Annual Concert: Meet the musicians

Join us on the 19th May for a wonderful afternoon of music. But first, we are delighted to introduce some of the musicians performing at the concert.

Steele smiles at the camera. She is wearing a pink, purple, blue and white top and her long blond hair falls around her face.


Music has always played a central role in my life and I have been singing and playing the piano since I was four. I was lucky enough to be selected by the government’s DofE Music & Dance scheme when I was 10 and I have been attending Saturday music school ever since.

I love composition, particularly songwriting, and I will be performing an original song called “Squeeze My Hand” which I wrote in 2021. 

Benjamin sits in a tree with the trunk and leaves behind him. The angle the camera is below him. He is wearing a white t-shirt, blue trousers and blue glasses.


Hi, I’m Benjamin and I have been playing the piano since I was five, and now I am 11 years old.

Recently, I won a trophy at the Chelmsford music festival for my performance of a ‘Song without Words’ by Mendelssohn and am looking forward to playing this at The Amber Trust’s Annual Concert.

Lily smiles at the camera. She is sitting on the sofa wearing a red and white striped polo neck and has some of her shoulder-length hair tied up.

Lily M

My name is Lily and I have been singing for 6 years and playing the harp for 2 years. I love to play and sing many types of music – jazz, blues, country, gospel, opera. 

I can’t wait for this year’s Amber Trust Concert and to hear all the musicians. I will be singing “Cold Cold Heart” by Hank Williams and  “It’s Only a Paper Moon” (the Ella Fitzgerald version).

Chapman sits in front of an open grand piano. Most of the piano is out of shot. Instead, you can see the inner keys and strings from the top of the piano, with Chapman sitting behind them. He is wearing a white shirt, blue tie and grey waistcoat. One hand is hovering over the piano. A colourful painting is behind him. 


Meet Chapman, a 13-year-old pianist. Despite being born blind, having autism, learning and speaking difficulties, Chapman achieved a Merit in his ARSM diploma grade piano exam this year. Prior to this, he attained a distinction in Grade 8 when he was 11.  

Chapman has been leveraging his music and story to inspire others, he was featured multiple times on the BBC and was named the Young Person of the Year by SENSE in 2023. 

India sits on the trunk of a large tree, her feet suspended above the ground. She is wearing black trainers, blue trousers and a pale jumper with a butterfly on it.


Hi, I am India and I’m 10 years old. I’ve played the piano since I was six and I am on grade 4.  

I also am an athlete and I train in an athletics club.  

I will be playing a classical selection including Billie’s Song, Ninette’s Musette and Allegro in F. It will be my first time playing in an Amber concert and I’m really looking forward to it! 

Nikhil stands and smiles in front of some very colourful artwork painted onto a caravan behind him. He is wearing a red hoodie and black coat.


I am Nikhil. I am almost 15. I have been playing piano since the age of 5 and drums since 7. I also play Ukelele. I enjoy playing Baroque and classical in piano and Rock music in drums.  

I have made new friends through The Amber Trust and am looking forward to performing with them at the concert this year. I will be playing Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in E major. 

Lily holds stands and holds her cane in front of Windsor Castle. There is a grass lawn behind her leading up to the castle, with people milling around in the background.

Lily B 

I am Lily, I love music. It is my passion, I sing in a choir, play piano and keyboard. I always look forward to the Amber Trust concert. They have supported me with my music lessons. I love performing and this is a great opportunity for me.  Making music with my friends is a highlight for me.  

The picture is of me at Windsor Castle where I sang with my choir last September.

A smiling headshot of Eleanor against a white background. Her blond hair sits across her shoulders. She is wearing a bright pink top.


Hi, I’m Eleanor. I have been singing for as long as I can remember and The Amber Trust have supported my singing lessons ever since I was just 6 years old! I love 80’s music and my favourite group is A-Ha, although I also enjoy singing musical theatre and have just taken my grade 3 exam for which I received a distinction!

I’m really looking forward to catching up with everyone at Amber’s Annual Concert. Last year, although I was there, I was unable to perform due to illness, so this year I really hope to be able to perform for you all. I will be singing “Maybe” from the film ‘Annie’ and participating in the ensemble.

A professional photo of Derek Paravicini sitting at a grand Steinway piano. He is wearing a white shirt, dark glasses, and has one arm resting on the piano.

Derek Paravicini

Derek is a world-renowned pianist and musical entertainer despite being blind, having learning difficulties and being on the autism spectrum.

The central importance of music in Derek’s formative years inspired the founding of the Amber Trust.


Tickets are selling fast, book now to hear these musicians (and more) perform live in our Annual Concert.

We hope to see you there!