Jouer au bridge en ligne gratuitement avec Funbridge

Le bridge partout, tout le temps

Jouer au bridge en ligne gratuitement

If you are looking for a free bridge game that will let you play contract bridge online, then Funbridge is just the ticket! This bridge game is easy to download on iPhone, Android, Mac or Windows.

  • Try for free
  • Available 24/7
  • Play and meet your friends
  • No commitment
  • Play with no limit
  • Challenge players and friends
  • Jouer au bridge en ligne à n’importe quel moment de la journée
  • Entraînement de bridge gratuit en ligne

Funbridge en quelques mots

Funbridge lets you play bridge for free with no hang-ups and no commitments. It offers a subscription to both mobile iPhone and Android users and also to computer users with either Mac or Windows desktop.

There are even hints to help you if you are asking yourself "How do you play bridge?". For those who already know how to play bridge, this bridge app helps you sharpen your skills at both declarer’s play and defense before jumping in to play duplicate bridge against live opponents.

We want to make it not just fun, easy and educational, but we also want you to play bridge online as a meaningful experience in every way. We aim to lead the way among free bridge apps.

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4.5 / 5

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What do you get when you download our free bridge game?

Le module d’initiation au bridge
Découvrez les règles du bridge et les notions essentielles du jeu grâce aux cours et exercices élaborés par nos experts du bridge. Tout ce que vous devez connaître pour apprendre le bridge se trouve dans ce module interactif et ludique.
Learn how to play
Even if your first question is "How do you play bridge?", the app will be useful to you. If you are already acquainted with how to play, this bridge game will challenge you. Bridge is a fun and exciting card game that is also educational, reinforcing both mathematical concepts and spatial reasoning. It fosters critical thinking and problem solving at the highest level.

Practice deals
This lets you practice bidding and play of the hand. Get invaluable experience as the app gives you advice and counts the points of your hand as well as your tricks. Engineer strip and end plays, Scissors coups and two-way finesses to make your contract as you play online.

Bridge tournaments
Once you are comfortable enough to play duplicate bridge online, our bridge app offers tournaments for all skill levels 24/7.
Large community
We have a rapidly growing community of 50,000 active members playing bridge online every day.

Smart AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Who among players does not want to play bridge for free? Most bots in free bridge apps can barely follow suit, but our AI is strong enough to offer a challenge that approaches human interaction. You can even partner up and take on the AI or other human players as you play bridge.

Intuitive game
Our bridge game is free and is not only easy-to-play but also intuitive. If you play bridge and want to play bridge online, our free bridge game that teaches you how to play bridge is just the right solution.

Jouez au bridge gratuitement ou abonnez-vous à Funbridge PREMIUM


Funbridge GRATUIT


  • 100 premières donnes offertes
  • Puis 2 donnes offertes / jour

Funbridge PREMIUM


$ 13 ,99 12 ,99 / mois
  • Jouez sans limite
  • Sans engagement
  • Annulable à tout moment

Jérôme Rombaut, 2017 Vice World Bridge Champion

You can get your duplicate bridge online fix at any time of the day or night! Does playing bridge online offer rankings and analysis of how you perform in bridge games? Yes, with Funbridge, it does. So, to play a contract bridge game online, download our app today and enjoy the expertise of Jérôme Rombaut who is in charge of developing the game engine. From 1C passed out to 7NTXX, experience the thrill!

» Discover the game engine

Jérôme Rombaut

Témoignages clients

La satisfaction des joueurs au coeur de nos développements


Ce que les Funbridgeurs aiment :


3 juin 2024

Bonne note. Elle est agréable et lisible . Elle tombe cependant parfois en panne ...


3 juin 2024

Pour une qui joue très peu me convient bien .


1 juin 2024

Très satisfait