Austin Reaves Shines As Team USA Dominates, Lakers' Growth Next Season | Los Angeles Lakers | Great to see Austin Reaves in action with Team USA, what can it mean for his development with the Lakers? | By Lakers Nation | Facebook | Davis for three and the win. 2020 NBA Championship in to the Lakers Nation. com podcast. Welcome to those of you joining me live after Team USA versus Puerto Rico right here on the Lakers Nation YouTube channel. Coming in via Facebook and Twitter as well. Had a blast. Calling the game over on playback. This feels like a normal nightmare. We did the game over on Playback. Now we've got a post-game show. This all feels so familiar. I missed this. I missed it. It's so nice to get basketball here. In August to get NBA players in action. Man, I I was really starving for some NBA basketball. So, that was fantastic. Getting to see team USA. Even if it was against a Puerto Rico team that as the game went on was not able to put up much of defense. The US winning by a large margin. Final score, 117 to 74. But that was just fantastic. Getting to see some NBA basketball here in August. Definitely hit the spot. And of course, we're get a number of FIBA tune ups coming up over the next few weeks and then the World Cup is actually going to start. So, a decent amount of basketball that we're actually going to get to watch leading into NBA training camps which typically start up at around the last week of September. So, a little something to kind of tie this over before the NBA season starts up but we'll talk a bit about Austin Reaves. We'll talk about his performance out there. What it means for the Lakers this season. We'll talk about the organic growth of the all of that. Thank you everybody for joining. Make sure you are subscribing of course to the Lakers Nation YouTube channel. Turn on those notifications as well. Certainly do appreciate it. Alright. Let's dive into it. So Team USA takes down Puerto Rico. Again final score 117 to 74. Let's start with our guy Austin Reaves. Puts up nine points. Score them all in the first half. Nine points, four boards, four assists. He shot one of two from, I'm sorry, one of four from deep, four of nine from the field. The team USA did not shoot well from three in general. Six for 27 from deep. Pretty awful, and 15 of twenty-four. I always feel like the the NBA guys, the ball just doesn't feel right to them. I mean, I gotta find out how much it bothers. You can tell the FIFA ball, it's just different. And the shooting percentages get negatively impacted and we certainly saw that here in this game. Six of 2-seven shooting and then fifteen of twenty-four from the free throw line. But and I thought looked fantastic. We'll talk more about, you know, the rest of the team and all that but in general, I thought Austin Reaves, the easiest way to sum it up and maybe the most accurate way to sum it up is simply that he belongs. He belongs. This is and it's easy to just dismiss that. That statement. Austin Reeves belongs and not fully taken what it means, right? You look at this Is this the best of the best in the NBA? No. It's not. But this is some of the best young talent in the league. There's no question. So the best it it may not be you know the the top five best players in the league or whatever. But there's some real talent here. Mikhail Bridges. Brandon Ingram. Jaren Jackson Junior. Anthony Edwards. Jalen Brunson. Bobby Portis. Austin. Haliburton. Cam Johnson. Walker Kessler, Josh Hart, right? That's the team. That's the team. And Austin looks like he belongs. Think about that. He looks like he look at how many of these guys are lottery picks. Our number one overall picks and Austin who went undrafted looks like he belongs. That's incredible. That's absolutely incredible. Here we are just a couple of years after Austin enters into the NBA. Not only does he have a new contract, he's now making more money than the number one pick from his draft class. He went undrafted. Now, he's got a contract that's paying him more than that and he's on team USA And the game looks the same. He's with the best players out there. He's with these incredibly high-level NBA players and his game doesn't change He does the same stuff. It can be the NBA post season. It can be FIBA. It can be a random regular season game a Wednesday in January. In Austin's game looks the same. He's got that consistency. Night in, night out. He just belongs. He just belongs. The level of play goes up, goes down. It doesn't seem to matter, right? You put him in ten situations, you put him in different situations that might be uncomfortable and he just does what he does. And that's to his credit. That's a major compliment. There's a lot of guys that get thrown for a loop when they get the situation change the way that this does. Uh the way that Austin has here and yet as an undrafted player to come in and look like he just belongs with all these guys who are lottery picks. Or on them anyway Absolutely incredible. Absolutely incredible. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought Austin would be where he's at right now as an NBA player and you look, you could argue he was one of the if not maybe even the best team USA player. Well, okay. There are few other guys made some good plays but he was right there. He was one of the best players in the first half for team USA. Steps, he was on the court for like three seconds and he immediately hits a three. This kid he just keeps finding success, finding ways to succeed. It's absolutely incredible. What we're seeing at Austin Reaves and he just keeps doing it. He just keeps doing what he does. Absolutely. Amazing stuff and again, it was striking. How his game just stayed the same. Didn't have to do anything too crazy. Just when players closed out on him, he drove when the shot was open, he shot, made the right passes, the right reads, hard on defense it seems he makes the game look simple. He makes a very difficult game look very simple and like he is very very comfortable at just about all times out there. Amazing, amazing