45 Facts about Corey Stoll - Facts.net
Melamie Pascua

Written by Melamie Pascua

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Ew.com

Corey Stoll, the talented American actor, has been captivating audiences with his performances on both the big and small screens. Known for his versatility and captivating charisma, Stoll has carved a niche for himself in the world of entertainment. From powerful dramas to thrilling action-packed films, he has showcased his incredible acting skills, immersing himself into every character he portrays.

In this article, we will dive deep into the fascinating world of Corey Stoll, uncovering 45 interesting facts about the actor. From his early life and career beginnings to his notable roles and personal life, we will discover what makes Corey Stoll so captivating and beloved by fans worldwide. So, get ready to embark on a journey through the life and achievements of this talented actor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Corey Stoll, a versatile actor of Russian-Jewish descent, has captivated audiences with his intense and emotionally charged performances in both film and television.
  • With a strong stage presence and distinctive voice, Corey Stoll’s exceptional talent continues to leave a lasting impression, and audiences eagerly anticipate his future projects.
Table of Contents

Corey Stoll was born on March 14, 1976.

Corey Daniel Stoll, known professionally as Corey Stoll, was born on March 14, 1976, in New York City.

He is of Russian-Jewish descent.

Corey Stoll comes from a Russian-Jewish background, which has influenced and shaped his identity and cultural heritage.

Stoll graduated from the Tisch School of the Arts.

He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, where he studied drama and acting.

Corey Stoll made his Broadway debut in 2005.

Stoll’s talent and dedication led him to make his first appearance on Broadway in the play “Henry IV” in 2005.

He is best known for his role in the TV series “House of Cards”.

One of Stoll’s most prominent roles was Congressman Peter Russo in the critically acclaimed TV series “House of Cards.

Stoll played the villainous character Darren Cross/Yellowjacket in Marvel’s “Ant-Man”.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Corey Stoll portrayed the antagonist Darren Cross, also known as Yellowjacket, in the film “Ant-Man.”

Corey Stoll starred in the TV adaptation of “The Strain”.

Stoll played the lead role of Dr. Ephraim Goodweather in the TV series adaptation of Guillermo del Toro’s “The Strain.

He received a Drama Desk Award nomination for his role in “Intimate Apparel”.

Stoll’s exceptional performance in the play “Intimate Apparel” earned him a Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play.

Corey Stoll appeared in the film “First Man” alongside Ryan Gosling.

Stoll shared the screen with Ryan Gosling in the biographical drama film “First Man,” portraying the role of astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

He has showcased his acting range in both film and television genres.

From captivating performances in film to gripping roles in television series, Corey Stoll has proven his versatility as an actor.

In “Midnight in Paris,” Stoll portrayed the iconic author Ernest Hemingway.

In Woody Allen’s film “Midnight in Paris,” Corey Stoll brought the legendary writer Ernest Hemingway to life with his exceptional portrayal.

Stoll has appeared in several Shakespearean productions.

With a strong foundation in theater, Corey Stoll has showcased his talent by taking on various Shakespearean roles throughout his career.

He has a distinctive voice which adds depth to his characters.

Corey Stoll’s recognizable voice has become an integral part of his performances, providing depth and nuance to his on-screen personas.

Stoll has a significant presence on the New York stage.

With his love for theater, Corey Stoll has maintained a strong presence in the New York theater scene, captivating audiences with his performances.

He has shared the screen with renowned actors such as Jake Gyllenhaal and Naomi Watts.

Corey Stoll has had the opportunity to work alongside esteemed actors, proving his ability to hold his ground in the presence of greatness.

Stoll appeared in the critically acclaimed film “Black Mass” with Johnny Depp.

In the biographical crime drama “Black Mass,” Corey Stoll shared the screen with Johnny Depp, showcasing his acting prowess.

He played an FBI agent in the hit TV series “The Good Lie.”

