

At the Division of Nephrology at Montefiore Medical Center, we know that kidney disease has an intense impact on those who are diagnosed with it. Those with early stage disease can benefit from medications and monitoring. Those who progress to end stage kidney disease require access to regular dialysis or a kidney transplant. We offer complete, state-of-the-art care for all types of renal problems, combined with a dedication to treatment innovations and a commitment to educating our patients and their families. We work closely with the surgeons who perform kidney transplants at Montefiore and treat patients who experience an acute or sudden reduction in their kidney function while already hospitalized at Montefiore for treatment of other health conditions.

With diabetes on the rise nationally, and the instances of kidney failure as a complication of diabetes increasing even more rapidly, we are committed to meeting the increased need for kidney care with thorough, compassionate treatment.

We see patients who have been diagnosed with a variety of concerns, including:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • End stage renal disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Inflammatory diseases of the kidney
  • Kidney abnormalities, as manifested by excess protein loss in the urine
  • Disorders of body fluids and electrolyte function

As patients' kidney disease progresses, we are able to offer them the peace of mind of receiving access to specialized treatment from the same caring staff who has helped them since their diagnosis. Our expertise is enhanced by hundreds of patients with kidney failure requiring dialysis, who we treat on an ongoing basis. When these patients reach end stage renal disease, we are able to help them address the questions and concerns that accompany preparations for a kidney transplant, and also educate them about the potential for vast improvement to their quality of life that a transplant can offer.

A Commitment to Research

We are committed to expanding renal care through ongoing research and clinical trials, including our current investigations into a means of providing an earlier diagnosis of kidney disease and slowing decay of kidney function. Our division actively pursues research into bone disease, anemia and infection in those receiving dialysis. We consistently enhance and share our knowledge through our close affiliation with Albert Einstein College of Medicine and our respected nephrology fellows program.

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