stuff from Austin. Alright, team USA in general, I thought Anthony Edwards was very, very good, especially defensively, and then in the second half, he really got going offensively, but defensively, he was getting tons of deflections, picks up four steals on the night, 15 points for him to tie for the lead with Team USA with also, we saw Cam John pick up 15 points, seven to 10 shootings. Some of that came in garbage time later but nonetheless, 15 points for him, 14 for Michael Bridges. Uh who I thought was a little sloppy at times but three steals, 14 points, six for nine shooting, and then Brandon Ingram. Brandon Ingram, I joked on Twitter, that BI must have found Alex Caruso's weight training program or something because he looks like he has put on weight like noticeably put on muscle. Brandon Ingram certainly looks bigger. Um couldn't be thanks for the Pelicans but I liked a lot of what we saw out of BI. Alright, let me get into some of your questions and comments. Those of you who are joining. Again, welcome in This feels like I don't know. Doing a post-game show here right after watching a game and get to come on here and talk. Yeah, it feels like we're starting the season all over again, kind of. Wicked Bronco, long time no see, Latrev, missed you, my man. Well, we still been doing the live shows but but yeah, anyway, really love seeing Reaves out there again and wish he got more minutes though. Also, are you a big college football guy? I'm a Notre Dame fan. Hopefully, you're not a USC fan. I'm not a big college football guy. A big football guy guy in general but I do a lot of like fantasy football and that sort of thing. So, I can't say like I'm a huge college football fan but I, you know, when it's NFL season, all day, Sunday, the football games are on in my house. That sort of thing. Um love seeing Reaves out there. Again, wish you got more minutes. Yeah, but I mean, we knew the minutes would be a little tough to come by. Steve Kerr, he's gotta do what he can to get his guys minutes, to get his guys opportunities right now. That's, that's what we, what we, we're going to see coming into this night. You knew that was going to happen. To look at the, the minutes breakdown, Austin saw 19 minutes, I mean, most of the starters, Bridges saw twenty-three, 22 for Brunson. It's not, I mean, I don't think you could ask for much more. When your starters are getting low twenties, Froston to come off the bench and get nineteen, that's pretty solid. That, that's, that pretty solid in this one. But yes, we were all cheering on Austin especially over on playback. We were enjoying every every minute that Austin was out there and getting to see him play and again, he looks so under control and so good. Mamba mentality. I don't know why people were worried. Team USA is well put together, bunch of lengthy, two-way, young, talented players. Sauston Reaves killing it. He did have a few nice moves. A few really nice moves out there. Um just looks comfortable handling the basketball. But why people were I mean it's because it's not it's not Kevin Durant out there, right? Like, it's not your your top guys that are out there for team USA and they've struggled in World Cups recently and I talked about this a bit on playback too but the way it works is basketball is the opposite of the way it works in soccer. So, in soccer, the World Cup is like the big event, right? And then the Olympics is, you know, secondary to that. In basketball, the Olympics is the big event and the World Cup is secondary to that. So, what that means is that in World Cup situations like this, you're going to get some of the younger guys going. The older guys aren't going to go but I think the older guys are going to go in for the Olympic cycle that we'll see coming up. So, I do that that's part of the reason why there's been concern because they've lost in some of these World Cup situations because they're not bringing like the top tier NBA guys. They've been bringing some younger players and things like that. But this is still a very good team. Now, Puerto Rico is beating Puerto Rico by a ton. Is that, you know, positive proof that they are, this team is just going to steamroll everybody. No, they've got some much bigger matchups coming up. Uh but these are all tune ups. These are all exhibitions and we'll see kind of how this team develops and grow from here. Uh Anthony Edwards doing number ten proud on both ends of the floor. Yeah. Loved what we saw out of Anthony Edwards in this one. Uh Matty James mentions. Liked what we saw to him. He was really really good. Both sides of the ball. Defensively, I thought he really set a tone. I thought his deflections were key. Just active hands. getting the, getting in the passing lanes, all that Anthony Edwards really, really good. Uh, the crowd eruption when Austin Reaves enters the game. See, this is, you know, we talk a lot about, you know, Las Vegas is getting more and more sports teams, right? So, it's happening. Um, obviously athletics are heading there. The Raiders are already there. You've got of course the Golden Knights, right? NBA I think is is next. They're they're going. It's going to happen. Um I think Las Vegas is a great sports town and it's also a Lakers town right now, right? It's a Lakers town. Like even if the NBA brings a team there, they're still going to be a large contingent of Lakers fans there. It is a Lakers town. We see it at Summer League. We see it in preseason games. Um it's just Las Vegas is a Lakers town. So, Austin when he checked in, he's going to get a great reaction there and Lakers fans, look, we travel well but Austin's always going to get a great reaction. I love that they kept cutting to Austin's ants in the stands waiting for cheering them on just wholesome moments. That's that's for sure. Uh Matty also asked, forget what this team does offensively. They have the size to compete with anyone the way they play defense together is incredible. I was talking about that on playback as well. The key for team USA, it's defense. What can they do