LOOSE - Traducción al español - bab.la
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

loose adjective

volume_up US /lus/volume_up UK /luːs/
Word forms: looser, loosest1. a. (not tight) [jacket/blouse] suelto, holgado, ampliothese jeans are loose around the waist estos vaqueros me quedan flojos de cinturathe handcuffs were loose on my wrists las esposas me quedaban flojasb. (not secure) [tile/screw/knot] flojo, suelto [thread/end] sueltothis tooth is loose tengo este diente flojo, se me mueve este dientethe button's very loose el botón se está por caersome of the pages were loose algunas páginas estaban sueltasa loose connection un mal contactoloose covers (British) fundas para sillones y sofásthe knot had come loose el nudo se había aflojadothe piece had worked (itself) loose la pieza se había soltado or desprendidoto wear one's hair loose llevar el pelo sueltoc. (separate, not packaged) [cigarettes] suelto [tea/lentils] a granel, sueltoto buy/sell something loose comprar/vender algo sueltoI wrote it on a loose piece of paper lo apunté en un papel (suelto)d. (not compact) [earth] suelto [weave] abierto, flojoloose chippings (British) gravilla suelta2. (free) (predicative) sueltoa tiger is loose in the town un tigre anda suelto por la ciudadloose horse caballo sin jinete (masculine)3. a. (not precise) [definition] poco preciso [translation] libre, aproximadothe wording is so loose as to … está redactado de forma tan vaga que …a very loose use of the term un uso muy sui géneris del términob. (flexible) [structure] flexible [organization] poco rígido4. a. (derogatory) (immoral) [morals] relajado, libertino [life] disolutoa loose woman una mujer fácil or de vida alegreb. (indiscreet) [tongue] sueltoloose talk is dangerous la indiscreción es peligrosa5. (Medicine) to be loose (informal) estar or andar suelto de vientre


to be at a loose endto break looseto tie up the loose endsto let somebody looseto be on the loose

phrasal verbs

loose off

loose transitive verb

volume_up US /lus/volume_up UK /luːs/
(literary) 1. (release) [prisoner] poner en libertad, soltar [horse] soltarMonolingual examplesThen about 150 years ago the glacial dam burst, loosing a 100-foot, landscape-scouring wave that wiped out entire villages.North AmericanAt the end of the millennial reign, Satan will be loosed and a massive rebellion against the kingdom and a fierce assault against Christ and His saints will occur.North AmericanThe prime minister is afraid that his protestations will be lost in the synthetic public outrage that is being loosed by the Eurosceptic media.BritishHybrid crops - these are all human-made freaks of nature, that cannot be loosed upon the ecosystem.British2. (fire, unleash) [arrow] lanzar [violence/wrath] descargar, desatarMonolingual examplesYou can see why Rummy would want to loose off a little cannon fire at anybody who wrote this up.North AmericanVisually striking and intriguing in concept, the link gun also takes its name from its secondary fire mode, which encourages the player to loose off a stream of fire towards a similarly armed team mate.North AmericanSarah peeked over, spotting quickly to loose off another arrow before she was sniped off.North AmericanWe loosed off a few shots at the various damaged crockery I had scavenged and then I thought I would try a cunning scheme.British

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "loose" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

