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about Teacher workload research paints bleak picture


Teacher workload research paints bleak picture

Independent academic research on teacher workload, commissioned by the EIS, provides stark evidence that teachers in Scotland continue to work well beyond contracted hours.

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about New research highlights accessibility issues

3 days ago

New research highlights accessibility issues

New research into digital search has highlighted potential digital accessibility issues for older people.

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about UWS: Championing Excellence in dementia care

Wednesday 29-05-2024

UWS: Championing Excellence in dementia care

A world-leading initiative has renewed its commitment to supporting families with dementia.

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about Partnership to develop recycling of turf

Tuesday 28-05-2024

Partnership to develop recycling of turf

An ambitious new project is looking to develop new ways of recycling artificial turf – potentially preventing thousands of tonnes of waste from going to landfill.

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about Researchers secure record number of grants

Tuesday 21-05-2024

Researchers secure record number of grants

The Carnegie Trust for Universities in Scotland has awarded Carnegie Research Incentive Grants to eight early career researchers at UWS.

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about UWS and King’s Foundation strengthen collaboration

Monday 20-05-2024

UWS and King’s Foundation strengthen collaboration

University of the West of Scotland (UWS) has taken a further significant step forward in its commitment to community engagement and experiential learning.

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