17 of the funniest State of the Union memes | indy100

17 of the funniest State of the Union memes

17 of the funniest State of the Union memes
Republicans heckle Biden during State of the Union speech

President Joe Biden has appeared in front of Congress for the annual State of the Union address, and as ever it’s sparked a big reaction.

The 80-year-old discussed everything from police reform to the threat fentanyl poses the US, as well as his plan to increase tax on billionaires and corporations.

The “spy balloon” diplomatic row with China was also covered during the speech, along with the country’s war on cancer.

It proved to be one of the feistier addresses of recent years, with Biden clashing with Republican heckles and boos while staring down opposition inside Congress.

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As ever, there were plenty of talking points, with commentators having their say on social media, mostly about Bono being in attendance.

The State of the Union is always one of the most meme-able moments of the year, too, and Twitter users wasted no time in sharing their takes.

The most heated moment from the address saw Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene take strong offence to Biden’s assertion that parts of the GOP wanted to make cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

Video captured her shouting “liar!” during Biden’s remarks after he accused “not even a majority” of Republicans of wanting to target the entitlement programs for service cuts.

Greene previously made headlines when she heckled Biden’s first State of the Union address in 2022.

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