Sometimes, these nets can also break loose and continue ghost-fishing for decades.
A veces, las redes también se rompen y se quedan pescando durante décadas.
It is an American disease that has been caused by cheap, loose money.
Se trata de una enfermedad americana que ha provocado el dinero barato y fácil.
I really do find it irresponsible to set them loose on consumers in this way.
Me parece irresponsable dejarlas de este modo en manos del consumidor.
The next Convention must take up the loose threads that have been left dangling.
La próxima Convención debe atar los cabos que han quedado sueltos.
In fact, all hell broke loose in some municipalities in my province.
En determinadas localidades de mi país se produjo realmente una situación caótica.
This does not apply just to packaged products but also to loose products.
No sólo es aplicable a los productos empaquetados, sino también a los productos sueltos.
The phrasing of our independent action is a little bit too loose.
La expresión relativa a nuestra acción independiente es demasiado poco precisa.
We said in Parliament at the time that the loose ends should be few and short.
En su momento hemos dicho en el Parlamento que los cabos sueltos deberían ser pocos y pequeños.
loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the
«abrir las prisiones injustas, hacer saltar los cerrojos de los cepos,
This is a formality, and one on which we want to tie up loose ends by 1 May 2004.
Se trata de una formalidad, una formalidad que queremos dejar bien atada para el 1 de mayo de 2004.
We do not set up monopoly businesses and turn them loose to stand or fall.
Nosotros no organizamos negocios monopolistas para dejar que permanezcan en pie o se desplomen.
It could be something as loose as that or it could be something more structured within the Union.
Podría ser algo así de flexible o algo más estructurado dentro de la Unión.
Illegal migration and a system of control which is too loose raise concerns in every city.
La inmigración ilegal y un sistema de control demasiado relajado preocupan en todas las ciudades.
This is a formality, and one on which we want to tie up loose ends by 1 May 2004.
Estamos en lo que podría llamarse la fase conceptual.
That, however, Mr President, is simply a matter of tidying up loose ends.
Pero eso, señor Presidente, ya son sólo trabajos de casa.
We have had people playing fast and loose on the whole question of the legal base.
Ha habido personas que han tratado con rapidez pero sin cuidado de toda la cuestión del fundamento jurídico.
Lastly, I ask that the flexes and loose wires in our offices be looked it.
Y por último, solicito que se revisen las conexiones y los cables eléctricos sueltos de nuestras oficinas.
We have seen too much abuse of this loose definition of "self-employed" in other areas of work.
Hemos visto demasiados abusos de esta definición ambigua de "autónomo" en otros ámbitos de trabajo.
We have seen too much abuse of this loose definition of " self-employed " in other areas of work.
Hemos visto demasiados abusos de esta definición ambigua de " autónomo " en otros ámbitos de trabajo.
Hopefully all will end up as members and the past borderlines will loose their significance.
Es de esperar que todos acaben siendo miembros de la UE y que las fronteras del pasado pierdan importancia.
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English Cómo usar "loose" en una frase

It can also live in open woodland and burrow into loose soil.
Both wells failed on boulders and loose sand which plugged the well bores.
In general, common kestrels will usually tolerate conspecifics nesting nearby, and sometimes a few dozen pairs may be found nesting in a loose colony.
The pans were divided into two sections by a loose partition, which allowed the brine to flow slowly from the rear to the front section.
As a port city, it was notorious for its gaudy displays of wealth and loose morals.

English Cómo usar "loosing" en una frase

The company said it was loosing about 50 cubic litres of water every hour to communities, where its water pipes passed through.
Loosing 3 in one evil swoop is enough to send any community into a panic.
They bought some old ones but are loosing sic data.
Parents with disabilies are loosing custody just because we are disabled and no parent is incapable of parenting because of your disabilty.

English Cómo usar "looseness" en una frase

Their skin is hard to penetrate, and its looseness allows them to twist and turn on their attackers when held.
The looseness means these random encounters sometimes lead to drinks on a patio or an outing with a picnic blanket.
So is looseness: releasing the muscles as if throwing up.
However, progressive bodyboarding has rendered use of such skegs obsolete due to the looseness required for maneuverability on a wave.
He needs a certain looseness and that is what we are giving him.

English Cómo usar "perdiendo" en una frase

Y que ya camino al encuentro agregue que si no se hacen correcciones van a seguir perdiendo votos.
El boxeo está perdiendo protagonismo en mi vida.
No hay nada en el mundo malo en trabajar duro, pero si usted no está trabajando inteligente también, estás perdiendo el tiempo.
Si sólo se está construyendo el tráfico que es temporal y no durará en el largo plazo... pues bien, francamente usted está perdiendo su tiempo.
Pero estos muchachos cada vez están perdiendo mas terreno y les falta poquito para ser insignificantes.

"loose gravel" en español

loose gravel
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

"loose grip" en español

loose grip
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"loose alliance" en español

loose alliance
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "loose":
