Year of the Horse » Meaning, Personality & Prediction in 2021

Year of the Horse » Meaning, Personality & Prediction in 2021

The Horse is seventh in the order of all the Chinese zodiac animals. According to one folktale, the Jade Emperor decided that the order of the animals would be determined according to the order by which they arrived at his party. Chinese New Year will discuss more about Year of the Horse below.

Year of the Horse

The Horse was too scared to pass through a cemetery on his way to the celebration. He stopped and hesitated for a very long time. Eventually, he was able to think of an effective solution: to run past the cemetery with his eyes closed.  

When the horse opened his eyes, he had already gone through the cemetery and was now able to travel at full speed. He arrived after the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, and the Snake.

The Horse is also associated with the Earthly Branch (地支—dì zhī) wǔ (午) and the hours of 11:00-13:00 in the midday. In terms of yin and yang (阴阳—yīn yáng), the Horse is yang.

Horses play a crucial role in transportation and war as the leaders of the six domestic animals. Northern ethnicities such as the Manchurians and Mongolians worship the horse. Read more about this Zodiac Sign below.

Horses are independent-minded and require space to express themselves freely

Along with the Celestial Stems (天干—Tiān gān), there is a 60-year calendrical cycle. The Earthly Branch of the Horse is associated with fire, but its years cycle through the five elements of nature (五行—wǔ xíng). Recent years of the Horse include: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026.


Personality and traits

Horses are diligent in school. They are also athletic but they tend to be a bit too energetic. Nonetheless, they strive hard to achieve their dreams. Horses are motivated by happiness rather than wealth or fame. They expect others to be at the same pace as them but struggle to understand when they can’t.  In Chinese Zodiac sign, they have short tempers but get over things quickly. Their biggest flaw would be being blind to their mistakes.

Fire1966, 2026These Horses are smart and active. Their skills along with support from friends enable them to solve any problem. However, they can be sensitive to criticism.
Earth1978, 2038These Horses take their careers very seriously. They also love to socialize and help others. They are highly appreciated by those surrounding them.However, they sometimes make
mistakes out of being impatient.
Metal1930, 1990These Horses are polite and optimistic. They take love seriously and is most compatible with someone who can tolerate their faults. Their biggest downside would be being too frank and not realizing that they have hurt others in the process.
Water1942, 2002These Horses are of great value to their superiors at work. Others are easily attracted to them but they require time to develop feelings for them. They also tend to be emotional and impatient.
Wood1954, 2013These Horses are incredibly creative. They see everything from a unique point of view and are able to express their ideas freely. They make great leaders but can be emotionally sensitive.

Men born in the year of the Horse are independent and strive for freedom. They have a laid-back personality and show their true selves to others. Their sense of humor makes them popular in groups. They are also willing to do everything they can to help others. Selflessness may be a sign of maturity, but these men usually take more time to mature compared to others. However, they sometimes think too highly of themselves and get blinded of by their mistakes. These are their characteristics.

Women born in the year of the Horse are very attractive and exude a refreshing aura. The people surrounding them are often impressed at how good they are at what they do. They don’t need the support and motivation of others to succeed as long as they stay determined.

These women draw a clear line between who they like and who they don’t. However, they are usually indecisive and often leave things to fate rather than having them go according to plan. They can also go from gentle ponies to wild stallions. These are their characteristics.

Want to know more 2021 horoscope? Read the fortune and personality on our articles on Year of the Rabbit, Year of the Pig, and Year of the Monkey.


Horse compatibility

Most compatible with Horse: Goat, Tiger, and Dog

  • Horses are attracted to the tenderheartedness of Goats and they feel fulfillment from their reliance.
  • Horses and Tigers are willing to put in the effort for one another and build genuine relationships.
  • Dogs provide valuable help to Horses in work and life.

Least compatible with Horse: Rat, Ox, and Horse

  • Horses and Rats are the least compatible and a marriage between them would be full of problems.
  • Obstacles in communication hinder relationships between Horses and Oxen to flourish.
  • Horses are also incompatible with themselves as they would struggle to maintain a lasting relationship outside of work because they are too much alike.

Lucky things for Horses

  • Colors: The Lucky Colors are Purple and Red
  • Numbers: 3 and 9
  • Accessories/Ornaments: navy blue stone pendant
  • Auspicious directions: South & Southeast

Careers fit for Horses

Rather than routine jobs that feel repetitive, Horses are best fit for work that require technical and improvisation skills such as journalism and translation. These jobs allow horses to be in their element.

Since Horses are good at adapting to new environments, they are also suitable for jobs that are constantly changing. They have the foresight and often already have plans when others are still figuring this out. This makes them fit for political positions.

