Regency Dance Lessons with Mrs Bennet | Meetup
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What we’re about

Beginner's Regency Dance lessons with Mrs Bennet
These classes will teach you how to dance the dances popular in England in the period 1780 to around 1820, Once you have learned these you will be able to attend and enjoy many of the Regency period costumed balls in England- and there are around ten such balls and weekends away per year, which are within easy reach of Surbiton and London. Mrs Bennet has been teaching Regency Dancing and arranging costumed balls for over ten years

This is a new course: Beginners' Regency Dance classes!
This first course of seven classes will be taught by Mrs Bennet every alternate Wednesday from 8pm to 10pm (in the weeks in between Mrs Bennet's current and popular intermediate level class).  
This new course is designed for absolute beginners and for those who struggle a little in our regular classes, and want a gentler pace and more focus on the basics.

We will do these new classes in our elegant and well floored dance hall at St Mark's Church in Surbiton (that we use for our current intermediate level Regency dance classes). Our existing students may of course attend both classes, if they so choose.

This new class will focus on precise footwork (danced in time to the music), elegant body positioning and frame. We will practice some of the simpler and easier Regency dances, with one walk through and students will then dance each dance twice, and perhaps in differently composed groups, when possible. We hope to go through 2 or 3 dances per evening, with repetition of dances. But the focus will be on quality rather than quantity.

After the initial first opening class, each class will repeat two or three of the dances (from the previous class) and add one or two new ones, until we reach the end of the course. So that by the end of the course you will have at least 10 dances that you know well and that have all the basic dance moves.

There will be a tea break with free tea.

Price for the beginner's classes will be £9 as a ‘drop in’ price (for those who can only attend occasionally). Or £35 to attend all five classes (for those who will attend every two weeks) which must be paid in advance, (and for which there will be no refunds as we have to cover the hall hire).

If you wish to book for all seven classes, please bring cash on your first night of attendance, or pay in advance during our regular Wednesday class.

Please pass this invitation on to friends who may want to join this class and learn to dance with you and discover the wonderful world of historic dance!

Best wishes