on that end of the floor? That's going to be the critical thing for them. Um if they're able to get stops, if they're able to force turnovers, this team is devastating in transition but getting those stops, being on the same page defensively, that's absolutely critical for them. So, they can be defensively will largely determine how far they go. Look, they dominated this game and shot horrifically from three. Imagine if they just shoot okay from three and are still able to do things defensively, could be really good. Mamba mentality. Can you imagine Cade, Fox, Bruce, Brown, or Jaw on this team? Uh Cade Cunningham was great with the select team. All reports were that he was absolutely fantastic. Uh playing against team USA in in training this last week. But De'Aaron Fox, yeah, I mean, any of those guys would fit in fairly well. Like, I think this team's shooting was noticeable and a problem. So, the knee jerk reaction is to say, well, add shooting to this team but Jaylen Brunson, he was solid he's a score first player. You saw how much Halliburton open things up with his passing. He's very good. But if you were to able to add another you know athletic guard, Fox with his speed, Jah with his speed sure. You know, and Bruce Brown can do just about anything. But in terms of offense, defense, he's he's got the ability to be just a very well-rounded player for you. So yeah, any of those guys, I think would fit pretty well. And then we've got Ree. So question about next summer. Okay. Do you think LeBron will play for team USA. Could possibly be his last chance before he retires. So, next summer, LeBron will have a player option on his Lakers contract. So, that's why I've been saying, we need to go into this season. As though this is going to be the last season with LeBron. I don't know if that's actually the way it's going to go down. Who knows? Maybe he picks up his player option. He plays again next season. Maybe he he does an extension and he stays for however much longer, right? Maybe he plays till he's 40 five like Tom Brady. I don't know. But there's a chance that he could opt out next summer. And he could walk away from the Lakers. Now is he going to play in the Olympics? It wouldn't surprise me But I wonder where LeBron's going to be at. Like how long of a playoff run did the Lakers have? The Lakers let's say fingers crossed. Everything goes great. And the Lakers make a finals run. This next summer. And LeBron's playing till June. Is he going to want to turn around couple months later? And or a little over a month later and start getting ready for the Olympics. I don't know. I don't know. So, I I wonder how much of a factor that's going to be in his decision and I don't think LeBron is is going to say for sure what he's going to do but you know it would be his kind of last shot. If he wanted to go play in the Olympics, this would be it so it wouldn't shock me if he decided to but if the Lakers have a long playoff run and they win a championship say it also wouldn't surprise me if LeBron just said, you know what, I need time to recover and and and doesn't do it. We'll see. We'll see. I wouldn't be surprised either way with LeBron. I think he could do it. I think the player option that will already be decided by then but yeah, I don't know for sure. What he's going to do. What he's going to do? Uh Avi B said, Austin Reaves looks solid. I like how he brought up championship post game. So, I didn't see his post-game comments yet. I didn't see his post-game comments but if he brought up a championship, great. Mind is in the right place. That's gotta be the goal and how great is that by the way? To get to to get to talk about this Lakers team and say a championship is a realistic goal. I mean, look, there were years there where the Lakers were talking about, hey, a championship is always our goal and we knew they had and they knew. They had no shot, right? They had no shot at winning a championship. Um but This year, they've got a chance. They really do. You look at this team, you look, I think this team is very well put together. I'm assuming the fourteenth roster spot is going to go to a big and once you do that, then you can really say they'll have depth at every position. I could still argue maybe they would need one more big body out there but I love the wing depth. I think they've got good depth at the guard position as well. I think they could use another big at least maybe two but I like the way this team is put together. I do. You could say a weakness is shooting and that's fair but in lieu of that, I think they put together a really good team where the upside is there for them to win an 18th NBA championship and that is, man, what a difference it makes. What a, what a different situation to be walking into this season compared to last season. When we knew going in, we were saying, this roster makes no sense. There's too many guards. There's not enough wings and and all of this stuff. That was what we walked into last summer. A year ago, right now, we were Talking about how the Lakers roster made no sense. And they needed to make a trade or something with Russell Westbrook before the season began. And now you look at this roster and it just fits. Now you never know what's going to happen. Right? You never know the way a season's actually going to play out. So what looks like it works on paper? May not actually work out. Right? We've seen that happen before. Right? It's why you play the games. But on paper you look at this roster and you just go man there's a plan. The Lakers executed that plan. There's a vision here that's come together And it's impressive. What they accomplished this summer. It really is. It really is. I think they've had a really nice summer, really nice off season. And it's a far cry from what we saw last year from where we were at this time just one year ago. Uh People saying, please get another big. People suggested Myers Leonard. Uh you know, Bismack Biyombo also names getting suggested. So, the one thing that the Lakers said, that Rob Pelinka said, was