West Rim Walk – The Latest Guide to The Best Fitzroy Falls Walk 2024

Distance: 3.5km
Time: 2-2.5hrs
Difficulty: Easy-Medium

Fitzroy Falls is located in the middle of the Morton National Park, Southern Highlands. The area is famous for the stunning waterfalls and canyons that make up this spectacular part of NSW. There are several walks in the area, but when thinking about which is the best Fitzroy Falls walk, The West Rim track comes out a clear winner.

Where is Fitzroy Falls?

Just under 1 hour from Wollongong and 2 hours south of Sydney, this magical location is fantastic for a family day out.

Fitzroy Falls

With walks, amenities, a picnic area and the Fitzroy Falls Visitor Centre, there is much to explore.

Directions / Where to Park?

For directions, please click the link to Google Maps.

The car park opening times are subject to seasonal change, however, the park is generally open between 9am – 4:30pm.

Please Note: As this is a national park, there is a parking fee of $4.00 per vehicle.

If you don’t have an annual National Parks Pass (available here), tickets can be purchased through pay stations at Fitzroy Falls.

Just don’t forget to display your ticket in clear view on the dash.

What To Expect from the West Rim Fitzroy Falls Walk?

We are so excited to announce that the West Rim Track has finally re-opened! After months of being closed due to extreme rainfall, landslides and track maintenance we can once again enjoy the stunning area.

The popular West Rim Track begins at the main lookout, only 150 metres from the visitor centre. So to begin this lovely Fitzroy Falls walk, just follow the signs to the main lookout.

Fitzroy Falls Walk

And since you are passing the main lookout anyway, stop in and check out the stunning views from the popular viewing platform.

Fitzroy Falls Walk

From the main lookout, the West Rim track is just off the right. Along this Fitzroy Falls walk, there are five lookouts to explore, which offer track gradings between easy and medium, mostly due to stairs.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track information

We will walk you through each section of the trail so you can decide which is best for you.

So let’s begin. From the beginning of the West Rim Track, you know you are going to be in for a treat. The trail is lined with ferns and ancient bushland with a fascinating old tree taking centre stage near the start of the walk.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track big old tree

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track big old tree

There are signs along the track explaining the different plant life in the area. Which, in the Aussie bush, is very helpful to teach the public what plants are dangerous and not.

In the background, the flowing sound of Fitzroy Falls is constantly present, along with the sounds of lyrebirds calling to each other in the trees.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track follows the gorge and you can hear Fitzroy Falls

At this early stage of the walk, the trail is easy and flat with very little in the way of obstacles.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

There are a couple of staircases to navigate on the way to the first lookout, but nothing too strenuous.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track stairs

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track stairs

And honestly, when you arrive at Jersey Lookout, you won’t be able to think of anything other than the AMAZING views you have just descended onto.

Fitzroy Falls

In our opinion, this is the most spectacular view along this Fitzroy Falls walk! And if you only make it to the Jersey Lookout, it is well, well worth it.

When Fitzroy Falls are in full flow, as they were when we completed the walk, the roar of the falls, even from this distance, is very loud. It’s honestly incredible.

Fitzroy Falls

And even when the falls are not in full flow, the walk is still very well worth it.

Bottom of Fitzroy Falls

Now, if you are only interested in completing this section of the Fitzroy Falls walk, it will take you a cruzy 20 minutes to complete (out and back).

But if you would like to see more… and there is definitely more to see, then this is just the beginning!

From the Jersey Lookout, the West Rim track continues along the edge of the cliff through beautiful Aussie bushland.

The trail is obvious and well-worn but has quite a few stairs to navigate.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track is well-worn

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track stairs

At the end of this section of track, you’ll come to a fork in the road. To the left is Richardson Lookout, and to the right, the Fitzroy Falls walk continues further out along the west rim.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Richardson Lookout

Richardson Lookout is older and somewhat rickety in comparison to the other lookouts along the trail.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Richardson Lookout

But if you are brave enough to venture out, the views of the valley are breathtaking.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Richardson Lookout views

And the views of Fitzroy Falls from here aren’t bad either, with a lovely Banksia framing the view!

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Richardson Lookout views

Now when leaving Richardson Lookout, turn left at the stairs and follow the path up to the fire trail.

