Ginny Holder, on the record, talks about her “Death in Paradise” character Trainee Officer Darlene Curtis | by Shain E. Thomas | Paradise Unlocked | Medium


Ginny Holder, on the record, talks about her “Death in Paradise” character Trainee Officer Darlene Curtis

What does Ginny Holder have to say about Trainee Officer Darlene Curtis?

Shain E. Thomas
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2024


Ginny Holder, with her Death in Paradise character Darlene Curtis first appearing in the seventh season episode “Written in Murder” as a civilian, isn’t the newest kid on the block.

Holder, at the end of the seventh season penultimate instalment, made her farewells to the series. She returned in Toby Frow’s season 11 episode “Painkiller Thriller”. The character’s status, from season 11, changed from civilian to trainee officer.

Holder, with season 13 fast approaching, looks forwards to the immediate future and discusses the past. She tells us what is going on with her character.

This series marks the 100th episode of Death in Paradise. How does it feel to be part of such a monumental milestone?

To get to the 100th episode is quite extraordinary. There’s been so many kinds of stories throughout the years. To get to this point is phenomenal. And the storyline, it will test every single character emotionally. It’s a good one!

What can you tell us about the 100th episode? How will audiences react to events?

I think they will be devastated as to what happens to our dear Selwyn. I’ve seen clips of that episode, it’s phenomenal. They’ll be devastated just like the characters are in the episode. It will pull at your heartstrings.

What was it like to film? How did you feel when you read the script for the first time?

It was amazing. When I read the script, I thought “Oh my God, are they serious?” But when you read a script, you connect into the emotional side of it. When you see how it’s all filmed and put together and how all the scenes are so beautifully played, it’s a shocker. It has everything, this episode.

Are there any aspects of Darlene’s character that you personally relate to?

I love the fact that Darlene is full of excitement. Anyone who knows me will know that one of my favourite sayings is, “Where’s the excitement?” I need some excitement, just to feel yourself, and I think that’s the whole thing with Darlene, she likes to feel every aspect.

Whether it’s her feelings for other people, kindness, or going out and having fun and enjoying life. You have to feel. Also having your downtime is important to be able to connect with yourself and I think Darlene does all of that. She’s a bit more extra than me, maybe.

You know she loves to be flamboyant and dresses up and she loves to be seen. But she’s a hard worker and she loves her job, and I think it’s the first time that she’s ever found the right career for herself, and it just fell in her lap.

Is there a particular episode that stands out for you this series?

There are two episodes that really stand out for me. There’s one episode that me makes me want to cry and that’s the cooking competition. How it’s all revealed at the end as to how this person got killed and why. It broke my heart reading that episode, I was really moved.

There is also episode seven which deals with bullying. I think Death in Paradise this year deals with huge themes that are relatable for people. They’re going to touch people deeply.

Were there any members of the guest cast this series who stood out?

Hayley Mills. Hayley Mills is a woman’s woman. This woman is down. I grew up with all her films. I’ve seen everything that she’s done. I was in awe when she came and said, “All Hail to Hayley Mills!”. She has grace, she’s funny and she’s a phenomenal actress. She also cackles like you would not believe.

Darlene’s hugely supportive of Neville’s blog when others might not be. What does she hope he gets out of this?

She hopes he finds himself. He hides behind all this fancy language and she just wants to put a rocket up his arse, and say, “Come on, babe, just live! Just use your character and your personality. Get some excitement!”. She just wants to shake him! Just go and be huge and show this other side of yourself. Darlene finds him quite endearing.

She wants to just shake people up. Similarly with the story with Naomi and the two of them going out a lot this series. It’s just about living and enjoying yourself. Naomi comes out of her shell, and when you see her open up, it’s beautiful. That’s what Darlene’s thing is, is just to push, to get people to come out of themselves a bit and enjoy themselves. Yes, you can be a nerd, but there is another side of you. Enjoy yourself!

What was it like working with Shantol on that storyline and those scenes?

It was lovely because Shantol is special, she’s such a diamond. Sometimes work did come and take over when they were going out dating. It’s like “Come on, let’s go and have fun”, but she ruined a couple of dates. Darlene wasn’t happy. She had fine men…

Darlene’s local connections are sometimes vital for the team solving their cases. Do you think she’s their secret weapon?

I think so now. I think it’s so important to have someone that can go in a bit deeper or just knows your local area, knows the people and knows how to get information. That was very much a thing that Dwayne used to do as well. She knows a lot of people on the island. She’s secret weapon number one.



Shain E. Thomas
Paradise Unlocked

With an M.Sc. from the University of North Texas, I’m a freelance journalist and a social historian. #APStylebook #BBCStyleGuide