Deucalion: the new world-class green supercomputer in Portugal - FCT Skip to main content

Deucalion: the new world-class green supercomputer in Portugal

The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has signed a contract for the acquisition of a new petascale EuroHPC supercomputer, called "Deucalion", with the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and Fujitsu, the technology provider.

This high-performance computing (HPC) system will be installed in the Minho Advanced Computing Centre (MACC), one of four operational centers for advanced computing in Portugal coordinated by the FCT. This is a petascale supercomputer, capable of running the maximum performance of 10 Petaflops or 10 million billion calculations per second. This machine will use ARM technology, which is the Fujitsu A64FX CPU, used by Fugaku, the fastest supercomputer in the world today.

Deucalion will allow the development of a unique and innovative context to apply European and global principles of green computing, taking advantage of a fully sustainable infrastructure. This new supercomputer is the result of a joint and collaborative effort co-financed by the FCT, the Innovation Support Fund, the Energy Efficiency Fund, the European Structural Funds of the North Region of Portugal, the Municipality of Guimarães and the EuroHPC JU, which will contribute with 6.95 million euros. Representing a joint investment of more than 20 million euros over the next three years, this new supercomputer should be operational in early 2022.

Fujitsu was selected through a Call released in March 2020. The technical specifications of the new System are described here.

The computing capacity of this new system will be complemented by four more EuroHPC petascale supercomputers to be installed in the following supercomputing centers:

  • LuxProvide, Luxembourg
  • IZUM, Slovenia
  • IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, Czech Republic
  • Sofiatech, Bulgaria

And also by three more EuroHPC pre-exascale supercomputers located in the following supercomputing centers:


Attachments: Press release