that they wanted to see a diverse skill set at the big position. So, what that means isn't one player with a super diverse skill that you're not finding that right now. What that means is that you've got Anthony Davis, you've got Jackson Hayes, you want to find another big who can do things that Anthony Davis and Jackson don't really do. So, you've got different options to turn to. Now, obviously, that screams Christian Wood, right? A bank that can step out and shoot threes. Now, Myers Leonard can shoot the three a little bit too if you're able to find a way to get get him. But it also means when we talk about Bismac Biyombo. Talk about JaVale McGee if he gets bought out by the Dallas Mavericks which is the expectation that he won't be a Maverick next year. When we look at all of that, is Are are those guys fitting the bill really? For what the Lakers are trying to do? If you are Darvin Hamm, if you're Rob Pelanka, JaVale McGee, does he do similar things to Jackson Hayes? Bismak Biyombo, does he do similar things to Jackson Ace? I mean, there's differences for sure. But it makes me, when I think about that statement, it makes me believe more and more that the Lakers really are in on Christian Wood. And doing everything they can to get him. And I think Christian Wood maybe rightfully so would prefer not to play on a veteran minimum contract. And that's certainly his right. And you look at his stats and you could say yeah that's not a better and minimum player. He's averaging like sixteen and a half. Eight points. Like 38% or eight boards. Thirty-8percent from three. So you don't understand why Christian Wood wanted wouldn't want to just say yes sign me up. Veteran minimum. Let's go. But I do think the Lakers are waiting to see what he's going to do. And I think for the Damian Lillard trade to see what fallout happens there if and when that goes down. and I think Christian Wood's waiting too. So all we know with any certainty is that sometime before the season starts the Lakers are going to add another big. They'll sign somebody for their 14th roster spot. They have to. By league rule. They have to. Is it going to be Christian Wood or not? We can't say for sure. I would have loved it if Christian Wood just said you know what? I'm going to rehab my value. The same way Malik Monk did. The same way Dennis Shrewder did. And I'm going to be the next guy to get a big contract after having a really good successful year with the Lakers. That. But that's not where it's at right now. That's not where things are currently. Maybe that's where it ultimately lands. But for now, Christian Wood, the Lakers, the NBA in general, feels like it's on pause. Right now, while we wait to see what happens. in a potential Damian Lillard trade. That appears to be where things are at right now. Alright. Uh, Wicked Bronco chiming in. Every time I watch Reaves, somehow he impressed me more and more. It's insane. This is my first year FIBA and as a Cardinals fan, it gives me actually something to look forward to till the NFL and CFB season start. Yeah, NFL is right around the corner. I've been doing a few fantasy drafts already, some dynasty leagues. I'm excited for that. Of course, football season's going to start up before we know it. So, that's exciting but yeah, FIBA gives you something to watch. You know, I'll watch baseball. I watch the Dodger game the other night. Uh I watched baseball now and then but this is I'm really that these games are going to be on because I was I I don't know about the rest of you. If you guys were feeling the same way but I was really feeling just starved for basketball. I was missing NBA basketball. And I'll flip on a WNBA game every once in a while. And I know people you know make all kinds of comments whenever we talk WNBA or something like that. And look I I think a lot of the stuff they run in WNBA can be really impressive. Field players there. But there's something about seeing NBA players in in action. That is just it's just a another level here to get to see and it's absolutely phenomenal that we get these games because like I said, I was really missing NBA basketball and super excited that FIBA is back here with the World Cup and then Austin is playing. Obviously, that adds that extra buy in from the Lakers side of things that Austin is playing in this. So, yeah. I I am super excited that we get to cover the feeble World Cup and we're watching these games and get covered over on playback and and all of that. Absolutely. Absolutely. Uh people talking about Colin Castleton seeing that in the chat. Uh talking about Colin Castle. Yeah, he's another name that's that's certainly in the mix. Could he be the fourteenth roster spotter especially since he's a big? Maybe, you know, I I like what we saw out of him in summer league. I thought he was really good. I think he's got a really interesting skill set with his ability to to handle the ball on the fast break. His passing is phenomenal. We saw the Summer League team very quickly start to essentially run their offense through him. Whether it was Castleton setting a high screen or operating with the ball in his hands. They did basically everything. Was dependent upon Castleton. Um I think he's a very intriguing player to keep an eye on. I don't know what that's how much that's going to translate to the NBA. What it what it looks like against NBA level players. But he's certainly a name that is in the mix right now. When we talk about that 14th roster spot. But again they already have him on a two way contract. So do you want to bump him up to a full contract or keep him on a two way? What do you do there? Um but Castleton he was impressive. He was impressive in summer league. And I think there's reason to be optimistic About him. Re. Oh, a fantasy football question. You know it's the NBA in August when I'm getting fantasy football questions on this show. Reese says, hey, Trev. I'm a fantasy football question. Who would you say is the top picks? Uh Justin Jefferson's up there. My draft is in 2 weeks. Was it PPR? Is it half