Contact us - U.S. Embassy in Eswatini - Find how to contact an office at the mission

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Contact Us

Emergency Contacts

If you need emergency services in Eswatini during Embassy working hours, please call the consular section at the Embassy at number: 2417-9000.

If you are calling Eswatini from the United States, please call internationally to Eswatini using the international dialing format: 011 – 268 – 2417-9000.

After Duty Hours:

If you are a U.S. citizen with an after hours emergency in Eswatini, please call the duty officer at number: 268-2417-9000. If you are in the United States, use the international format from the United States 011 – 268 – 2417-9000.

Time difference and Duty Hours:

There is normally a 6-12 hour time difference between various states of the United States and Eswatini. 6 hours later from the Eastern Time Zone during the summer daylight savings time, to 12 hours later than the standard local time in Hawaii.

Embassy operation hours are 07:30 AM to 5:00 PM Monday thru Thursday, and 07:30 AM to 12:30 PM on Fridays. Embassy Eswatini honors all legal American holidays, and selected Swazi holidays for closure purposes.

Embassy Mbabane

U.S. Embassy Mbabane
Corner of MR 103 and Cultural Center Drive
P.O. Box D202
The Gables, H106
Phone: (268) 2417-9000
Fax: (268) 2416-3344

You may contact the Consular Section at the following email address:

Finding the Embassy

We are located in Ezulwini next to the Gables Shopping Complex on the Corner of MR 103 and Cultural Drive Center.

Postal Address: P.O.Box D202
The Gables
H106, Eswatini
Tel: (+268) 2417 9000
Fax (268) 2416 3344