Once there, make another left and continue along the fire trail for about 5 minutes. Then turn left again, and this will lead to the next lookout.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track fire trail

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track fire trail

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track fire trail

After walking a mere 60 metres, you’ll arrive at the lovely Twin Falls Lookout.

There are two lookouts here. One displays the stunning Twin Falls (and another slighter waterfall in the background)…

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - Twin Falls

And the other lookout, beautiful views of the valley.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - Twin Falls Lookout

The only problem we discovered around the lookouts was some kind of pesky flying bugs.

But they didn’t bother us too much, they were only a nuisance when trying to take photos.

From the Twin Falls lookout, the trail continues around to the right on a very easy, flat track.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - Twin Falls Lookout

And the walk leads you to a bridge right over the top of Twin Falls! It is a fantastic vantage spot…

The top of Twin Falls

…Not to mention, the views were lovely in both directions!

The top of Twin Falls

After crossing the bridge, follow the trail around to the left to stay on the West Rim track.

The bridge going over Twin Falls

But before heading into the next section of this amazing Fitzroy Falls walk, stop in at Paine’s Lookout, just off to the left of the path, for fresh views of Twin Falls and the valley.

This place roughly marks the midway point on the West Rim Track and really is where the track shifts gear.

From this point on, the trail is classed as more of a medium-grade track with uneven stone stairs and tree roots to scramble over.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

But oh my goodness isn’t it pretty! From ducking under a massive overhanging boulder to traipsing through damp, lush rainforest, this section of the West Rim Track is stunning.

Heading down to The Grotto

Heading down to The Grotto

And on the other side of the short, narrow track, you’ll cross a small bridge before coming to another intersection.

I don’t mind admitting that I was very excited to see this sign. Because I have been busting to visit The Grotto for a couple of years, but every time I’ve been, this section of the track has been closed… well not today!

The Grotto is only a short 50 metres off the main path, however, it does require a little ducking and scrambling to get there.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - The Grotto

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - The Grotto

But it was so worth the two-year wait to see!

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - The Grotto

The area is so beautiful with moss-covered boulders everywhere…

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - The Grotto

…and the sound of rushing water flowing over the cliff only metres away.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - The Grotto

We certainly had some fun taking photos here!

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - The Grotto

But once you are finished enjoying this little nook, it’s time to head out to the last two lookouts along this amazing Fitzroy Falls walk.

So make your way back to the main path and turn left to continue along the West Rim Track.

From the Grotto, the trail changes back to flat, rustic Aussie bushland, packed full of native plants and trees.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - track is clear and easy to follow

Hairpin Banksia - Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

Squiggly Gum - Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

After about 15 minutes, you will arrive at the last fork in the road.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Starkeys Lookout

We will be following the Starkey’s Lookout walk to the left but will come back to follow the path to Renown Lookout, the final viewpoint along this fantastic walk.

The short path to Starkey’s lookout leads you down a set of mild stairs before bringing you out to the little platform.

But although the lookout is little, the views are colossal!

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Starkeys Lookout

We had no idea what to expect from the lookouts this far out along the track, but I am so glad we took the extra time to visit… Just WOW!

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Starkeys Lookout

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track Starkeys Lookout

But although these views are stunning, I am happy to report, that there is still more to come!

It isn’t often that walking tracks save the best for last, but that is certainly the case on this amazing Fitzroy Falls walk.

So without wasting another minute, head back to the intersection and turn left, following the West Rim Track for the final 280 metres.

Not too far along the walk, you will come to what kind of looks like a roundabout. Yep, you heard right.

It looked a bit out of place until we realised that the West Rim Track and the fire trail meet at this intersection. It makes sense that the fire brigade would need a place to turn around if out here dousing a blaze.

Continuing on from here, we will be following the West Rim Track to the left for the final 230 metres.

And oh what a treat it is! The further you walk, the more you are surrounded by native Australia. It’s beautiful.

We half expected to see a goanna clinging to a tree or a wombat strolling across our path.

And once you round the last bend, following the fence past the big boulder on the right…

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - Renown Lookout

You are finally here!

Welcome to Renown Lookout, the last viewing point along the West Rim Track.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - Renown Lookout

From this distant location, you can see not one, not two, or three, but a whopping FOUR waterfalls weaving their way through the valley! WOW!!

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track - Renown Lookout

Oh, it is so worth the walk!

