Hidden Assets star Nora-Jane Noone — ‘It took a decade to get over my imposter syndrome’

Actress Nora-Jane Noone talks about her struggle to find her feet after her initial success in The Magdalene Sisters, but how moving to LA, Covid and motherhood awakened a world of opportunities, including scriptwriting

Nora-Jane Noone, who plays Detective Sergeant Claire Wallace in the upcoming second season of Hidden Assets on RTÉ. Photo: Andres Poveda

Sarah Caden

When actress Nora-Jane Noone visited her native Galway in December 2020, it was to be for a Christmas visit. No doubt she always called Galway home, but in that year, home for Noone was LA, where she had moved from London in 2015 and where she lived with husband, fellow actor Chris Marquette, and their baby daughter. In common with the rest of the world, however, 2020 had been a year of significant events.

“My daughter,” says Noone, who prefers not to name her in print, “was born in Galway at the end of January 2020, and we were on the plane back to the US in March when we found out, in the air, that the world was closing down. So we arrived back to LA and we were just in the house, in lockdown, with a newborn.