Stoll took on the role of an FBI agent in the impactful TV series “The Good Lie,” delving into the complex nature of law enforcement.

Corey Stoll has a deep love for literature and the arts.

Beyond his acting career, Corey Stoll is an avid reader and appreciator of literature, which he attributes to his well-rounded approach to acting.

In “Non-Stop,” Stoll acted alongside Liam Neeson in a high-stakes thriller.

Stoll showcased his ability to captivate audiences in tense situations in the action-packed film “Non-Stop” starring Liam Neeson.

He had a recurring role in the TV series “Homeland.”

Stoll’s talent landed him a recurring role in the popular TV series “Homeland,” where he portrayed the character Sandy Bachman.

Corey Stoll has collaborated with renowned directors such as Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg.

Working with acclaimed directors like Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg has allowed Stoll to expand his craft and learn from the best in the industry.

He has a strong on-screen presence that demands attention.

Corey Stoll’s ability to command attention with his on-screen presence adds depth and authenticity to the characters he portrays.

Stoll has a keen interest in exploring complex and morally conflicted characters.

Throughout his career, Corey Stoll has shown a willingness to tackle roles that delve into the complexities of human nature and moral dilemmas.

He has proven his comedic timing in films like “The House of Tomorrow.”

Corey Stoll’s versatility as an actor extends to comedic roles, as demonstrated in films like “The House of Tomorrow.”

Stoll has been praised for his ability to bring depth and empathy to his characters.

With his nuanced performances, Corey Stoll has garnered praise for his ability to create complex and emotionally resonant characters.

He starred in the TV adaptation of Stephen King’s “Castle Rock”.

Corey Stoll joined the cast of the psychological horror series “Castle Rock,” based on the works of Stephen King, showcasing his range as an actor.

Stoll portrayed the iconic role of Brutus in the Shakespeare in the Park production of “Julius Caesar.”

Corey Stoll’s portrayal of the complex character Brutus in the Shakespeare in the Park production of “Julius Caesar” was highly lauded.

He had a recurring role in the hit TV series “The Deuce.”

Stoll’s talent was recognized once again in the critically acclaimed TV series “The Deuce,” where he played the character Bobby Dwyer.

Corey Stoll has appeared in the HBO series “Girls.”

Stoll made a memorable guest appearance in the popular HBO series “Girls,” adding his unique touch to the show’s dynamic cast.

He has a strong on-stage presence as a Shakespearean actor.

With his extensive background in theater, Corey Stoll brings a powerful and seasoned stage presence to his Shakespearean performances.

Stoll has a remarkable ability to portray complex emotions with subtlety.

Corey Stoll’s nuanced acting style allows him to convey depth of emotion with subtle gestures and expressions.

He played the role of Buzz Aldrin in the biographical drama series “From the Earth to the Moon.”

Stoll once again portrayed the iconic astronaut Buzz Aldrin in the critically acclaimed series “From the Earth to the Moon.

In “Glass Chin,” Corey Stoll showcased his talent for playing morally ambiguous characters.

Stoll delivered a captivating performance in the drama film “Glass Chin,” portraying a morally ambiguous character with great depth.

He starred in the TV series “The Romanoffs” created by Matthew Weiner.

Stoll joined the cast of “The Romanoffs,” an anthology series created by Matthew Weiner, showcasing his range as an actor.

Corey Stoll’s powerful performances have earned him numerous accolades.

Stoll’s outstanding work in the entertainment industry has been recognized with nominations and awards throughout his career.

He is known for his intense and emotionally charged portrayals.

Corey Stoll’s ability to tap into intense emotions and deliver emotionally charged performances sets him apart as an actor.

Stoll starred in the TV series “Ratched” alongside Sarah Paulson.

Stoll captivated audiences in the psychological thriller series “Ratched” alongside the talented Sarah Paulson.

He played the role of Charles Wainwright in “The Seagull” on Broadway.