point? Uh what it what kind of a league is it? That would that helps determine that but I do, I've got Justin Jefferson as as my top pick but some other guys are up there. Christian McCaffrey certainly, you always gotta think about about him with his ability to catch the ball as a running back. He can do some incredible things. In fact, I just pulled off a trade for Christian McCaffrey in one of my leagues. Um he is incredibly talented and if you took him at the one on one, I wouldn't fault you on that. I really like like Justin Jefferson there but if you take Christian McCaffrey, more power to you. If you like building around a running back, do it. Uh especially if you want to do the, you know, the hero RB strategy. Pick up one big running back at the in the first round and then kind of wait until later on to add running backs. I gotta look and see it redraft leagues been doing a lot of dynasty stuff so I haven't looked into redraft to see exactly how drafts are following but that's an intriguing strategy to try to pick up some of these late round RBs that might hit if you can grab them later on particularly if you can pick up I don't know even if it's a you know David Montgomery or something like that to be your your RB two somebody that you can grab on that you just know is going to get some some goal line opportunities and in the meantime you can stock up on some of the high level wide receivers you can find in the second round third round and so on but I do like Jefferson with the one on one Um Uh of course, we also gotta mention you know, the guy, Cooper Cupp with the Rams. I'm sure we have a lot of Rams fans in here. Uh I think he's going to have a a pretty darn good season too and I think he's kind of getting overlooked. I think he could wind up as the wide receiver won on the year. Um that's certainly when the range of outcomes. So, he's not a guy that I would take as the top pick but I think you could get him as the fourth, fifth pick in the first round. Maybe even he falls a little bit lower depending on how this hamstring injury heals up and he could wind up being the wide receiver one on the season. So he's somebody to keep an eye on. And then Jamar Chase is always so much fun to drive. Especially if you can get the stack with Jamar Chase and then followed up later on with Joe Burrow. I guess I should ask Superflex too. But anyway this isn't a fantasy football show. But lots of options there. Lots of options there. But best of luck. If you do have the top pick whoever you wind up taken. Somebody mentioned cups going to fall because he's injured with a hammy. Yeah, I wonder. I mean, I know the hamstring isn't that bad of an injury right now. So, I do wonder where he's going to ultimately fall. If he starts dropping towards like the back half of the first round or something, he could wind up being really good. Be a really good value. Um you can't be a Lakers fan without being a Dodgers and a Rams fan. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure there's some who are exceptions to that rule. I mean, I certainly root for the Dodgers. I enjoy watching the Rams. I try to keep myself as neutral as I can with the football because I enjoy just being able to watch all the games. Um I would say I I definitely pull for the Dodgers. No question. Obviously, Dodger Blue is our sister site but we also have Raiders side, Rams site. You know, we got a few others that are with us but but Dodger Blue definitely pull for the Dodgers. Football though, I try to keep myself neutral with that one. I'll cheer for the Rams when they're playing but it's not like my world is devastated if they lose. Lakers, you guys know. I I'm living a dime. Every game, all Uh Oz said, castled into me as like a young version of Palgus, Saul. I would like to see the Lakers asking, how for mentoring possibilities. Am I crazy? Well, asking Powell to be a mentor. No. I I don't think that's crazy at all. I don't think that's crazy. I think that's a fantastic idea and if you can get Paul Gasol's even if you can get Paul Gasol just as a a life mentor. Like power is an awesome person. So, yes. Yeah, if you could get that, awesome. As far as Castleton being a young Pau Gasol. Like my concern would be setting the bar too high, right? Making expectations too high for Castleton. Um I don't know that Powell Powell was like he did it a few times. He would do it every now and then in terms of leading the break. He's an extremely smart player, good passer. Castleton is a little bit more full bore. Foot down on the gas pedal. I'm leading the fast break. Every opportunity I can get. Powell wasn't quite like that. Powell was more often to to throw the outlet pass. I can see what you're saying in terms of the IQ, reading the floor, the the way that he does. But again my concern would be setting the bar too high. Like we're comparing against, you know, a guy who's going to hall of famer here. Um his jerseys in the Raptors. Like that's that's a very very very high bar for Colin Castle. And this is a guy who's undrafted. Let's see what he can ultimately turn into. I do think that his his passing skills really interesting though. Um particularly coming from the center position. So yeah. Alright, let's see. Oh, I've got people arguing whether or not you can be in in the comments, arguing, whether or not you can be a Lakers fan and not a Dodgers fan, all that kind of stuff. Yep. Yep. Seeing people talk all about that Somebody asked who we're going to master lock. Oh. Gotta master lock somebody from that game. Alright, let's you know what? We haven't gotten to use this one super often during the off season. So, let's let's do this. Let's do this. Master lock of the night. The master lock of the night unfortunately, familiar one. Unfortunately, familiar one to Lakers fans. Especially the way they started the season last year. When they couldn't hit a three to save their lives. I'm master locking the three-point shooting. Six of 27 for team USA tonight. Six to 27. That's awful. Six and 27 and they won 117 to 74. But still that