Witches and Witch Hunts Through the Ages by Phil Carradice | Goodreads
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Witches and Witch Hunts Through the Ages

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Witchcraft! Just the mention of the name is enough to cause fear, even terror, in the minds and hearts of many people. But that is not the full story. Yes, there have always been proponents of the 'dark arts,' witches and warlocks willing to use their powers for evil, but the wise men and women of the ancient and medieval world - men and women eager to use their spells and potions for good - have often been overlooked.This book looks at witchcraft from the early days, tracing its development as a pseudo-religious cult, the good and the bad, from the wild plains of Babylon to the present day. It highlights witch scares and individuals, particularly the witch hunts of the medieval period when 100,000 women were accused of witchcraft and nearly 80,000 executed. It examines the concept of witch hunting, detailing the activities of men like Matthew Hopkins, the famous Witchfinder General.The book does not just focus on medieval and ancient witches, it takes in modern witch hunting - with people like Senator Joe McCarthy during his Communist witch hunts of the 1950s - and the continued modern persecution of women and men accused of witchcraft in African, Indian and Caribbean states.This is a detailed account of witches and witchcraft, in many ways a tribute to the thousands of men and women accused and executed without full evidence or proof of evil doing. It is a broad historical sweep that includes fictional characters like Morgan le Fey and Merlin, the magician of King Arthur's court. Thoroughly researched and elegantly written, it is essential reading for anyone who is interested in the social and political history of the past.

208 pages, Hardcover

Published May 16, 2024

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Phil Carradice

93 books10 followers

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Profile Image for Janalyn Prude.
3,327 reviews93 followers
April 6, 2024
Witches and witch hunts through the ages by Phil Carradice it’s a great book about witches from ancient times to modern day. Although Mr.Carradice hits all the highlights he even had things that’s surprised this amateur historian. Usually books that or well-known subjects to me or just wash rinse and repeat but the author does his due diligence to explain from the things they were blamed for like the plague bad crops to signs your neighbor may be a witch The invention of good witches Hollywoods popular films and shows about them to overall modern day acceptance of the practice he really hits it from all sides and covers every bass in this great expanse of book about witches witchhunts and ultimately how they became an OK thing to be. I love history and Pen and Sword History has become my go to whenever something tickles my fancy, I really find their book so good and rarely give their books less than five stars this one included this is a great read and another awesome book from the publisher. I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for my pre-hard copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
Profile Image for Caleb.
108 reviews5 followers
March 11, 2024
I've become a big fan of Pen and Sword Published works, and this book is no exception. I'm an amateur historian and I spend a lot of time doing research of niche topics that I find interesting, one of these being Witchcraft. I thoroughly enjoyed the content of this book, while also being delightfully engaged with the premise of discussing witch hunts in a more figurative sense. This book articulates what so many witchcraft scholars struggle to bring to the public's mind-- witch hunts weren't just about a moral turpitude in conservative societies, but it runs that gamut into some pretty far-flung conspiracies-- highlighting the dangers of groupthink and what it means to be afraid of questioning the loud and obviously wrong or improbable.

Thank you to the author, Phil Carradice, and the Publisher, for granting my wish and allowing me to access this book. I read it all in one sitting and I look forward to buying a physical copy for my collection.
Profile Image for Laura.
229 reviews8 followers
March 24, 2024
Very insightful and a fascinating read. This book explores witchcraft in many different ways and looks very deep into witchcraft and witch hunts. It's interesting reading all the ways witch stories and hysteria are everywhere in history but treated so differently today. Thank you netgalley and pen and sword for letting me read this early
Profile Image for Ink.
612 reviews12 followers
March 11, 2024
"Every old woman with a wrinkled face, a furrowed brow, a hairy lip, a gobber (protuding) tooth, a squint eye, a squeaky voice or scolding tongue...a dog or cat by her side, is not only suspect but pronounced for a witch" John Gaule (1646)

This quote epitomises the sterotype of witches in the last few centuries, but what is a witch really? This was just the opinion of one clergyman in the height of witch-hunting hysteria in the 1600s, but in Phil Carradices fascinating book "Witches and Witch Hunts Through the Ages" we are taken on an extensive exploration through history to the ancient Shamans and the first perceived witch Lillith, and right the way up to the "Witch Hunt mentality" of McCarthyism, a dark time in US history.

