Title In Limbo - Historical - The Residents Historical

Title In Limbo(1983)

Renaldo & the Loaf is a British band from Portsmouth who are great Residents fans. They wrote into the contest W.E.I.R.D. put on to decide on an expansion of their acronym, but instead of simply submitting a phrase they wrote songs. They came to the attention of The Residents when Renaldo (Brian Poole) was on a vacation in San Francisco. He stopped by The Residents headquarters at 444 Grove St. and dropped off a sampler tape. The Residents were so impressed that they sent Jay Clem off to the UK to sign them for Ralph Records, for whom they made Songs for Swinging Larvae.

The two of them visited Ralph Records in person in March of 1981, shortly after they were signed, to film their Songs for Swinging Larvae video, for which The Residents acted as executive producers. After the video was completed, they jammed with The Residents to see if they could produce an album together in the four days they had left. It wasn't enough time, but they did get about 45 minutes of music onto a master tape. The Residents did some post-production on the recording and stuck it on a shelf for the time being.

Renaldo & the Loaf met The Residents again backstage after the Hammersmith Odeon performance of the Mole Show and the idea of doing an album together was revived. Brian Poole flew over to San Francisco for three weeks in September, 1983, to pick up where things had been left off (Dave Janssen (the Loaf) couldn't make it and sent tapes of his contributions instead). The album was completed during Poole's stay and was released the following November.

Title in Limbo did fairly well for Ralph Records, selling enough copies that Renaldo & the Loaf bought an 8-track recording studio with their share of the royalties. Reviews were favorable, though everyone agreed that the finished product sounded nothing like either Renaldo & the Loaf or The Residents.