three-point shooting, that's gotta come around at some point. Hopefully, that was just a really bad shooting night but yikes six of 2-7 shooting from three. Again, me, I think it's the ball that's getting them. Hopefully, that comes around as they get even more practice and all that but six for twenty-seven shooting the basketball. That needs to be master locked. Look, Puerto Rico, they did everything they could. They went out there. They competed hard. They didn't have anything, anybody on Puerto Rico that I was annoyed with or anything like that. Same thing with Team USA. So, I gotta master like that three-point shooting. It's gotta get better than that. I would assume it would. Most of these guys are pretty good three-point shooters but six for 27 a night. Yikes. Yikes. And of course, Austin was one of the guys that that knocked one in. That knocked one in. Our curl man is making the argument that LA fans should be should root for LA and be loyal to your city. Look, I didn't win win the Rams were in were in the Super Bowl. Of course, I'm rooting for them. And I root for them against in most games. I just don't like live and die with the team. Like if they don't win a game, it's not the end of the world for me. I wouldn't consider myself a die-hard Rams fan or anything like that. In football, in general, like the Rams left when I was a kid. I didn't grow up watching the Rams every every weekend. They left town. So, I I grew up kind of a a football nomad, a football free agent and that's kind of my background. I grew up a die-hard Lakers fan. It's the way it is. Whoa. Al Manny said, getting married on Mamba Day would love the LN blessing. Well, congratulations. As long as you, as long as you approach this wedding with Mamba mentality and you make the most out of that day, I think that's, I think that's all good. That's all good. So, congratulations on your upcoming wedding. That's absolutely fantastic. Great, great to hear. And I hope the day goes amazingly well. Goes amazingly well. Um, yeah, awesome stuff. Congratulations, Manny. Jj, if Dame does get traded to the Heat, would you rank them above the Celtics? Will they make the finals? It depends on what has to go out in order to get Dame to the Heat. I think in initially, I would rank the Celtics above them but again, I'd have to see what that Miami roster looks like. As long, assuming they keep the court, you know, bam, Jimmy Butler, Dame would be brought in. They they could be a really, really good team but what else do they have to give up in order to get there? That's going to be a question mark. They did lose obviously Benson to the Lakers. They lost Max Strust. Those are guys that are important, that matter. They did sign Cole Swider but what else do they add? Might be, they'd be a landing spot for Christian Wood. That's a rumor. It could potentially be. But until we see what Miami can be, I think I'll put the Celtics a bit ahead of them especially since Celtics added Porzingis. I know they lost Marcus Smart but I want to see what this roster really looks like. I think the Heat put themselves in the conversation for sure if they get Dame and they're better Think they're better. Get Damian Lillard because you let Max Drews go. You let Gabe Vincent go And very clearly, your roster needs Damian Lillard. They've put themselves in an interesting spot. We'll see what happens here. Avi Bieb said super concerned about ham. Hope I'm wrong but I don't trust him adjusting in the playoffs. A coach like Steve Clifford would have won the Denver Series or at least gone 7. So, I thought Darvin Ham, I was actually really impressed with him in round one and round 2. Um against the Grizzlies, against the Warriors, I thought for the most part, he made the right decisions. He pulled the right strings, made the right adjustments, and that's so important. This is where the postseason is where coaches really shine. Like you certainly see it during the regular season but coaching really shines in the postseason because that when you game plan for one specific team and you're trying to shut down certain actions and you're countering what the opponent's doing then you're countering the counter and back and forth you go, right? You're adjusting to adjustments and it is an incredible chess match and I thought that Darvin did a really nice job in round one and round 2. Now, the third round, right? The the Western Conference Finals. I was shocked that he started small against the Denver Nuggets. He took the team that he used to beat the Warriors. And thought that was going to be the right team to start against Denver Which didn't make sense. Denver's a much bigger team than Golden State and not surprisingly the Lakers got smashed on the boards especially early in that game in in game one. And that really set the tone. And I honestly think that not winning game one kind of I don't want to say ended the series. But like the Lakers spend a lot of gas in their tank trying to come back and get the game one win and then came up short. And it's like at that point they were kind of out. Whereas if they had won game one, okay, you lose game two, you go back to LA, the 1one split, that gives you some momentum and and all of that. And then once they lost that game one, that really hurt them. And I think had they not started small that game, they win game one, and then maybe that changes the whole series around. I mean, all the games were close. I, Denver was a better team. Of course, give them credit. But That's if you're concerned about Darbingham, it's that Western Conference Finals that concerns you but you know what? We talk a lot about organic growth. That was one of my topics I want to talk about for for tonight's show was that the Lakers, you know, we talk about teams like Orlando. Like they're expected to grow organically. They're young players. Same thing with San Antonio, right? But the Lakers, like I'm expecting Vando to improve. I'm expecting Rui to improve. These guys that are not young in their, you know, 19 or 20 but they're in their mid twenty