And to think that most people who visit Fitzroy Falls would have no idea this stunning spectacle is even here!

And it isn’t just the waterfalls that capture your attention. Even the lookout area itself is lovely, with big Banksia trees and moss-covered boulders sprinkled about.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

This stunning Fitzroy Falls walk would have to be up there with our absolute favourite walks in NSW.

It is a nature lover’s dream.

Once we were finished enjoying the scenery, we perched ourselves for some much-needed snacks and rest time before heading back to the visitor centre.

And when you make it back to the visitor centre, don’t forget to drop in for a souvenir or light snack.

Unfortunately, the cafe is closed for renovation, but the nearby towns of Robertson and Moss Vale have amazing options for food if you are looking for a place to grab some lunch.

Important Information

How Long is the West Rim Fitzroy Falls Walk?

The West Rim Track is roughly 3.5 kilometres from the main lookout return and takes between 2-2.5 hours to complete depending on stopping time.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

What is the Signage and Trail Quality Like?

The walk is clear and easy to follow with signs at each junction.

The West Rim Track is a well-kept dirt track with sections of uneven stone stairs and surfaces from Paine’s Lookout onwards.

What is the Track Difficulty?

This Fitzroy Falls walk is an easy – medium graded trail due to the uneven surfaces and stone stairs on the last half of the track. But that said, it’s still a fairly easy walk to navigate.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

This walk could be completed by anyone with a moderate fitness level with no hiking experience necessary.

However, if you have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions we recommend only walking to Jersey Lookout.

NOTE: If you would like a little extra assurance walking this trail, we recommend downloading the AllTrails app to help you navigate.

Although not vital, it does help to gauge how long you have to go between each lookout.

What Should I Wear?

We recommend hiking boots for this walk because they offer great ankle support and are generally waterproof.

But if you don’t have any, sneakers are ok as long as they have good grip.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

We also recommend good quality hiking pants as they are tough, light and don’t rip easily.

If you would like more information on what to wear, click here.

Water, sunscreen, hat, snacks and insect repellent for ticks and leeches are essential.

For more information on what you could bring, click here.

Is This Track Child Friendly?

This track is great for children because there are fences all along the cliffs and the trail is clear.

However, due to the length of the track, please consider your child’s fitness level and willingness to walk long distances.

If you feel this track isn’t suitable for your child, the good news is there are other walks in the Southern Highlands, not far from here, that are family-friendly.

Other child-friendly walks in the area include Carrington Falls, Nellies Glen and Belmore Falls.

Is There Wheelchair Access at Fitzroy Falls?

Yes, but only to the main lookout. Unfortunately the West Rim Track, due to its many stairs, is not wheelchair friendly.

If you’re happy to access the main lookout only, there are wheelchairs available at the visitor centre on request.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

Are there Amenities At Fitzroy Falls?

Yes, there sure are, right next to the visitor’s centre.

Can You Swim at Fitzroy Falls?

One frequently asked question is: Is there a path to the bottom of Fitzroy Falls for wild swimming?

The short answer is no. There used to be a trail, but it has not been maintained in years and due to landslips has become extremely dangerous.

Thankfully there is a wild swimming area at nearby Nellies Glen, just 25 minutes down the road.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

When is the Best Time of Year to Visit?

Honestly, all year round. This place is beautiful, even when cold and overcast! We have been in all seasons, and every time was amazing.

We especially love misty days when cloud cover creeps into the valley. Yes, even then it makes for amazing photography.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

The only thing to consider is – Winter gets very cold at Fitzroy Falls, even occasionally snowing, so we recommend checking the weather forecast before you go and dressing accordingly.

Is There Phone Service?

There is limited phone service in the Morton National Park.

Are Pets Allowed?

No pets other than certified assistance animals are permitted in Morton National Park according to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services. For more information, please check their website.

Is Smoking Allowed?

All NSW National Parks are no smoking areas according to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services. For more information, please check their website.

Is Fitzroy Falls Worth the Trip?

Most definitely yes! Fitzroy Falls is arguably the best bushwalk location in the Southern Highlands. From wheelchair access to amenities, a picnic area and a visitor centre, this place has it all.

Not to mention, the scenery along every Fitzroy Falls walk is incredible.

Fitzroy Falls Walk - West Rim Track

So if you are looking for a quiet day trip away from the crowds, we highly recommend visiting this stunning place.