Carla Morrison Estoy Aquí - Recuerdos De Infancia Lyrics English Translation

Estoy Aquí - Recuerdos De Infancia Lyrics in English

I know you won't come, everything that was
Time left it behind
I know you won't come back, what happened to us
Will never repeat
A thousand years won't be enough
To erase you and forget
And now I'm here wanting to turn
Fields into a city, mixing the sky with the sea
I know I let you escape, I know I lost you
Nothing will ever be the same
A thousand years may be enough
For me to forgive
I'm here wanting you
Drowning myself in photos and notebooks
Among things and memories that I can't understand
I'm going crazy
Exchanging one foot for my own face
Tonight for the day and what
There's nothing I can do
The letters I wrote, I never sent them
You won't want to hear from me
I can't understand how foolish I was
It's a matter of time and faith
A thousand years with another thousand more
Are enough to love
I'm here wanting you
Drowning myself in photos and notebooks
Among things and memories that I can't understand
I'm going crazy
Exchanging one foot for my own face
Tonight for the day and what
I'm here wanting you
Drowning myself in photos and notebooks
Among things and memories that
I'm going crazy
Exchanging one foot for my own face
Tonight for the day and what
If you still think of me
You know I'm still waiting for you
I'm here wanting you
I'm going crazy
Exchanging one foot for my own face
Tonight for the day and what
I'm here wanting you
Drowning myself in photos and notebooks
Among things and memories that
I'm going crazy
Exchanging one foot for my own face
Tonight for the day and what
I'm here
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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