Clement Freud and the family that fell from grace

Clement Freud and the family that fell from grace

The Freud family 
The Freud family  Credit: Craig Hibbert

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, once claimed that there was no such thing as a “normal” family. That may be how they look from the outside, he remarked, but it just meant that the onlooker didn’t know them well enough.

The secrets in Freud’s own family, by contrast, have always seemed very public, thanks to the well-chronicled half-century of feuding between his two famous grandsons, Lucian and Clement. The painter and the MP-cum-broadcaster famously never spoke to each other.

Explanations varied from a childhood argument about a running race where Lucian cheated, a row over a loan Clement denied his brother in the 1950s when the latter was a struggling artist, or – more in line with Grandpa Freud’s theory that all our problems begin with the yearning for maternal love – because their mother blatantly preferred Lucian to his siblings.

Clement and Lucian disliked each other so much that the latter – widely celebrated as one of the 20th century’s greatest portrait painters – refused a knighthood on the grounds that he wasn’t interested in anything his brother already had. He didn’t even turn up at Sir Clement’s funeral in 2009.

But the allegations, made on Wednesday night in an ITV documentary, that the former Liberal MP and veteran of Radio 4’s Just a Minute, had sexually abused two young girls, brought much darker family secrets to light. In the film, Sylvia Woosley recalled how “Clay”, as he was known to his friends, had starting having non-penetrative sex with her from the age of 14.

Abandoned by her mother, Woosley was living in the north London home Sir Clement shared with his actress wife, Jill, and their baby daughter, Nicola. She was the first of their five children who include Emma Freud, the broadcaster and partner of filmmaker Richard Curtis, and Matthew Freud, the PR svengali and ex-husband of Rupert Murdoch’s daughter, Elisabeth.

Woosley recalled how Jill Freud (who CS Lewis used as the model for the character of Lucy in his Narnia books) had even invited her into the marital bed one morning and left her there with her husband while she went to make breakfast. When much later Woosley confronted Jill Freud about the abuse she had suffered, she was sent away with £100.

Lady Freud has not denied the allegations made against her husband
Lady Freud has not denied the allegations made against her husband Credit: ITN/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK

In a statement made to the programme makers, the widowed Lady Freud, now 89, did not deny the allegations, or mention being surprised by them, simply saying that she was “profoundly sorry” for the women involved. Yesterday, Matthew Freud cancelled his high-profile annual summer party he was due to hold last night at his Primrose Hill home.

“Being entirely honest with oneself,” Sigmund Freud once wrote, “is a good exercise” – one that Clement and Jill Freud took to heart, publicly acknowledging that theirs was an “open” marriage. Michael Meadowcroft, who sat alongside Freud as a Liberal MP from 1983 to 1987, describes an episode on the campaign trail that demonstrated his colleague’s “famed reputation as a womaniser”.

Then 65, “Clay” invited out to dinner a young Bradford University student who had volunteered as a canvasser, “and made various suggestions as to places that one could go on to after a meal. The young lady was delightfully innocent and completely failed to take the hint.”

And the openness stretched both ways. In 2001, Jonathan Self, older brother of the more famous Will, the novelist, revealed that he had had a five-year affair with Jill Freud, when he was 17 and she was 47. “Joss”, as the businessman prefers to be known, said that Sir Clement had accepted the relationship and “treated me as a member of their family”. The age gap may have been large, but it was not breaking the law.

“The secret of a long marriage,” Sir Clement once quipped in that distinctive, lugubrious, deadpan delivery, “is several houses.”

Thanks to his TV commercials for Minced Morsels dog food, sharing the screen with a lookalike bloodhound called Henry, he earned, by his account, £45,000 for three days’ work, and so could afford three homes: one in central London; another in Praia de Luz in Portugal where, in 2007, he offered hospitality to Kate and Gerry McCann after their daughter Madeleine disappeared; and Weston’s, a seaside retreat at Walberswick in Suffolk, which has become something of a Freud colony.

It was first “discovered” by his parents in the late 1930s, soon after Ernst Freud, an architect, and his heiress wife, Lucie, arrived in England after fleeing the Nazis. Ernst’s sister Anna, widely credited as the founder of child psychology, also made a home there. More recently Emma Freud has put down roots there, as have her cousins Esther and Bella, writer and fashion designer daughters respectively of Sir Clement’s estranged brother.

Lucian Freud described Walberswick as a "dreary place"
Lucian Freud described Walberswick as a "dreary place" Credit:  STEPHAN AGOSTINI 

Lucian Freud never liked Walberswick. “It’s a dreary place,” he once said in a line that, in any other context, could have sat easily on his brother’s lips, “but you might enjoy it for a day or two.” Now, however, on its shingle beach, the next generation of Freuds – Esther is married to actor David Morrisey and Bella to White Mischief author, James Fox – appear finally to have put the feuding of their family behind them.

Whatever the state of his marriage, Sir Clement was around for his five children – though he declined to leave them anything in his will, labeling them “super-affluent”. With Lucian, though, it was more complicated.

Esther and Bella – whose unconventional childhood alone in Morocco with their mother, Bernardine Coverley, was recorded in Esther’s book, Hideous Kinky, later turned into a film with Kate Winslet – are just two of Lucian’s 14 acknowledged children.

His relationships were tangled and often overlapping. In 1961, he became the father to three daughters (including Bella) with three different women. There is a 36-year age gap between his oldest and his youngest acknowledged offspring. Some were estranged from him at various stages of his life, up to and including his death in 2011.

“You have a choice,” Esther once said of her father, “and not all of his children have made it, from very young, that you can get the good bit if you want to accept what he’s like. Or you can not get it by being angry for him not being like someone else’s father.”

If Lucian ultimately revealed himself through his painting – both to his sitters and on canvas – then his older brother, as colleagues have reflected in the wake of the allegations about him, remained forever an enigma. Des Wilson, former president of the Liberal Party, says: “I never heard a whisper about abuse.”

Yet for all the time they worked together, he adds, there was something ultimately unknowable about Sir Clement. “For someone so well-known, he was quite self-effacing.” Even Sigmund Freud might have struggled to find the key.

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