Subway Academy II

PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1445

GRADE RANGE: 11 to 12

Subway Academy II's Mission Statement

Grades: 11-12
Approx. Enrolment: 98

Subway Academy II's mission is to enable students to achieve success and independence through personalized learning experiences.  Flexible, one-on-one or small group learning sessions replace classroom structures.  Emphasis on independent work and high academic performance cultivates responsibility, ownership, and active learning.  Individual attention and open concept workspaces create an inclusive learning community.  Our students learn that with independence comes responsibility. We offer courses in English, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Studies, Canadian and World Studies, Visual Arts, Photography, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Studies and Social Sciences and Humanities. 

Subway Academy II's mission cannot be realized without concrete policies on attendance.  All students are assigned three days per week on which they must attend school as well as additional days involving field trips, visiting speakers, workshops, and so on.  Even though students are scheduled three days a week they are welcome to come for all five, particularly if they are behind. 

Is Subway II the right fit?

Subway II works well for students who require a flexible school schedule and are ready to take more responsibility for their learning. 

More Information About Subway Academy II

How is the classroom replaced?

At Subway we work relationally. In sessions, with teachers, students work individually to explore the curriculum. They complete course readings and assignments outside of school and come prepared to discuss these in their session with their teacher. Working one-on-one allows the pair to focus on specific interests and challenges.

What supports are available at Subway II?

We offer a daily morning meal, food to take home for evenings and weekends, and part-time Child and Youth Work, Social Work, and Special Education support.

What does a day at Subway look like?

Students arrive at noon. After signing in you'll pick up a tablet and find yourself a comfortable spot in one of our workrooms. Teachers see students on a first-come first-served basis, so when they get to your name, they'll invite you to their workspace for your session.

How do I register for this unique program?

Get a copy of your Credit Counselling Summary from your most recent school and give us a call to book a registration appointment. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Student Life - Where You Belong


"One should guard against preaching to young people success in the customary form as the main aim in life. The most important motive for work in school and in life is pleasure in work, pleasure in its result, and the knowledge of the value of the result to the community."
Albert Einstein
We recognize you may have many responsibilities beyond school and need for school to work around your life rather than the other way around.  We can help you succeed by accommodating your many demands. 


Boundaries disappear when you walk into our school. We are an individualized study programme school with dedicated teachers who meet with you one-on-one a minimum of three days a week. Extra help is available at all times.
We help you develop the study and time management skills you need for your future. We build a custom course schedule designed to help you achieve your goals. We bring new meaning to teacher availability.  There is no staff room; we all work, learn and eat together.


We are connected to our community:  UT tutors, the Toronto Public Library, the AGO, ROM, and the Gardiner Ceramic museum. The Ontario Justice Education Network, Beverley School, Toronto Public Health, the City of Toronto Archives, Foodshare, Toronto Foundation for Student Success, the CBC, George Brown College, People with AIDS Foundation, CANFAR, Planned Parenthood, Bikes on Wheels, Bata Shoes Museum, Design Exchange, OISE, TIFF Lightbox, and local cinemas.  OCAD, Kensington Market, Superior Court of Justice, Alternative School Advisory Committee, frequent meetings between parents/teachers, and open communication between school and home.