SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition



Free Edition

Protect your PC by keeping it free of spyware, malware, trojans and more.

Looking for more protection than our free anti spyware software? Try the Professional X Edition for 24/7 real-time protection of over 1 billion threats, AI-powered detection engine, immediate threat blocking, automatic database updates, scheduled scanning, and more.
What It Does For You
  • Detects & Removes Malicious Threats: Blocks Malware, Spyware, Adware, Trojans, Worms, Ransomware, Hijackers, Parasites, Rootkits, KeyLoggers, and more.

  • Easily Removes Browser Cookies: Remove unwanted cookies. Stop ads with integrated SUPERAdBlocker Technology.

  • Stops Ransomware: Protects your files and prevent hackers from holding them hostage. Securely and completely delete malicious files.

  • Repairs PC Damage: Fix parts of your operating system, registry, task manager, broken internet connections, etc.

  • Easy to Use & Works With Your PC: Lightweight program. Works with your antivirus.

  • Get Support: Receive unlimited customer support via email.

Advanced Detection & Removal
  • Proprietary Definitions Database & Daily Updates A dedicated threat research team scours the web and analyzes thousands of possible threats to keep your PC free of spyware and other threats, focusing on the hard-to-find ones. The database is updated 2-4 times a day.

  • Multi-Dimensional Scanning A next-generation scanning system that goes beyond the typical rules-based methods. It detects existing threats and analyzes general characteristics and code patterns to identify future threats.

  • Process Interrogation Technology Our unique Process Interrogation Technology (PIT) detects hard-to-find threats like rootkits and kernel drivers, usually missed by standard anti-spyware applications.

System Requirements
  • Windows® 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11

  • AI-Powered Detection Engine fueled by machine-learning that constantly updates the database and blocks 1 billion+ malicious threats. Boost Microsoft Defender.

  • Multiple Scan Options schedule either quick, complete, or critical scans to fit your lifestyle.

  • Real-Time Threat Blocking stops malicious files from running as soon as they are detected.

    *must run scans
    to block threats

  • Automatic Updates ensure the program is running with the latest database definitions.

    *must update
    database manually

  • Email Notifications get emails with scan results so you can monitor PCs remotely.

  • Detect & Remove Malicious Threats from Malware, Spyware, Adware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, Ransomware, Hijackers, Parasites, Rootkits, KeyLoggers, and many more.

  • Multi-Dimensional Scanning a next-generation scanning system that goes beyond the typical rules-based methods.

  • Process Interrogation Technology detects hard-to-find threats usually missed by standard anti-spyware applications.