Stoll showcased his theatrical prowess as Charles Wainwright in the Broadway production of Anton Chekhov’s “The Seagull.

Corey Stoll has a natural ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level.

His innate talent allows Stoll to create a deep connection with the audience, evoking genuine emotions in his performances.

He played the character of Ernest Donovan in the TV series “For All Mankind.”

Stoll’s versatility shone through in the TV series “For All Mankind,” where he portrayed the intriguing character Ernest Donovan.

Stoll has a strong stage presence that captivates the audience.

Whether it’s on the big screen or the theater stage, Corey Stoll’s powerful stage presence leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

He has a wide range of accents and dialects in his acting repertoire.

From mastering Russian accents to nailing southern drawls, Corey Stoll’s ability to adapt his voice to different characters is remarkable.

Stoll appeared in the TV series “The Sinner” opposite Jessica Biel.

Corey Stoll showcased his talent in the thrilling TV series “The Sinner,” where he shared the screen with Jessica Biel.

He is known for his commitment to his roles and meticulous preparation.

Corey Stoll’s dedication to his craft is evident in his meticulous approach to character preparation and his commitment to every role he undertakes.

Many fans are eagerly anticipating Corey Stoll’s future projects and performances.

With a string of memorable roles and a talent that continues to impress, audiences are eagerly awaiting what Corey Stoll will bring to the screen in the future.

Corey Stoll’s career has been marked by remarkable performances, captivating audiences with his versatility and depth as an actor. From his electrifying portrayal in “House of Cards” to his memorable roles in films like “Ant-Man” and “Midnight in Paris,” Stoll demonstrates a unique ability to bring both intensity and vulnerability to his characters. With his strong stage presence, distinctive voice, and commitment to his craft, Corey Stoll continues to leave a lasting impression on audiences. As we eagerly anticipate his future projects, it is clear that Stoll’s exceptional talent will continue to shine.


Corey Stoll is undoubtedly a talented and versatile actor who has garnered widespread praise for his performances on both stage and screen. With an extensive body of work that spans across various genres, Stoll continues to captivate audiences with his captivating portrayals and undeniable charisma.

From his breakout role in “House of Cards” to his memorable performances in films like “Ant-Man” and “First Man,” Stoll has proven time and time again that he is a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. With his remarkable range, impressive stage presence, and dedication to his craft, it’s no wonder that Corey Stoll has become a beloved and respected figure in Hollywood.

As we look forward to seeing what the future holds for this talented actor, one thing is for certain – Corey Stoll’s star will continue to shine bright, and his contributions to the world of entertainment will not be forgotten.


1. What is Corey Stoll’s most famous role?

Corey Stoll is widely known for his portrayal of Congressman Peter Russo in the hit Netflix series “House of Cards.” His performance in the show earned him critical acclaim and helped catapult his career to new heights.

2. Has Corey Stoll appeared in any Marvel movies?

Yes, Corey Stoll played the role of Darren Cross/Yellowjacket in the Marvel film “Ant-Man.” His performance as the film’s main antagonist received praise for its intensity and depth.

3. Has Corey Stoll won any awards for his acting?

While Corey Stoll may not have won any major awards, he has received nominations and accolades for his performances. He was nominated for a Critics’ Choice Television Award for his role in “House of Cards” and received a Drama Desk Award nomination for his work in the play “Intimate Apparel.”

4. What other notable projects has Corey Stoll been a part of?

In addition to his work in “House of Cards” and “Ant-Man,” Corey Stoll has appeared in films such as “Midnight in Paris,” “The Seagull,” and “First Man.” He has also showcased his talents on stage, with notable performances in plays like “A View from the Bridge” and “Julius Caesar.”

5. Is Corey Stoll involved in any upcoming projects?

Yes, Corey Stoll has several projects lined up for the future. He will be seen in the upcoming films “The Many Saints of Newark” and “West Side Story,” both of which are highly anticipated releases.

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