they're physically in their their prime or they're close to their prime and they're still improving, right? They're still growing as basketball players and so, I think we're going to see growth from these guys. I think Austin, we'll see what he can pick up from this team USA experience but I think he's going to be even better next year, right? So, they've got enough guys who are in their prime or in their early to mid twenties that I think we can expect maybe not the same level as of growth as a team full of guys that are all 20 in the next season. They're 21 and they're they're soaking up everything like a sponge and they're learning, learning, and learning but we can expect some organic growth from this Lakers team but I also think the same holds true for Darvin Hamm. He's got one year of coaching under his belt. I think we should expect him to be a little bit better and I'll tell you the positive too. As much as I was frustrated with the Western Conference Finals, I thought as the season went on, Darvin got better and better and better and the rotations got better and better and better and a and a lot opened up after the trade deadline. Suddenly, he had a team that on paper made sense. Instead of a team that doesn't make sense on paper and that allowed him show a little bit more of who he is as a coach. So, I'm optimistic that we're going to see organic growth from Darvin as well. That's what I think we're going to see and so, I'm not, I'm not pessimistic. I'm not, I won't say that I I feel super comfortable. It's not like, you know, the Lakers have Phil Jackson as their head coach and you just know this guy's great. They're right. He's an all-time great and you know what you're going to get. But I do think that Darvin Hamm's going to be better this next season as a coach than he was last and I think it's a reasonable expectation to have. I think it's a reasonable have. Uh the plop said, are you in the Lakers Nation staff doing a fantasy football league with viewers again this year? Yes. Yeah, we will do that. Um we will do that again and as far as when we'll get that going, just be on the lookout for details on that in the coming weeks but we'll do that again. Um we've done it the last few years. Been a lot of fun and we'll put together a Lakers Nation Listener League once again. We will indeed do that. Chocolate Thunder Ham not fouling when up three and at the end going into OT is very deflating. That is his strategy, right? We don't see him foul. They usually play straight up. I've been talking about we talked about it during games last year. I remember on playback, yelling about it. I'd like to see them commit the foul if the opportunity is there to do so. Of course, you have to be careful about it but yeah, I would like to see them commit that foul. Um and not allow the three-point attempt get up. People asking, how can I join the Lakers Nation Listener League? So, we will we'll set up all the parameters and everything for submitting an entry into the league or or to be considered to to join the league and then we'll we'll get that running. NLC, you know, who wants to I think last year it was myself and I want to say it was Matt the Optimist and Ron Gutterman were in it. Maybe Sean was in it. I don't recall if he was or not but but nonetheless, it'll be at least few of us will be in the league and we'll bring in some listeners as well and it's a good It's a good time. Playing a little fantasy football. And we'll get that going. But again just pay attention and we'll get you all the details. It's still early. So probably figure a couple weeks. Um and then we'll get that off and running so we can do our draft and and all that kind of stuff. Uh let's see. And a few more Keith saying I would love to join. Yeah, we will we will set it all up and and we'll do a a path so that you guys can submit entries and and all of that. State your case for why you want to be in the league and and that sort of stuff because we get we get a lot more entries than, you know, we can actually put into a league unless we want to do like a, I don't know, giant league but so, we'll do that. We'll put that all together just over the next few weeks. Keep yours open for it and and we'll explain exactly what to do and how to do it submit those entries, all that kind of stuff. I gotta talk to the guys and put all the pieces together for that but it's a good time. It really is. It's a good time. It's a good time. Alright. Somebody's saying I couldn't figure out what channel the Team USA game was on. It's on Fox Sports Sports One but you can also come watch it over on Playback with us. and YouTube viewers, I put the link in our comment section. I put it over in our our community section. You can find the link right there. But it's the link is also in our videos. So you can come watch with us over on Playback. I know they're going to have the exhibition games because they're going to be broadcast on Fox Sports. I'm waiting for a firm answer on the actual World Cup games. But we'll do the exhibition games here we'll watch Austin and all that. So, come watch with us over on Playback. Uh it'll be myself. Sometimes other Lakers nation staff members hop in as well and we talk hoops all throughout the game. We do some play by play and and get to go back and forth and talk everybody in the chat kind of like this is. We get to talk and address questions and everything as we go through and it's a lot of fun. We get everybody together and we all watch the games together. So, and of course, we do that all during the regular season as well. So, it's a blast and hopefully you come join us there. Alright. All that being said looking ahead here Austin Reaves in where is playback? Somebody asked? Uh it is playback. TV slash Lakers Nation. That's where you can go to find it. Again, Playback. TV slash Lakers Nation. Um look it ahead. What I'd like to see out of Austin in these team USA games, it's more opportunities to act as the ball handler and pick and roll. I thought he did pretty well in that role. It was one of my