IELTS Speaking: 10 Tips to Help Increase Your Score | ApplyBoard

IELTS Speaking: 10 Tips to Help Increase Your Score

An illustration of three students listening to an instructor talking. In the background is a modern, glass school building and a blue sky.

The IELTS Speaking section is the fourth component of the IELTS test. However, unlike the ListeningReading, and Writing sections, it can be completed up to a week before or after you take the other tests. Read on for some general IELTS Speaking topics, what IELTS speaking questions are like, and a few tips for the overall test section.

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An illustration of speech bubbles.

About the IELTS Speaking Section

The IELTS Speaking test is 11 to 14 minutes long, and has three parts:

Part 1 – Introduction and Interview (4 to 5 minutes)

The examiner will ask you questions about yourself, and general questions on subjects like your family, what you do, what your home is like, and your hobbies, studies, and interests. If the examiner is looking for more information, they’ll ask “why?” or “why not?” questions.

Part 2 – Long Turn (3 to 4 minutes, including prep time)

The examiner will give you a task card asking you to discuss a particular topic. You’ll have one minute to prepare your thoughts (you can also take notes), and then up to two minutes to speak. Once you’re done, the examiner will ask you one or two follow-up questions. Topics are general, and will often ask you to tell a story about yourself or a time in your life.

Part 3 – Discussion (4 to 5 minutes)

The examiner will ask you more questions about the topic from Part 2. This is your chance to expand on your thoughts, share opinions, and introduce more abstract ideas into the conversation.

Since it’s structured like an interview, the Speaking test can be stressful. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to reduce your stress and get a high score. Follow the 10 IELTS Speaking tips below, and you’ll be ready to excel.

Because the IELTS speaking section is a lot like an interview, these interview tips for international students might be helpful, too!

An illustration of a blue star.

Our Top Ten IELTS Speaking Tips

10. Pick a Good Study Buddy

When you take the IELTS Speaking test, it’s likely your examiner will have a stronger grasp of the English language than you. So, it’s a great idea to practice for the test with someone who also speaks English at a higher level. This will encourage you to stretch your speaking abilities.

Make sure you don’t pair up with someone whose English proficiency is much higher than your own, though. That can lead to feeling discouraged and having doubts about your abilities.

9. Speak More than the Examiner

Although IELTS frames the Speaking test as a conversation between you and the examiner, this isn’t really the case. A better way to think of it is that you’re being interviewed. The examiner is there to prompt you with a question, and then listen intently to your answer.

So, how do you make sure you’re speaking more than your examiner?

8. Elaborate!

Don’t respond to a question with a single short sentence. Build on your answer. Use different grammatical structures to keep your thoughts flowing, like:

  • Conditional clauses: These usually begin with if or unless: “If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late.”
  • Time clauses: You’ll use these when discussing the future: “I’ll become a surgeon when I finish my degree.”
  • Modal verbs: These are auxiliary verbs that express necessity or possibility: “You can borrow my car.”
  • Reported speech: When you’re talking about what other people say, the tenses, word-order, and pronouns may be different from the original sentence, like: “She said that she liked ice cream.”

Ultimately, it’s better to use more complex wording and make a few mistakes than use only short, simple sentences.

7. It’s Like Telling a Story

Picture this: one of your IELTS speaking questions is: “What sport do you like to play?” However, you don’t play any sports. So, how can you talk about something you have no experience with, or don’t enjoy?

One of the most helpful IELTS speaking tips is to turn things into a story. While it’s useful to pull from your own experiences in your answer, there’s no rule saying you need to tell the truth. You’re just being asked to tell a story. One option is to make something up. Or, talk about why you don’t play sports; there could be a really interesting story there! IELTS general speaking topics can be about anything. Use this to your advantage by turning it into a fun story.

6. This Isn’t A Test of What You Know

One of the most difficult things about this test is that you won’t know the IELTS general speaking topics ahead of time. While it’s true you can prepare for common topics, you won’t know the exact questions until you’re in the test.

There’s a chance you’ll be asked a question about a topic you have little-to-no knowledge about or experience with. While this can be intimidating, the good news is what you know about any one topic matters very little in an IELTS Speaking test.

The examiners are more interested in how you answer a question than what you know. Why? Because it shows you’re resourceful and can still answer, even if you don’t have much knowledge of the topic.

5. Push Your Limits (But Know the Words)

This point builds off of the previous one about the importance of how you speak during the test. Even if you know everything there is to know about a topic, you won’t achieve a high score if you only use simple language. Don’t be afraid to use more complex vocabulary. That said, make sure you understand the words you’re using, as the examiner might ask you to explain them.

4. Gather Your Thoughts

Like in a job interview, it’s okay to take time to think over a question before you answer. This can help you avoid rambling. If you’re worried about leaving an awkward silence, you can let your examiner know you need a moment to collect your thoughts.

Some sample phrases you might use:

  • “To be honest, this isn’t a topic I talk about very much. Let me take a moment to consider your question.”
  • “I’m feeling a bit nervous today. Can you give me a moment to collect my thoughts?”
  • “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Can you repeat the question please?”

Note: you can ask your examiner to repeat a question if you didn’t understand it or want to buy yourself a bit of time. However, make sure you don’t do this for every question or your examiner may think you don’t understand most of what they’re saying.

3. Once More, With Feeling

While we don’t recommend answering your examiner’s IELTS speaking questions with tears streaming down your face, it’s important to put some emotion in your voice. Speaking in a monotone can make you look inexperienced, and could hurt your score.

Instead, think of how you’d express yourself if you were answering in your first language and apply those feelings to your answers. You can also watch English-language TV and movies to get an idea of what different English speakers sound like, to best answer IELTS speaking questions. (However, avoid sounding like someone on reality TV. They’re often more dramatic and emotional than most English speakers.)

2. Look Confident

You’ll likely feel nervous before and during the IELTS speaking test. This is completely normal. However, even if you’re feeling anxious, it’s important to show the examiner a confident attitude.

A strong first impression can help build rapport with your examiner, so make sure you dress neatly, are on time, and greet your examiner with a smile and a firm handshake. If you accidentally say “Good morning” instead of “Good afternoon,” don’t worry. IELTS examiners will often overlook simple mistakes due to nerves.

1. Set a Good Pace

We tend to associate speed with skill when speaking a language. The more fluent you are, the quicker you’ll be able to speak, right? While there is some truth to this, it’s best not to fall into the speed trap during the IELTS Speaking test. If you speak too fast, you may come off as incoherent. On the other hand, speaking too slowly may cause your instructor to lose interest in what you’re saying. The best approach is to keep a steady, consistent pace.

Two students walking, framed by a graduation cap illustration and an application illustration

We hope these IELTS Speaking tips were helpful, and wish you the best of luck on the test!

For more study tips, check out our list of the 5 Best IELTS Preparation Books for International Students, and our guides on IELTS ListeningReading, and Writing.

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