The Meaning Behind The Song: New Balance by Jhené Aiko - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: New Balance by Jhené Aiko

The Meaning Behind The Song: New Balance by Jhené Aiko

Jhené Aiko, the American singer, writer, and music artist, is known for her soulful and deeply personal lyrics. Her music is often inspired by her life experiences and relationships, and her songs offer intimate insights into her emotions and thoughts. One such song is “New Balance,” which was released in 2020.

The song touches upon themes of growth, change, self-love, and healing. It is a powerful ode to moving on from past hurt and embracing new beginnings. In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind the song “New Balance.”

Verse 1: Moving On From Painful Relationships

The first verse of the song sets the tone for the rest of the lyrics. It is about moving on from a toxic relationship and finding happiness in oneself. The lyrics go:

“My ex used to wear New Balance, though he didn’t have balance
He fell in love with me, I’m still falling out of it
I write about it, yeah, it helps me find some kind of closure
And any man I meet that’s similar, it’s over”

The song is about a past relationship where the person she was with was not stable, representing it with the balance that the New Balance shoes represent. She fell in love with him, but she is still recovering from the aftermath of the relationship. By writing about it, she is finding closure and moving on.

Chorus: Embracing Self-Love and Growth

The chorus of the song is about self-love and growth. The lyrics go:

“I found peace in knowing that
I can’t be everything that you want
I’ve been blinded by diamonds
And calmed down by the sounds of the ocean
I was lost, now I’m found
I’m sustained by the beauty that surrounds me”

These lyrics suggest that finding peace requires self-reflection and self-acceptance. One needs to acknowledge their limitations and embrace them to move on. The “diamonds” represent materialistic things that never gave her the peace of mind she desired, but the sound of the ocean did. The last line speaks about her finding beauty in the world and this fuels her to move forward.

Verse 2: Focusing on Personal Growth

The second verse of the song emphasizes focusing on personal growth. The lyrics go:

“I’m open, I’m ready
To follow where this goes
I think about you all the time
But that’s the only thing that goes
I don’t know where the road ends
But I know it’s worth the ride”

The lyrics indicate that she is ready to move on and is open to new opportunities and experiences in life. She thinks about her past but doesn’t let it control her. She is taking the journey, even though she doesn’t know where it leads, the ride is worth it.


1. Who is Jhené Aiko?

Jhené Aiko is an American singer, writer, and music artist. She was born in Los Angeles, California, and started her career in 2002. She has released several albums and has collaborated with many notable artists in her career.

2. What inspired Jhené Aiko to write “New Balance?”

“New Balance” is inspired by Jhené Aiko’s personal life and experiences. She wrote the song to express her pain and healing process that she went through after a previous relationship that was not healthy.

3. What is the meaning behind the title “New Balance?”

The title “New Balance” represents a fresh start and moving on from the past. It can also be interpreted as a reference to a balanced relationship, which is something that Jhené Aiko desires.

4. What is the message of the song “New Balance?”

The song is about moving on from past pain and finding peace and happiness within oneself. The message is to embrace self-love and growth, and not let past traumas define one’s future.

5. What is the significance of the line “I was lost now, I’m found?”

The line “I was lost, now I’m found” is a reference to a common spiritual phrase that symbolizes enlightenment and a renewal of oneself. Jhené Aiko uses this line to show that she found peace by embracing the beauty around her.

6. What is the importance of the ocean sound mentioned in the chorus?

The ocean sound is a reference to nature, which can have a calming effect on one’s psyche. For Jhené Aiko, the sound of the ocean was an important element of healing and finding peace.

7. Who produced the song “New Balance?”

The song was produced by Jhené Aiko’s frequent collaborator, Julian-Quán Việt Lê.

8. How did fans react to the song “New Balance?”

Fans of Jhené Aiko have praised the song for its powerful and relatable lyrics. Many listeners find the song to be therapeutic and uplifting.

9. What other songs has Jhené Aiko written about past relationships?

“New Balance” is not the only song by Jhené Aiko inspired by past relationships. Other songs include “Unconditional Love,” “W.A.Y.S,” and “Sativa.”

10. What awards has Jhené Aiko won?

Jhené Aiko has won several awards throughout her career. Notably, she won “Album of the Year” at the BET Awards in 2015 for her album “Souled Out.”

11. What genres does Jhené Aiko perform?

Jhené Aiko’s music covers a range of genres, including soul, R&B, and hip-hop. Her unique style combines elements of all three genres.

12. What is Jhené Aiko’s net worth?

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Jhené Aiko’s net worth is approximately $8 million. She has earned much of her wealth from her successful music career and various endorsements and collaborations.

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