keys going in was to watch Austin in those pick and roll situations because I think we are going to see him giving that opportunity more with the Lakers this coming season. He's going to be the ball handler and pick and roll. So, I want to see get those reps. Uh I thought he looked good. Doing in this game. Had one really nice pass out of it. In the first half when he got kind of a side pick and roll going. So I'm looking for that more too. And I want to see how Steve Kerr deploys off Austin Reaves. Is he? The primary initiator or the secondary. We saw him used in both ways in this game. So curious to see how that develops moving forward as well. But Austin's development will certainly be a storyline that we'll watch all the way through this team USA. Um FIBA run. And going to be a lot of fun. I I just I love that we're getting basketball on right now and I love that we're getting to see what is Austin Reaves pick up by playing with all these really good players here in in August and what can he bring with him in the Lakers training camp at the end of September? Uh last one we'll do here for tonight. What's your Lakers starting lineup for the first game of the season? So, starting lineup for me. Now, it seems like this is where everybody differs. Um most agree that it's going to be LeBron, AD, Reaves, have those three locked in. DLo, most will say is in there as well and I agree. It's that fifth person. That fifth person that a lot of people argue over and most of the argument goes between Rui Hachamura and Jared Vanderbilt and I think you can make strong arguments for either. I'm going to go with where the money went. And I'm going to say it winds up being Rui. Now who knows? Maybe Vandome gets a big extension. And I think his offensive game is going to come around. So if the Lakers were to extend him I think that's a gamble that could be a worthwhile one. But my gut right now is it'll be Rui in the starting lineup. He's getting paid 17 million dollars next year. No, I think it's 15 to change but he got a deal that averages out to 17 million but Rui is my pick to be in the starting five right now but you can make a good argument for Vando too and I'm not going to be upset if it winds up being Vando or anything like that. My prediction is Rui. If it's Vando, great. You know, that that's just fine too. I think there's pros and cons for both player. So, I think it's going to be one of those two but a name that we shouldn't forget as well is Torian Prince. He might actually be a bad fit either. I put this out on Twitter the other day. The guy for three consecutive seasons has shot better than 44% from corner threes. That could be a really nice fit with LeBron and AD acting as the five and the four respectively or irrespectively I guess. LeBron and AD acting as the two bigs. Torian Prince could be your three and you're kicking out the corner threes for him and he's shooting better than 44% from there. That could be pretty nice and he's a pretty versatile defender as well. So, I wouldn't say that's likely. I think Vando or Rui is more likely but just something to keep in mind. Maybe Torian Prince could be in the mix there as well. I think he could be a really interesting fit. Um again, not my I don't think that's what's going to happen but just something that maybe we shouldn't just dismiss. Uh we did get one more super chat here. Kevin, so Trevor, what do you think about a trade? Rui, JHS, two first, and a sec and seconds for OG Anunoby or for Bruce Brown but use Dilo instead of Rui. So, Bruce Brown's only on a one-year contract so I don't know if I would do that. Um a second year is a is a team option, I guess. So, you got that flexibility built in. So, that's something but I look at Bruce Brown really as a one-year deal. The Pacers, that's that's what they they gave him. Um I wouldn't give up that much. I like Bruce Brown. I think OG is more of an interesting discussion because of what he can do on the wing. He's under contract this year for 18. 6 million, nineteen, almost $20 million. Season after. Uh and that's a player option though. So, he could be hitting. Now, he's extension eligible. So, if you're going to extend him, okay? Otherwise, it gets pretty risky. Like if he's going to decline that player option next summer and hit free agency, it gets kind of risky. So, I don't think I I think that would be an overpay there. If it's OG and he's locked up on a long-term deal, even then, two first plus JHS, that's really three first. I feel like OG and it'll be and I like him a lot. I'm not trying to say he's not good But I think the trade talks from for OG have gotten a little out of control. In terms of how much what the asking price is reportedly. How much teams are going to have to be willing to pay to get them and all that. So if I'm the Lakers I I just think it's it's too much. It's it's just too much. Um for me. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. Uh for that that high of an asking price. Alright. that's it. Again, that's a lot. I like OG a lot. Bruce Brown, definitely not doing it. OG, you gotta at least talk about it but I think it's too many first. Too many first, especially when you factor in JHS is a first. You're talking three first plus Rui, plus throwing in a second or something. It's just it's too much for me. Too much for me. Alright, everybody though. I I appreciate you guys for joining tonight. Obviously, lot of fun. Getting to watch Team USA play and then, Of course, we had the opportunity to do a post-game show which we haven't done in a little while. So, this was great to get to knock the rust off doing a true post-game show again. Got to talk team USA against Puerto Rico and thank you guys for joining me here tonight and of course, thank you guys for listening to the Lakers Nation. com podcast. Make sure you are following us on YouTube, YouTube. com slash Lakers Nation and of course, over on the podcast feed, Apple Podcast, Spotify, wherever you listen to podcast, you can find us there as well. Till next time everybody. See ya. And stay safe.