DC fans know that Superman is one of the most powerful characters ever created. Since he first hit the comic book scene, the Man of Steel has only grown in power, achieving the strength of a literal god. But thanks to the resets to DC’s continuity, there are many iterations of Clark Kent. Not to mention the many variants of Superman across the DC multiverse.

With so many powerful figures in DC canon, the question must be asked: How many Supermen are there, and how do they compare to one another? Read on to discover 30 versions of Superman, ranked from weakest to the most powerful.

35 'Realworlds' Superman Was Not a Man of Steel

Multiverse Designation: Unknown

Realworlds Superman DC

First Appearance



Realworlds: Superman (2000)

Steve Vance and José Luis García-López

An average man who bulks up and becomes a neighborhood 'Superman

The Realworlds Superman comes from an Earth similar to the real one where the Man of Steel is a fictional character. Eddie Dial buffed up in prison and became a neighborhood tough guy, but he’s no more powerful than an advanced weightlifter. Sure he’s strong, but he’s not exactly Superman strong.

34 Golden Age Superman Set the Standard for Future Clarks

Multiverse Designation: Earth-2

First Appearance



Action Comics #1 (1937)

Jerry Siegel and Joel Shuster

Baby Kal-L who became Earth's Superman after being rocketed to Earth.

Superman may impressed the world when he first debuted with his ability to run faster than a locomotive and leap tall buildings in a single bound. But compared to the counterparts that would debut down the line, he’s fairly weak. This Superman can’t fly and can be easily harmed by nuclear weapons.

33 Cyborg Superman is Terrifying, but Weak Compared to Legit Supermen

Multiverse Designation: Earth-0

Close Up on Cyborg Superman

First Appearance



The Adventures of Superman #466 (1990)

Dan Jurgens

Hank Henshaw, a mutated astronaut who became a cybernetic monstrosity.

Cyborg Superman has some highly advanced weaponry in his bio-organic frame. He’s got powerful levels of technopathy and became an important figure in the Sinestro Cops War. Not to mention he’s functionally immortal. But he’s far, far weaker than the genuine article and nowhere near capable of Superman’s more impressive feats.

32 Supersaur Combined Superman's Strength With the Awesomeness of a Dinosaur

Multiverse Designation: Earth-27

jurassic league superman punch dinosaur

First Appearance



The Jurassic League #1 (2022)

Juan Gedeon and Daniel Warren Johnson

An alien Brachiosaurus raised by humans.

In the prehistoric world of The Jurassic League, the world is protected by anthropomorphic heroes, including the Superman-like Supersaur. Supersaur is a powerful Brachiosaurus who shares the same range of powers as his Prime counterpart. He’s not as strong as most Supermen, but he’s one of the strongest members of the all-dinosaur League.

31 Super-Soldier Combines Superman & Captain America's Best Traits

Multiverse Designation: Earth-1996

Amalgam Comics Super Soldier

First Appearance



Marvel vs. DC #3 (1996)

Mark Waid and Dave Gibbons

A super soldier who gained enhanced powers from a government experiment.

Despite being the Amalgam Comics' version of Superman and Captain America, he’s a bit weaker than the latter. In the Amalgam Universe, Clark Kent gained enhanced many of Superman’s powers thanks to cells taken from an alien corpse. But even with the tactical brilliance of Captain America on top of that, this Superman is still pretty weak.

30 The Dark Knight Returns Superman Lacked Much of His Usual Strength

Multiverse Designation: Earth-31

Dark Knight Returns Superman

First Appearance



The Dark Knight Returns #3 (1986)

Frank Miller

A Superman that serves the United States' government.

This Clark is a Superman no doubt and can pull off many of the feats one would expect of the hero. However, this world’s Batman easily clobbered him in their iconic fight with a little prep time. Not to mention this Man of Tomorrow is nearly killed by a nuclear warhead.

29 Steel's Ingenuity Makes Him a Worthy Superman Replacement

Multiverse Designation: Earth-0

John Henry Irons aka Steel as seen in DC comics

First Appearance



The Adventures of Superman #500 (1993)

Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove

A man who created a suit to fill in for Superman.

When Superman died at Doomsday’s hands, no one knew if he’d be coming back. John Henry Irons doesn’t have powers, Kryptonian or otherwise. But he believed in Superman and used his intelligence and engineering skills to fashion himself a suit that turned Steel into an iconic hero in his own right.

28 Post-Crisis DC Downgraded Superman, But Only Briefly

Multiverse Designation: Earth-0, Post-Crisis

First Appearance



The Man of Steel #1 (1986)

John Byrne

A revamped Superman following Crisis on Infinite Earths.

After Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman was brought down a few pegs from his Silver and Bronze Age equivalents. However, this updated version of Clark grew in power over time, eventually becoming strong enough to rival his older incarnations. But this Clark had to work for the might Superman is known for.

27 Electric Superman Switched Up Clark's Powers

Multiverse Designation: Earth-0

Electric Superman DC

First Appearance



Superman #123 (1997)

Dan Jurgens and Ron Frenz

Superman's powers adapting to become more energy-based

Superman lost most of his usual powers after the battle with the Sun-Eater in the The Final Night affected his abilities. However, this began Clark’s Electric Superman phase and in addition to an iconic costume, Superman gained some nifty and useful powers like turning into pure energy and instant teleportation.

26 Ultraman is a Dangerous, Deadly Superman

Multiverse Designation: Earth-3

Ultraman using his heat vision in DC Comics

First Appearance



Justice League of America #29 (1964)

Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky

A Superman from a world of backward morality

The evil Superman is a pretty serious threat. Kal-Il is nearly as strong as most Supermen, at least powerful enough to kill several of his counterparts from across the multiverse. What makes him truly scary is that Ultraman actually becomes stronger when exposed to kryptonite (that he prefers to freebase).

25 Bizarro is Odd, But He's Not a Weakling

Multiverse Designation: Earth-29