Social democrats speak out against far right violence amid declining support | Euronews

Social democrats speak out against far right violence amid declining support

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaking at Democracy Congress in Berlin
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaking at Democracy Congress in Berlin Copyright Stroud, Olivia/
Copyright Stroud, Olivia/
By Liv Stroud
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German social democrats spoke out against far right violence amid declining support after an attack on Friday night that hospitalised Saxony top candidate for the EU elections Matthias Ecke.


Germany's Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Social Democratic Party of Europe held a democracy congress in Berlin as a show of force against the far right that is gaining traction across Europe. 

SPD has been polling at a historical low following an economically rocky few years, but the party is now ramping up efforts to win back support after violent far-right attacks continue to increase.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged voters not to vote for far-right parties.

"Democracy is threatened by such things, and therefore, accepting them with a shrug of the shoulders is never an option. We must stand together against it," he said.

Scholz also warned against further right wing attacks, and added, "that this is directed against local politicians and mayors in small towns and cities. Democracy is threatened by such things," pointing to an attack on a 28-year-old campaigner for the Greens, that appears to be by the same group. 

Ecke is currently in hospital awaiting surgery for his injuries.

Speeches, lead by European social democratic leader Stefan Loefven and the centre-left candidate to head the European Commission, Nicolas Schmit, saw politicians vow not to collaborate with far-right parties if coalitions needed to be built.

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party condemned the attack on Ecke.

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