Home | RuthGillWillsPowers | North Yorkshire
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A warm, friendly and professional service here to put yourself and your loved ones at ease... 

Writing a Will is on most people’s “to do” list but only 45% of us actually get round to it.

Sometimes this is out of superstition or a belief that it will all go to the right people anyway but more often it’s to do with not knowing where to start, what to put in it, who to include, what it really means and it all seems such a hassle getting time off work to sort it out.

Lasting Powers of Attorney are even more baffling. Only 12% of us have got these invaluable documents in place to appoint someone we trust to look after our bank account, investments, health and welfare decisions should we lose mental capacity. This can happen to anyone of us at any time through accident or illness.

Why choose Me?

The prospect of going through your personal and family dynamics with a complete stranger isn’t appealing to anyone. This is where I can really help and make a difference.

I listen to my clients and explain to them their options in plain, understandable words. Nobody signs anything unless I know they are 100% happy with the documents I’ve drafted.

I operate on a fixed fee basis for all my work so there are never any hidden costs and have helped hundreds of families over the last 8 years mainly through recommendations and referrals from clients that I have helped.

My Services

~ A range of professional, personal and empathetic services for you ~

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