The Meaning Behind The Song: Disappear by INXS - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Disappear by INXS


The Meaning Behind The Song: Disappear by INXS

Before diving into the meaning behind the song, let’s take a closer look at the details surrounding INXS’s hit single “Disappear.”

Title Disappear
Artist INXS
Writer/Composer Michael Hutchence & Jon Farriss
Album X (1990)
Release Date December 8, 1990
Genre Rock
Producer Chris Thomas

Now that we have the basic information out of the way, let’s delve into the meaning of the song and explore the personal connections it holds for many listeners.

“Disappear” is a powerful song that addresses themes of pain, suffering, and the desire for escape. The lyrics express a longing for relief from the struggles of everyday life, suggesting that the presence of a loved one can make the world’s problems and fears disappear.

During the chorus, the repetition of the line “You’re so fine, lose my mind” emphasizes the overwhelming effect the person being sung to has on the narrator. The world around them fades away, and with it, their worries and anxieties.

Listening to this song, I am reminded of the transformative power of love and human connection. It serves as a reminder that even amidst the chaos and challenges of life, finding solace in the company of others can provide a sense of calm and grounding.

The verses of “Disappear” touch on the concept of self-reflection and introspection. The line “Say if I could look into myself and reason” suggests a longing for self-understanding and a desire to make sense of one’s own thoughts and experiences.

Personally, this song takes me back to a time in my life when I was grappling with my own struggles and uncertainties. The bittersweet melancholy of the music and lyrics resonated deeply with me, providing a soundtrack for my own journey of introspection and growth.

One of the most captivating elements of “Disappear” is the bridge, where the word “disappear” is repeated multiple times, creating a hypnotic effect. This repetition reflects the yearning to escape from the difficulties of life, to be free from pain and suffering.

As the song builds towards its conclusion, the lyrics shift towards a more hopeful tone. The line “You put the light inside this man” suggests that the presence of the person being sung to brings hope and illumination into the narrator’s life.

Overall, “Disappear” is a profound and emotive song that speaks to the universal longing for relief and connection. INXS masterfully captures the complexities of life, love, and the desire to transcend our struggles through music.

In conclusion, the meaning behind the song “Disappear” by INXS is a testament to the power of love and human connection to provide solace and escape from the challenges of life. It serves as a reminder that despite the turmoil that surrounds us, finding solace in the presence of others can make the world’s problems and fears disappear.

So next time you find yourself in need of a little escape, take a moment to turn up the volume and let the enchanting melodies of “Disappear” transport you to a place where the world fades away.

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