How To Reset iPhone 11 – Quick And Easy

How To Reset iPhone 11

iPhone 11 front viewYour iPhone 11 has hung up and is no longer responding? If the iPhone no longer does what it should, you can make a hard reset. This is a forced reboot, which usually removes all kinds of software problems and bugs on the iPhone – without any data loss. In the following we will show you how the iPhone 11 Reset works.

How to hard reset iPhone 11

The hard reset is a kind of universal problem solver with which many errors and bugs on the iPhone can be solved without any technical know-how. All you need is your iPhone and a special key combination. Since the iPhone 11 no longer has a home button, the hard reset works a little differently than on older iPhone models with a home button.

If you want to force restart your iPhone 11, proceed as follows:

  1. First press the volume up button and release again.
  2. Then press the volume down button immediately and let go again.
  3. Then hold down the Side button on the right hand side until the Apple logo appears.

iPhone 11 hard reset key combination

The hard reset has nothing to do with resetting the iPhone, where all content, data and settings are removed from the iPhone. Your iPhone will be reset to factory settings, i.e. to its original state. With a hard reset, on the other hand, all your data is retained. Only the operating system is restarted.

Now you know how to restart your iPhone 11. If the hard reset doesn’t help and your iPhone just won’t work, you can try restoring the iPhone in recovery mode. If nothing works, you may need to have your iPhone repaired.

Tipp: You have a new iPhone 11, but you still don’t know how to use it properly? Then check out our 10 best iPhone 11 tricks!