How tall were Sumerians? - Geographic Pedia

How tall were Sumerians?


As a geologist, I often find myself exploring various aspects of ancient civilizations. One intriguing topic that caught my attention is the height of the Sumerians, who lived in the Bronze Age near the east region around the 3rd millennium BC. According to historical records, the average height of Sumerian men was around 165cm (5’5″), while women measured around 156cm (5’1″). This information provides insight into the physical characteristics of the Sumerian population during that time.

One common query that arises in relation to the Sumerians is their racial identity. The Sumerians were most likely a Semitic people, similar to their Akkadian neighbors and others in the region. This means that they were not a distinct racial group but shared a common genetic heritage with the broader Semitic population, which includes Arabs and Jews.

Another interesting aspect to consider is the height of Sumerian walls. According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, the walls of Uruk, a prominent Sumerian city, stood at an impressive height of 180 feet. This demonstrates the advanced engineering skills possessed by the Sumerians and their ability to construct monumental structures.

Comparing the age of Sumerian civilization to that of Egypt, we see that Sumer emerged around 4500 BCE, while ancient Egyptian civilization developed around 3100 BCE. This makes Sumer slightly older than Egypt, suggesting that the Sumerians were among the earliest civilizations known to mankind.

To provide a broader perspective, let’s explore the average height of individuals in ancient times. Early humans, on average, stood at around 5 feet tall. However, it is important to note that height and weight do not necessarily increase together. For instance, early Neanderthals were taller than later generations, but their weight remained consistent. Their stockier build was an adaptation to colder climates.

Moving on to other frequently asked questions, we find inquiries about the height of historical figures such as Jesus. Estimates suggest that Jesus may have been around 6 feet tall, although some scholars argue for a shorter height of around 5 feet 5 inches. It is important to remember that these estimations are not definitive.

Considering the passage of time, the average height of humans has increased over the years. For example, 5000 years ago, men typically reached a maximum height of 165 to 170cm, while women topped out at 160cm. Today, the average height for men in England is about 175cm, with women measuring around 162cm. This suggests that factors such as nutrition and overall quality of life play significant roles in human growth.

Now let’s delve into the age of ancient civilizations further by examining the Sumerian and Chinese cultures. While Sumerian civilization is estimated to be around 5,500 years old, Chinese markings found in the Gansu province date back to approximately 5000 BC, leading some experts to believe that the Chinese language may be even older than Sumerian.

Regarding the origins of the Sumerians, it is important to note that they were not the first humans. The Sumerian civilization emerged between 3500-1750 B.C., but the existence of this people and their civilization was not known until the middle of the 19th century. Prior to the Sumerians, another group known as the “Proto-Euphrateans” or “Ubaidians” inhabited the region and are believed to have evolved from the Samarra culture of northern Mesopotamia.

Building on this timeline, we observe that Sumer was the earliest known civilization in the region, which later transitioned into Amorite states before the rise of Babylonia in the 18th century BCE. The oldest settlement in southern Mesopotamia, Tell el-‘Oueili, further reinforces the antiquity of this region.

In terms of duration, the Sumerians flourished as a civilization between approximately 4100-1750 BCE. It is important to note that Sumer was not a cohesive political entity but a region consisting of various city-states, each with its own king. This decentralized structure contributed to the rich cultural diversity and intellectual advancements characteristic of Sumerian civilization.

Moving away from height-related topics, let’s explore some other fascinating aspects of Sumerian life. For instance, Sumerian homes typically had multiple stories, with even the poorest families owning narrow houses of at least three stories. This architectural feature highlights the ambition and ingenuity of Sumerian builders.

When studying Sumerian art, one might notice that the statues often depict individuals with large eyes. This unique characteristic was intentional, as the Sumerians associated large eyes with wisdom and knowledge. This artistic convention allowed them to symbolize the quality of knowing through the sense of sight.

Addressing questions about the physical appearance of ancient Sumerians, it is important to understand that their skin color likely resembled that of the current population in the region. While they may have had darker skin compared to Europeans, they were lighter-skinned than sub-Saharan Africans.

Finally, as we explore the legacy of the Sumerians, it is important to acknowledge that there are no direct descendants of these ancient people. Modern-day southern Iraqis and Assyrians/Syriacs, however, possess some Sumerian DNA, suggesting a genetic connection. Over time, the Sumerian population merged with other Mesopotamian groups, including the Amorites.

In conclusion, the height of the Sumerians provides valuable insight into the physical characteristics of this ancient civilization. Additionally, exploring their culture, architecture, and genetic affiliation deepens our understanding of history. As a geologist, I have the privilege of uncovering the secrets of the past, shedding light on the rich tapestry of human existence.

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