Arcadia at Christ Church Cathedral Gardens event tickets from TicketSource


Christ Church Cathedral Gardens, Oxford, OX1 1 DP
Fri 17th May 2024
When we have found all the mysteries and lost all the meaning, we will be alone...

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A synthesis of wit and romance, of chaos theory and botany, Tom Stoppard's rapturous masterpiece Arcadia is one of the finest plays to emerge from the mind of the most celebrated contemporary playwrights. Watch order collide with disorder, certainty pitted against uncertainty, and the past reach through the present — all against the suitably Arcadian backdrop of Christ Church's secretive and idyllic Cathedral Gardens.

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The Friday night performance is a Black Tie Gala evening, and tickets will include complimentary Champagne with alcohol-free alternatives also available.
Google map static shot of Christ Church Cathedral Gardens, Oxford, OX1 1 DP
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