Health and lifestyle

Horses are always on the move. Upon reaching a milestone, they immediately set off for the next goal without rest. This causes them to disrupt their body clocks which may lead to problems with the liver or kidneys.

To ward off health problems, Horses must learn to slow down. They must not ignore common symptoms as they can lead to more serious illnesses. They must be extra mindful when a cold causes chest pains. Horses are generally healthy but they have to make time for rest and relaxation.

Check out for other 2021 horoscope in Chinese New Year. Discover the fortune and personality of Year of the Snake, Rooster, and Dragon.

year of the horse

Horses in the Year of the Ox (2021)

Based on Chinese Astrology, the Year of the Metal Ox seems a normal year for Horse. Since this sign remains under the starry influence of Tai-Suay, the natives are advised to avoid making any big investment or purchases and prevent any losses. The year 2021 can be a roller-coaster, which can make you moody, emotional, and sensitive sometimes. The best way to deal with it is to learn from your past mistakes and be patient for this year. However, during tough times, an elder (colleague, friend, family member) will be there to help and support you, which will make you feel better and energetic.


For love life, the year will remain average for Horse and there will not be any sign of them getting married or having a long-term commitment. Single horse natives are required to control their emotions and not fall head-over-heels in love with anyone they have met in 2021 since there are high possibility of it turning out as a fling. As a result, they may experience several challenges when looking for a partner!

Married ones must know how to remain in their boundaries and maintain a distance from the opposite sex when engaging in a conversation as their over-friendly attitude can worsen their marital life. Stay away from temptation at all costs. In terms of compatibility, Horses enjoy great bond with Dragons, Dogs and Tigers while they can have hard time with the Ox and Rat.



For the year of the Ox, the financial outlook of Horses is not looking good and it might be better to keep a low profile. Avoid making hasty financial decisions as there are chances of money loss.

The rate of your shares may go down or you may see a downfall in any of your investments. Thus, you must be extra cautious when investing in any project or stock market. Consult any experienced person or a professional prior and maintain a rational attitude. Since you have a habit of trying your luck in the lottery, something may come out of it this year.


Chinese Astrology reveals that your luck factor will remain average for the Year of the Ox. You must trust your capabilities, act appropriately, and work hard to attain your goals. Prepare yourself for further challenges and be a team player when new opportunity comes in. You must check every detail and avoid making drastic decision that can pull your career down this year. We suggest for you to remain patient and wait for a better opportunity next year.

However, you can grab a new employment opportunity in case a senior introduces you to it. This can be a life-changing moment in your career. However, if you are with public affairs, you need to watch your mouth since anything you say can go against you.



The Year of the Metal Ox seems to offer the Horse a good health for the whole year, except for small concerns like cold, cough, flu, or headache. If they eat well and maintain a balanced diet,then nothing serious will bother them. Exercise regularly and do yoga for both physical and mental peace.

Meanwhile, you must take care of the elderly family members as they are prone to getting sick. Stay alert and bring them to the doctor immediately in case any problem arises.

Are you interested in Chinese beliefs? Check out on Chinese New Year traditions, Chinese New Year mythology, and Chinese New Year superstitions.


What does the Year of the Horse mean?

In the 12 year cycle, the horse comes in the seventh year. From the five elements the horse resembles Fire (Huo) which symbolizes enthusiasm and energy.

Born in the Year of the Horse?

From career to relationships , professional life related to work or business , bad luck month or your reasons for poor luck, lucky months, unlucky months, your charms and finances , your outlook on life, your posibble destiny, best suited careers/career choices , career progress/ career performance , the best lunar months , your misfortunes or failure in life, your fear and power all predicted by this Zodiac animal sign. We have provided you with the predictions for the Horse for 2021. We hope the coming year will be fruitful for you and your family. Let us know if you have any queries, leave a comment below. Post questions about lunar calendar, Chinese culture, Chinese zodiac compatibility, zodiac sign calculator, health fortune prediction, Unlucky color, Chinese element theory or anything from the article in the comment box below.

1 thought on “Year of the Horse » Meaning, Personality & Prediction in 2021”

  1. This is really interesting. The idea of “a robot” and “the rat in an apartment” seems so unsurprising though. If you have a robot, you might be able to simulate that “rats in an apartment”. If you don’t have an apartment in the house that is not nearby you are probably going to be in the apartment with robots, at least to me, that is a lot less surprising than some other species on Earth. However, I’m having a hard time imagining some weird plot scenarios from my first encounter. Well, if there were a dryer and we could simulate one of them. So perhaps we could try the same thing.


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