, justice and politics.

Relationship of the "Rabbits"

Rabbits are comfortable in society. They are appreciated by those around them for their kindness and the attention they give to others. Endowed with an excellent sense of humor, they can, during a heated discussion, transform into friends people who were ready to go to the conflict. Endowed with a gentle temperament, they also have a sense of hospitality. They are considerate people, always ready to help others. However, Rabbits must be careful not to overdo it with universal love and charity, at the risk of finding themselves faced with conflicts of interest. They also sometimes do not know how to decide, which leads them to emotional difficulties.

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