Throughout, the writing style is engaging, explorative and intriguing, comparing perception to reality and manipulation of soceital hysteria and the effects it has on individuals. An absolutely fascinationg book and highly recommended

Thank you to Netgalley, Pen & Sword, Pen & Sword History and teh highly knowledgable author Phil Carradice for this very interesting ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

#WitchesandWitchHuntsThroughtheAges #NetGalley
Profile Image for Rainbow Goth.
91 reviews2 followers
March 22, 2024
Thank you to the Author, publishers and Netgalley for the ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

A great read and an insightful account of the history of witches and the infamous witch hunts. The author exhibits remarkable knowledge on the subject and presents the content in a highly engaging style, which brings to life the stories of witches and their trials.

However, there were a few instances where the book felt slightly repetitive, and the excessive references to Arthur Miller's The Crucible were not to my liking. It would have been great to have delved deeper into the male attitudes towards women and the societal changes that eventually led to women becoming the primary target of witch hunters.

What truly stood out for me was the author's repeated mentions of Wales throughout the text, which is often overlooked in such historical accounts.

All in all, this book is a thoroughly enjoyable read that provides valuable insights into the history of witchcraft and the witch hunts.
Profile Image for Andrea Wenger.
Author 4 books26 followers
March 19, 2024
This account explores the history of witchcraft, from its ancient origins to modern-day persecutions. Highlighting the often-overlooked wise women and men who used spells and potions for good, it also delves into the horrific witch hunts of the late medieval period and the social factors that fuel these practices.

I found this book to be a satisfying, engaging, and easy-to-read analysis of how human cultures respond to the unexplained, from healing practices to religious beliefs. The book does more than recount the history and the tragedy of past events—it also explores the complexity of human interactions and shows how modern society isn’t immune to these practices.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for TheseHauntedPages.
224 reviews8 followers
March 24, 2024
Witches and Witch Hunts Through the Ages covers quite a broad spectrum of topics from Witches in the Ancient World all the way up to Modern Day interpretations.

There were some interesting topics such as Arthurian legend in regards to Merlin and Morgan La Fey who I had actually never heard of and some very brief mentions of Greek Gods and Goddesses in regards to magic.

I feel in some places the book dragged (especially to do with the Romans) with some information not being very engaging and quite a bit of the book listing people and giving a summary on how they fit into the narrative of the accused, the accuser or the witch hunter.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me and arc.
Profile Image for Rebecca Hill.
Author 1 book59 followers
April 11, 2024
When someone hears witches - most automatically think of the famous trials that happened in Salem Massachussetts. However, there is more to witches and witch hunts than that - and they go further back than one might actually realize. From ancient to more medival and into a modern setting - the author brings to the forefront the different fears which have borne the witchhunt craze.

This was a fantastic read, and full of great information. I had heard of some, but not all of the pieces that were presented within this book. There is a lot of information to unpack, but it also allows those who are looking to delve deeper into some aspects, to do so.

Pretty good and engaging.
Profile Image for Georgi_Lvs_Books.
1,159 reviews27 followers
April 16, 2024
4.25 stars.

‘If there is one word that sums up the general view of witchcraft and our relationship with the perpetrators of that art, it has to be terror.’

This started off a little slow for me but after a while my interest really peaked!

It was very interesting to read about witchcraft from different era’s such as the ancient world to the Roman period and the Salem witch trials.

To know that even today in 2024, some places are not safe to practice witchcraft/declare yourself a witch and could therefore lead to death is quite frightening.

Chapter eight was a favourite of mine.

A must read for any history or witch lover.

‘The one constant was the torture that was perpetrated on virtually all of the victims. These ranged from the use of ‘the boot’, a device made from iron or wood that crushed the foot or leg, to flaying the skin off a victim while she as still alive.’
Profile Image for Key Esh.
14 reviews1 follower
March 19, 2024
I really enjoyed learning about the history of witches and witch hunters, as someone who loves reading about the fictional witches it is also nice to learn about the actual people who practice paganism or wicca and those who were accused of witchcraft.
I would recommend this book to those who are interested in history and/or those interested in witches.
Profile Image for Annarella.
13.2k reviews143 followers
April 20, 2024
This a good book if you never read anything about witches in history and how different civilization approached it.
Some parts are quite interesting, other are not so much interesting.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine
141 reviews
March 25, 2024
A broad and sweeping look at how witchcraft and witches themselves have been viewed throughout history. A good starting point from which to dive deeper into a particular era of interest.
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